ACRE Comms Usage The Default Hot-Keys for ACRE Are as follows: CTRL + SHIFT + X . Open your current radio GUI, if you have one CTRL + SHIFT + S . Hot-swap between the radios you are carrying as your active radio Direct Speaking Use your normal Teamspeak PTT Key, whatever you have configured it as. You will hear people move about you in 3D. Radio Transmission Whenever a person speaks or you yourself speak on a radio, you will hear two different types of 'squawks'. indicating both begin and end of transmission. Be careful! Transmitting at the same time as someone else creates feedback, and will make everyone listening angry. If you do not hear anything, that means you are out of range. Additionally, you will hear a background fuzz and distortion on a person speaking when they are on radio. Lastly, you can hear a person speak 'directly' when they speak on a radio, if you are not listening to that frequency. If you don't hear the distortion and buzz, that means you aren?t receiving their radio transmission. Basic Operation 1. If you're player has started with ItemRadio, it will automatically be replaced with a PRC-148 2. If it is the only radio on you, it is active by default 3. Press either CTRL+SHIFT+S to swap between active radios, or CTRL+SHIFT+V to view your radios 4. Select the radio you want to use in step #3 5. Press CTRL+SHIFT+X, the Radio GUI will open 6. Press ESC to leave the GUI (or Ctrl-Shift-X again) AN/PRC-148 1. click the UP and DOWN arrows on the radio . The channel and frequency will be displayed. Be on the same channel/frequency as someone else 2. Press and HOLD your Radio PTT Key (CAPSLOCK) . You will hear a 'squawk', or beep, which indicates you are transmitting 3. Say "I am a jolly Rodger" 4. Let go of your Radio PTT Key (CAPSLOCK) . You will hear another 'squawk', or radio "cut", indicating you have stopped transmitting AN/PRC-119 The AN/PRC-119 consists of multiple functions on the radio. Currently, some are not enabled. The functionality available as of right now is as follows: * 6 pre-programmed channels. . You are able to click the knob to 'turn' it between channels * Switching between power(PWR) modes. These are 400mW, 2200mW, 4000mW, and 40,000mW . 40,000mW is "PA Mode", which is only avialable in vehicles * Programming to a custom frequency. This is not savable in a channel. In a simple scenario, you can simply click the channel knob, and you will be on those frequencies. If you wish to program a custom frequency, you can do the following: 1. Click the 'CLR' button to clear the current frequency 2. Program the 5-digit frequency you wish to use. . Ex: if you want the frequency 3.111, this would be programmed by clicking: 0 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 3. Click 'CTO' to use that frequency. CTRL + SHIFT + V . Window displaying information on the radios you are carrying, and ability to change active radio CAPSLOCK . Radio PTT(Push-To-Talk) Key ** ALL OF THESE KEYS ARE CONFIGURATION VIA: ARMA 2\USERCONFIG\ACRE\ACRE_KEYS.HPP **