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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Must-have editor for Arma files: http://sites.google.com/site/macsarmatools/squint For future reference: Making Map Objects Indesctructible add a gameLogic and set it to "objects" and put this in it's init field tower = (position this nearestobject 123256); tower allowDamage false; The id number of the building was 123256 this might not work for multiplayer (allowDamage false - need to use EventHandler for MP??)... also different syntax for multiple objects instead of a line per object Mount on APC - see attached .rar "Suite of scripts that allows up to 4 players to ride on the top of an APC. From there they can stand, crouch, turn around, shoot reload and disembark" - perhaps this will work with LB and SOAR? ontop2.utes.rar (From Semler) Here's the cars into C-130 template as well: attachto template 3 - Put car in C-130 [EDIT: Semler added link at bottom]
  2. I have the current edited version of Domination at the moment - if you want to make changes please speak to me first. Completed items in RED Current idea in no order, some already implemented: -UAV with Remote Station and "admin unlockable" or Squad Role based ability to launch it's Guided Missiles -Chinook: Lift ability for all but MLRS, Bradley, and Abrams -Chinook can load ammo boxes -Attack Helicopters have emergency supply box (ammo crate with minimal supplies; field dressing, colored smoke, etc) -Harrier with GBU's -T-90 for use by BLUFOR (in small town SE of main base, by howitzers) -Backpacks Added - US Patrol and Assault Packs -Many Attack Air Assets can be scripted to begin locked; admin can unlock -ACRE!!! We can and should add ACRE (without ACE) and use it in standard Domination alongside those who do not. It will add an additional level of playability for those with it and encourage others to join us on TeamSpeak. -TS3 Domination Channel Page should show header with active link to our Server Rules page on the site -Personalized custom loadouts for registered members by request SavageCDN SemlerPDX TortillaBoy Poffadder Raven800 NTF_Spears Raptor902 Beast Ingo -Ghille Suits for Snipers - changed class from Marksman to Sniper (Alpha and Charlie) due to threats from Beast -Southwest fort has a few movement snags on rooftop perimeter walking from pallet bridges to roof top edges - if not fixable, it's fine. -Need LAV-25 to be Liftable via CH-47 -Can we add the Flip-Vehicle script on this version? (see Fireball) -Parameters must be set to our agreed upon defaults (see me/dman, or the post about it) -Do we have a designated spot to load ammo boxes into the CH-47? -UAV Station - either fix the bug that makes it crash land, add a respawn at main script, or remove it and include in next version upload (remember, our goal is to limit version uploads to once every 2-4 weeks) -Can we get ACRE running now? (see BLuDKLoT/PITN/dman) -Will we be allowing ammo for the Javelin and/or NLAW? Need to add ammo if yes, remove launcher if no. I noticed there is Javelin ammo in the big vehicle weapons ammo crates.. was this just added? -All transport helis to have ammo box loading/unloading. Is this possible yet, if not, next version. -2nd CH-47 Chinook w/lift ability -Please customize map name to read VG Domination v2.6 for version tracking [EDIT: Semler Change Version Number on Final to v2.6]
  3. Oops I misses the big wookie in the room! As far as I can tell the Ghillie suit is not an object but just comes with the 'sniper' player class... so I think that is an easy fix... we just replace one of the player classes with a sniper!
  4. Noticed this in the PR forums today... looks like they are working hard on improving the netcode for ARMA and a fix for this will be included in the 1.60 update!! Our Lead Programmer, Suma, has posted an update regarding the status of the 1.60 patch for ARMA 2 on our forums, which you can find here. Originally Posted by Suma Good news The good news is we have made very promising progress with multiplayer interpolation, which looks like it could have a huge impact on solving jerkiness and jumping of remote units in multiplayer. The progress was so good we are now inclined to include this in the 1.60 version, as it looks we will be able to finish this a lot faster than we expected a week ago. Bad news The bad news is this is likely to delay the 1.60 patch a few weeks - you are already seeing this on the state of the beta patch. While the interpolation is not enabled in it still, it contains some preparation steps which are not well tested yet, and are causing crashes, funny footsteps, visual jerkiness issue. Please, consider the patches 84391 and newer "highly experimental" again until the situations stabilizes a bit, which we hope should be within a week. We apologize to those who already expected the 1.60 to be released "anytime" now, we think the improvement we are likely to make within the weeks to come will make the update worth waiting for. So, as you can see, 1.60 will indeed hold some nice goodies for you folks over here playing PR. You will just have to be patient for a little while longer. http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f440-pr-arma2-general-discussion/102861-patch-1-60-update-man-himself.html
  5. OK so as of Sunday evening here's what we have done so far (note this all needs to be tested on the dedicated server with at least 4-5 players); -Chinook: Lift ability for all but MLRS, Bradley, and Abrams -Chinook can load ammo boxes -Harrier with GBU's -T-90 for use by BLUFOR (in small town SE of main base, by howitzers) -Backpacks Added to ammo crates at main -UAV terminal at main (still some issues to be worked out) -Large FOB south of Zavarak that includes armor, repair facilities, and a mobile respawn vehicle -Small strong point North of Sakhee with ammo crates, MASH, and motorcycles @Torts - yes that will be difficult - Arma considers the SOAR passenger to be mounted in the vehicle so it may be a limitation of Arma we cannot work around Anything else I missed??
  6. Thanks for getting this post going, Semler. Not sure how far Poffadder got last night with adding the 2nd FOB in the north.. we are also going to test a mini-FOB west of Feruz Abad at a small T-intersection [0362.0558]
  7. There is definitely interest in ACE+ACRE still - we did have it running on a server however there were lots of issues with beta versions of TS3, etc and it was getting frustrating trying to make it all work. I'm sure that's all been worked out by now however.
  8. Well in PR we usually type out in text chat MORTARS FIRING B6 KP6 or something similar (more than once so that people see it).. if there is a commander you should inform him/her that you are firing so that he/she can relay via voice to other squad leaders. Other than that there isn't much else you can do (ie: map markers, etc) - keep spamming the chat with your target grid reference and hope that others read it !yes
  9. I bought a GTX 570 a few months ago and love it!! Cost me around the $350 mark. It's not the best in the line either..I think that is the 590 however it is mucho $$$ Not sure what the ATI equivalent is....
  10. There is a 2nd manual available as well..a bit more in depth: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 Also check my post for other good links: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15961
  11. http://www.realitywarfare.com/forums/portal.php Check the quote on their website from 'Alcaphone' - the guy that was banned for wearing VG tags!!
  12. +1 Brave Post Thanks for letting us know and good luck @ the home front
  13. haha.... guess I didn't make the cut either... they love BluD though
  14. Yes thanks for the report.. he will be burned slowly at the stake
  15. Raven your loadouts have been added and I think I've found all typos and extra spaces so Torts your binocs should appear now. I'll send Blud the updated mission .pbo later today.
  16. Welcome kingwael.. if you need any help hop on our Teamspeak server ts3.veterans-gaming.com
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