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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Yeah I believe those settings are mission specific so the actual mission file needs to be edited.. might be best to have PITN look at it although if you send me the mission file I can take a look myself.
  2. Do you mean the mission parameters like time-of-day, AI skill level, etc? If so those are stored in the mission .pbo file and I'm not sure if you can set them in a server cfg file without editing the mission itself... PITN might know better
  3. Good info here I believe that stuff goes into the server.cfg file http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/tutorials/dedicated/
  4. Good idea man... speak to Fastjack he knows a lot about the SP/COOP issues with the maplist
  5. Good luck with the new place..drop by when you can!!
  6. Since getting stuck deep in the well of information overload that is Arma editing, I'm creating this thread to post any and all links relating to editing / mod / mission creation. It seems that anything you want to do in Arma has been done before it's just a matter of finding it or figuring out the syntax. This is a WIP and more content/links will be added over . Please if you know of any good resources or want to share your own stuff post it here!! Arma 2 actually has a 3D editor built in - press Alt-E at the main menu and you will get a 3D option in the editor. NOOBS START HERE - two PDF manuals you need to download and read BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING!! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13109 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 Squint - a must-have editor for Arma files (.sqf, .sqs. .ext, and so on) http://sites.google.com/site/macsarmatools/squint ***************************** Excellent youtube video series on the Arma Editor: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16680 More advance video tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2937921EE970A877&feature=plcp ****************************** BIS Official Arma2 Editing http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=92 BI Wiki - messy but has some decent info http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Main_Page List of YouTube videos http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=arma+2+editing&aq=f More videos from a TG member http://www.tacticalgamer.com/arma-mission-development/144524-armed-assault-2-editor-tutorial-series-pclipse.html Armaholic Forums - Addon Editing http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=topics&s=130 Armaholic Forums - Mission Editing http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=topics&s=131 Armaholic Forums - Scripting http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=topics&s=133 Armaholic Forums - Basic SQF Scripting Guide http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9220 Question and Answer Section of Armaholics http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=545 Question and Answer - ARMASTACK http://www.armastack.info/ List of Weapon Classes http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons A library of all available weapons, units, vehicles, warfare buildings and buildings on both Arma 2 islands http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class/ Config Browser for all objects including ACE http://browser.dev-heaven.net/home List of Scripting Commands http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 Script Examples http://www.kylania.com/ex/ Code Examples and Hints http://wiki.zspecialunit.org/index.php?title=ArmA_2_Mission_Editing_Code_Examples_and_Hints Beginner's Guide to Array Functions http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=100559 Beginner's Guide to Event Handlers http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=100564 Kelly's Heroes Editing Resources http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/forum/viewforum.php?f=39&sid=a38f7b4e76e2ed44048d0024931e9ec1 OFPEC Resources - Editors Depot http://www.ofpec.com/faq/index.php?action=read&cat=202&id=48 OFPEC Resources - Command Reference A-Z http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=list&game=All&letter=a **note that OFPEC Resources also contain info for Operation Flashpoint editing as well - make sure you are looking at the right section for your version of Arma** Custom in-game logos and squad.xml http://wiki.rustyinplaces.org/article/ArmA_2_Mission_Creating_-_Flags_and_Signs_Template http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/squad.xml Interesting Stuff http://zeus-community.net/jom/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=157 Creates custom ammo crates: http://13th-vdv.co.uk/dowaf/weapon.php ACE Documentation http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Documentation Other random Arma 2 Editing Forums: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=53 Have not tried yet but looked cool: http://www.plannedassault.com/ http://sandbox.darrenbrant.com/ http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6751 Waypoints Explained: http://www.ofpec.com/tutorials/index.php?action=show&id=14&page=20 TIPS: When copying and pasting objects in the editor, you can press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste them onto a new mission in the same position on the map that they were in the previous mission, provided it's the same map. Ctrl+V will only paste the objects relative to the mouse position. Use Ctrl+X to delete a large selection of objects: Much faster than the Delete key!
  7. Don't worry about it then I'm not going to lose any sleep over it...lol. I'm sure there are bigger issues for you to look at.
  8. Hi SavageCDN! I'm sorry to inform you, but you have been degraded! You are now a Master Sergeant . !sorry Should I send more hookers and blow??
  9. lol..poor BLud.. thanks for the update
  10. In FPS games I've always played vs humans (since DOOM LAN parties!!) - it's really only since joining VG that I've played COOP (players vs AI) - that and FPS AI in the past has been pretty bad/predictable/non-existant. I love the teamplay of COOP but really you can get that in PvP as well just need the right players/environment. Certainly PvP is more... tense and challenging than vs AI. I think that a game like Arma would be a good thing to try PvP as the game itself kinda weeds out the idiots and pwn kiddies. There is a regular group that plays PR deployment (gotta get back into that!!) ... perhaps they can add their $0.02
  11. This might be a better place than the chatbox :) Jarema on Thursday 28 July 2011 - 23:39:08 Have to comment on the AI vs Human thing here. AI uses hacks, I know this and can deal with it. Humans can use hacks and that alone is the reason I don't pvp. Played BF2 for years only to find out our old clan leader was and is a hacker. When he stepped aside and gave leadership to someone else they enabled the anti hack program thing and caught him red handed. He didn't like the fact so he hacked into all of the original clan members BF2 account and F with them. That is why my M.Jarema account is a 4 star general. On top of that I can't deal with people's internet mouths they piss me off. If you can eliminate the hacks and hacker 100% then you have my pvp support. So when hell freezes over, world hunger ends, and we have world peace without radical Islam I'll pvp with you all day long. bullet =VG= Bones on Friday 29 July 2011 - 00:49:30 Can't people still use hacks in COOP? And what is the difference between if the AI uses them and a human player? I still think you guys are missing the point. I am not saying that you should play PvP against random server players. i am saying that we should try it out against each other. For the most part all of you are a tight knit group. Are you not in the least bit curious how say Jarema's platoon of soldiers would stack up against Semlers? ( not picking on you two, just the quickest names I could think of) bullet Jarema on Friday 29 July 2011 - 04:26:08 AI hacks are controlled when human hacks are used to take control. Cheating bastards aside it is the attitudes that people have that really bug me. The whole "pro/pwn" shit is just too much for me. Its a game kiddies not a sport or event. Anyone from 8-80 blind crippled or crazy can play a game. People gloating about their "skill" makes my foot want to go right up their ass. I try to be a very modest person and have a very low tolerance for smug arrogant Sons of B1tches. In the end it boils down to the drama factor involved in pvp and that will never change, given human nature. bullet Calv on Friday 29 July 2011 - 06:34:41 Not playing PvP games due to concern for hacking is a bit of an over-reaction. I've been playing online since Unreal Tournament and ARMA is the first game I've played against bots. Rarely have I been in a game with a cheater or hacker though I have been accused of such things many times. And people gloat about their skill regardless of game mode, I've seen plenty of people in insurgency just interested in getting the most kills or finding all the caches first. It would be interesting to give PvP ARMA a try but it would have to be some kind of objective based mission, preferably with as few vehicles as possible. meh.. PvP can be a lot of fun in the right environment (AAS as Calv suggested or TDM or CTI). I'm creating a forum thread for this to ease dman's concerns
  12. Some good ACRE videos here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BsQBTQtiQQ&feature=player_embedded This one is a 7-parter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSH2-NJbI3Q&feature=player_embedded Also some manuals here: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/171/wiki/Radio_Manuals
  13. Hard to say.. if it means a low-pop server then I guess we shouldn't use it. Is it the combination of v0.966 and this mappack that is keeping the pop low? I thought we had this pack installed when the server was running v0.95?
  14. Q: Is this the Beta promised to buyers of Medal of Honor: Limited Edition? A: No, this is an Alpha Trial, meaning this software is still not at the "Beta" development milestone. The Open Beta will start in September. The exact date for when Medal of Honor: Limited Edition players can join the Beta will be announced at a later date. Q: Can I join the Battlefield 3 Closed Alpha Trial? A: The Alpha is a closed test and by invitation only. If you'd like to have a chance to be called upon make sure to register for our newsletter and ensure your Veteran status is up to date.
  15. Go to that folder \My documents\battlefield2 and delete the profiles folder (or move it somewhere else if you want to save it) then try and create a new profile in BF2
  16. hmmm... sounds like Windows can't access that Profiles folder - can you get to it through Explorer and see the files there? You could also try deleting your PR (BF2) profile and re-creating it..
  17. Still not sold.... just looks like a busier, prettier BF2 with average engagements at 50 meters or less.. maybe I'm just a poopy arma-pants!!!
  18. I'm not too familiar with the different modes...anyone??
  19. Fastjack I think he means that if it will crash all the time then why bother running a deployment server
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