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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.

=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Hey guys! @Ciro I replied to your PM let me know if you need more help.
  2. If I can get PR installed and working by Saturday I'm in... that is if you accept PR noobs
  3. @ Solar - let me know if you need me to reset your RDP account. Sav
  4. Badploy nice to see you active again!

    1. WCCBadploy


      Greetings Matey, I know, I had some pressing commitments that kept me from enjoying the greatest pastime on the planet!! How are you doing, Bro?

    2. =VG= SavageCDN

      =VG= SavageCDN

      Still alive not gaming nearly as much these days...work, etc.  Trying to find the time to join the PR event this weekend.

      Hope to see you on the battlefield soon!



    3. WCCBadploy


      I understand completely. I will be around for tonight's festivities. Hopefully I will see you then. I am downloading the map pack right now.

  5. All services have now been restored. Please let us know if you encounter any further issues.
  6. Thank God for portable ramps.
  7. =VG= SavageCDN

    Pont barré!

    Washed out wooden bridge on the way to Fishing Camp 2015.
  8. The filename is a bit misleading. This is a British 6in Naval Gun fired by Canadians from behind Canadian lines. Vimy Ridge - Pas de Calais, France. May 1917.
  9. I haven't messed with unitPlay myself either... especially in A2. It's supposed to be easier/better/etc in A3 but I have never tried it. Youtube has some tutorials on this not sure how accurate they are but might be worth checking out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryB20wQhSr0
  10. Hey Orion nice to see you still around... take care of the family first the rest of this shit can wait.
  11. "3Dfx Voodoo" - lol my first computer part purchase with my own money :)
  12. I have this game now hopefully can find some time to actually play it!
  13. =VG= SavageCDN


    It seems one has to apply for the server files (just like PR) - I'm just waiting to hear back from the Squad guys.
  14. =VG= SavageCDN


    Will check out the server requirements and see if we can host our own VG Squad server (assuming there is enough interest)?
  15. Thanks guys.. I will try for this Friday at 7:00am EST which I believe is 12:00pm UTC.. .can't do any earlier or I won't get my beauty sleep!!! Figure about 10-15 minutes of actual downtime.
  16. Please note I will need to reboot the dedicated server this coming weekend - anyone recommend the best time to do so (UTC)? I'm thinking before 12pm UTC. Note this affects all game servers as well as Teamspeak. Website will not be affected.
  17. Great.. PM me the info here and I'll try to take a look tonight before I leave... if not it will have to be next week (Monday).
  18. Sup Murder!! The tool panel you mentioned - is this to just administer the operating system (Win or Linux)? Or is it a game hosting panel like we use (TCAdmin)? If it is a game hosting panel then you should be able to 'see' your server when you login - start/stop, make changes, etc. There should be a Command Line section where you can create different startup command lines (ie: for different mod sets). If it's NOT a game hosting panel where you can change settings or start/stop the game server, then you'll need to either get one (which is not easy to setup), or login to the server via remote acccess (RDP) and launch the game from the remote session desktop. There is a great thread on BIS forums by Terox: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139003-tutorial-how-to-run-arma3-on-a-dedicated-server/ Also more info here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server It might be easier if we are both on TS... but I'm out of town Friday - Sunday so might not be able to hook up until next week. If you trust me not to fuck you over you could PM me your login info later today and I can quickly login and check out your setup. If it uses TCAdmin I can give you a good tutorial on how to fuck it up !yes
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