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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Welcome to the site! I gots my wings, but I haven't flown since Falcon 4 about a year ago - so dang busy with Arma and my crappy flight stick likes to yaw (bad news in a sim).

    You'll find plenty of flyers here, best bet is to just log into one of the Flight channels in TS3, and if no one is in there, either wait a bit as someone may join you, or even post up a chat in the chatbox here at VETERANS-GAMING to get a flight goin.

    See you around! !cp
  2. BLuDKLoT =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

    PC Gaming can change your brain! Recent studies are finding that these changes improve creativity, decision-making, concentration and dexterity. What I find ironic is that the violent games have the most the beneficial effects on the gamers brain. Government-funded researchers in the US and Europe have reported similar findings.

    In the largest public study of electronic gaming so far, Mark Blair at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, is turning the games themselves into a laboratory for learning. He is analyzing the behavior of 150,000 people who play a popular online game called StarCraft II, to learn how new knowledge and experience can become second nature, integrated into the way we react to the world around us.

    I wonder how VG could get into this, lol.

    The sooner they get us some full Virtual Reality suits like a holodeck, the sooner we'll all be building muscle memory as well as mental training. I'm loving the direction the industry is going with biometrics and motion control!
  3. Good luck with that solo campaign - I found the bots too frustrating to control. Would be cool if it were COOP online campaign, but....

    And BTW, Savage, lol - I can't believe you made a new forum sig out of my facepalm "script" joke! !haha
    (upon review, the ( should be before the "getPos", not after. just needs to move to the left a bit...and the 0.003 is so "he" hit's his forehead, not his nose)
  4. The mission has to be set up proper for dedicated - as in, locality.
    if(not isServer) exitwith commands are needed for server side scripts, and if(not is player) exitwith{}; is needed for the player (one player only, the one who called the script) side scripts to run.

    I'll be online for it today, we could do this as a small event on the Insurgency Server - I don't think the two people there will mind.

    Also, looking forward, I am pretty well done with the "non-addon" CLAfghan mission and that server will be for all the public, no needs for mods or whatever.

    Perhaps we should try running different mods and missions with mods and addons on the Insurgency Server to bring that crowd of Arma players to our games as well. Not sure if there are plans in the works to fix/update Insurgency, but we need to get players in these servers however we can, asap!

    Cool addons and mods could be the trick.
  5. There was a time, in the Playstation (One) and PS2 days where I played every Tom Clancy/Ghost Recon game that got a half decent review. It pains me to hear they are moving in that "clone" direction that so many are nowadays, but in the past, the series has brought some excellent elements to the FPS shooter genre. I hope that is again the case with this one, despite it's "generic" elements they included to keep up with other popular franchises. I'll have to check this one out thoroughly now - you've got me interested!

    A game that died years ago - Do you believe in Ghosts?
  6. I have used both for these games since Battlefield 1942 through Project Reality, and now Arma 2. The thing about the conversion from games past using a flight stick to using one in Arma 2 is like night and day.

    I found it most difficult to learn how to fly large helicopters with the stick. Mostly because I came from a past of using games like BF2 and PR with high in-game flight stick sensitivity. My advice is to get what you can afford. The X52 series won't wear out on you as it doesn't use a potentiometer, hence the price - plus it's ready for a flight sim with all it's buttons.

    I use the Saitek Cyborg X and it has a number of buttons, all of which I use. It's around $40 depending on your area.

    Mainly, the thing to remember is - if you first fly a MH-J6 or AH-J6, then move up as you learn, HUEY, Blackhawk, and then eventually, Chinook, you will be able to fly them with a fun and immersive feel that doesn't make you any less capable of a pilot than a WSAD and Mouse controls setup.
  7. We will be including this mod, it has already been discussed. We also want to ensure that we have a "RECON" class of helicopter for a special set of side missions just for it. In Vanilla, it will be the AH-J6, to have a Laser Designator and IR/NVG as showin in PINS. I guess if we have to settle, it will wait for the Addon Version, but then again, I've never been one to settle - I've been told already the things I've proposed should be addons, but I want to do as much initially in the Vanilla version for the public and the masses of Arma players who do not use mods (yet).
  8. Squad organization has been returned to default/previous setup. A few slots are still out of place, but will be ordered correctly soon, with the next Hotfix for the RC of 0.95. We still have much testing to do, but with PITN's help this morning, we have knocked out or identified nearly all of the bugs and tweaks we want to do. I just need to put "pen to paper". First, a little more time playing the mission for me....
  9. Welcome to the website, bro! SA-10 Hunting, eh? I had my most entertaining time in Falcon on a SEAD Strike with Tyox a ways back. I liken it to "whack-a-mole"...as the RADAR spikes up, me just inside it's detection to keep it interested, and Tyox slams a HARM down it's throat. Good times....
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