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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. What i meant was I thought that we might already be paying for two servers so we could just set one as COOP and one as deployment.... perhaps that is not the case.
  2. Holy fuzzy chair Batman!! Bet you can fit two of you on that sucker!!
  3. Just throwing this out there but what about having both? We used to have a 2nd PR server running INS (or was that the Training server?). Or does that mean more $$$ out the door each month?
  4. Seeing as the support for COOP gets worse every patch (except that SP mappack they released earlier in the year), it's probably a good idea to go deployment. I like dman's idea about Insurgency.. if there aren't any decent Ins servers out there perhaps this is where we can step up (like we did for COOP server). Can the server be set to switch sides each map (or play each map twice so peeps can play either side)? .. just thinking out loud here...
  5. Yeah if there are problems with your punkbuster install then servers will auto-kick you there is no way around it. You need to follow the link above and remove/re-install PB.
  6. We got lazy on the last rapid and thought we could just plow through it..nose dipped and water came in over the side and the current did the rest :)
  7. That is hilarious!! Looks like this was the order: 1. "You come in peace? You come in pieces!" 2. "Please don't feed the Aliens" 3. "Earth. Love It or Leave It."
  8. Bloody gorgeous scenery for the last leg of the river.
  9. Jodi and I after our last portage...heading to the final rapids. This was the only time we bailed during the whole trek.
  10. We had to portage across sections where we were too chicken to do the rapids (or the water level was too low like in the 1st pic). Portaging on the 3rd day was much easier as we had already consumed most of the beer and wine the night before.
  11. On our way to the first rapid... this one was fun as we stopped and did some leaps into the rushing water.
  12. We did have a guide who was Mr CanoeHead. This guy could flip his canoe underwater and right himself back up in 10 seconds. He also did most of the rapids STANDING UP on his canoe.
  13. Still too foggy to leave the campsite...but 15 minutes later...
  14. This pics are from our trek last year...doing this again in August or early September. It was a 2 night 3 day canoe trip down the Dumoine River about 150km east of Ottawa. Camping in tents overnight.. we had to bring EVERYTHING with us in 60 litre barrels as the nearest civilization (read: Beer Store) was 80km away. First night was just getting to the campsite and setting up. By the time we got organized it was too dark to take photos. Here is breakfast next morning (I'm in the green fleece on the left in 1st pic).
  15. lol..as long as you dont turn into a carebear!!
  16. My suggestion would be less 'stuff' on the main page - site loads pretty slow for me as it is now and I'm probably not the only one. Not sure if that's because of the plugins or what. Content-wise I think we're good... maybe as DTRON suggested some more info about us on the main page. Shoutbox, TS3 viewer...that stuff should stay for sure. Love that =VG= logo!!
  17. (Just move his stapler to the new site and he'll follow)
  18. Sounds like a nice machine...congrats!!
  19. That is frustrating... hey why wasn't I invited to your beach house Memorial Day weekend????
  20. Don't get me started about the US and their attempts to lock down the Internet in order to prop up a bunch of dinosaur media corporations. The very fact that this stuff falls under CRIMINAL law is just... well ridiculous. Up to FIVE YEARS IN JAIL for streaming a video? I might as well rob a bank I'll do less time... Not that we're much better in Canada but the US takes it to a whole new level of insane.
  21. It will be enough to get you hooked then you will buy the full version !yes
  22. Yes it is a great card... my first HIGH-end GPU since I bought a 16MB 3DFX voodoo card however many years ago! Do you have ARMA2? I am totally addicted...
  23. Sounds good DTRON - by the time you get things setup it will be time to upgrade again !winker
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