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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. ssgshilling LAN_WROTE ... LOL nice buds!!! Is that arma Savage? Yeah... super-realistic drug fields lol Downloading PR now
  2. ssgshilling LAN_WROTE ... LOL cannabis fields, can't smoke it but you can set it on fire. LMMFAO!!!! Needs a mod to fix that :) http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/another_profiles/userimages/611/Arma_2/smoked.jpg
  3. yeah there are still a lot of issues with certain scripts especially AI scripts. that insurgency mission is OK but it's no pogoman/Fireball version :) hopefully that is still being worked on (I am assuming they are waiting for game to be more stable before doing it).
  4. still lots of shit throwing errors especially AI scripts (but my PC is working again!!) thinking of putting a TvT or DM mission up as they tend to be 'simpler' and less error-prone... any objections? Haven't forgotten about RCON guys just ran into some issues.
  5. Oh god please yes!! Really the ACE interaction system is gold they should just re-do it in vanilla A3. Weapon Resting http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=432
  6. Well with this latest update most missions are broken or at least throwing tons of script errors :(
  7. Hmm...not sure why but it's up and running Domination now - remember to run the STABLE version not the DEV version of Arma 3 Thinking of doing an informal event on Saturday if I can get my PC working again. If so it will be a simple mission on a new map for A3 that has not been released yet (shhhh). Link to download map is here (it's 1.9GB): http://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/Fallujah_A3.zip Please don't spread it around as I mentioned there has not been an official release yet and I don't want to piss anyone off. If you're interested reply here.
  8. Sorry guys I forgot with switching back to STABLE branch there is no Battleye/RCON. Once the next stable update is released we'll be good to go. I'll set everyone up then. @Murder - no ping limit now you should be good to go
  9. Ok guys I'll fire you PMs in a day or two and get you setup...thanks Any objections to reverting back to the Stable branch? DEV is too fucked up ATM and we're not seeing any players in the server anyway. Stable means less frequent updates (read: less work for me), a larger player pool, and a better selection of missions that don't break.
  10. Great!! Can you post up what params you had it set at and I can change them to be the defaults?
  11. Yeah a few factors I think in the lull in A3 numbers.. hacking as you mentioned... problems with the recent updates breaking stuff... summertime... etc etc. BE is a godsend!! edit: got RCON working now on the A3 server. Post here if you would like access (and are an admin already)
  12. PM sent edit: forgot to fix that issue yesterday will get to it today
  13. Well I did adjust some default params yesterday so maybe that screwed something up. I'll change them back and reset the server after work today. Thanks again for the reports! Do you have the in-game admin password for the MSO server?
  14. Server has been pretty empty (problems with DEV mostly) so I'm switching it to a DM-style mission. Also BattleEye has been released for A3 (DEV only) so I've set that up just needs some testing (ie: RCON)
  15. Hmm...not sure why that is the case. I'll take a look after work and see if anything has changed. Found this: http://thearmainterviews.blogspot.de/2013/07/the-interviews-part-3-mso-multi-session.html They talk about next-generation MSO... Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment (ALIVE) Why Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment? Clearly ArmA3 is heavily focused at infantry simulation and this is where we are focusing our efforts too. We want to provide everything that mission editors and players need to run Company level military operations with all the support/logistics/enemy required for a dynamic and persistent ?multi-session? campaign. The campaign is ?alive? in the sense that OPFOR will work against you throughout the campaign, remembering its objectives and state between restarts. Why a mod and not a set of mission scripts? Well we?ve kinda all grown up! We really wanted to make it super simple, so most of our code is wrapped up in editor modules. You want IEDs? Just plonk down the IED editor module. You want all the OPFOR AI working as a strategic force? Place the OPCOM module. You want player persistence? Turn on the DB module. It is all really straightforward. Of course for those guys that like to tinker with code, we welcome improvements and contributions! It may be weeks or months - not before it?s ready! Like all volunteer projects we are constantly battling against real life jobs and family so work can be very stop-start. However, what I can reveal is that we have a functional proof of concept for ALiVE and it?s a massive advance from MSO. Inspired by Rydygier?s work on HETMAN AI Commander, Highhead has created an enemy that is no longer static but acts and behaves like a real Opposing Force. We are using a revolutionary new Profiles system created by ArJay that enhances performance massively. Tupolov and Gunny are working on full database and web integration whilst Wolffy has designed a system capable of analysing maps and pre-building the mission automatically, meaning ALiVE will work out of the box with addon islands in the future. We wanted to ensure that the player base can also participate in ALiVE outside of the game, so we have a web based ?companion? app. This will track player stats, mission objectives, mission action reports and much more. We will have live feeds from ALiVE games straight to the companion app too, so its pretty ground breaking stuff. We?ve worked on bringing together some of the latest web technologies such as RESTful based NOSQL databases, HTML 5 and xRTML.
  16. I'll get it sorted out this evening thanks for report edit: HC back up and running also installed the latest ACE update which should fix the ShacTac problem - please test STHUD if you are joining and if you have problems with ACE interaction between players you'll need to disable it again. Please make sure you are joining with the beta version of OA as well as CBA_CO, and make sure your @ACE is up to date. I've updated a few of the PDB parameters - it's not saving EVERYTHING into the database anymore... just player and object-related stuff. I found with testing it stopped a lot of the desync and hiccups during the mission (ie: saves every 10 minutes to DB... FPS is low while things are being saved). We'll see if it runs any better. whiztler LAN_WROTE ... Last night the HC slot lost connection (crashed?) and now the server is running without HC. Were you connected to the server when this happened? Did it just say that it disconnected or was there some kind of error message?
  17. Another update to DEV today - server updated. Not sure if VAS issue is fixed but I see author has released update for it. I'll need to update the mission file tonight. If anyone joins and tests the VAS can you post results in chatbox? nvm VAS author released an update... mission has been updated on server all is good
  18. Daily backup is configured for GameService 6. Do I need to backup the .jar file or just the .txt and data stuff?
  19. Daily backup is configured for GameService 6. Do I need to backup the .jar file or just the .txt and data stuff?
  20. Updated DEV again.. this time they broke some stuff especially the VAS ammobox system. Hoping a fix is released soon as a lot of missions use VAS
  21. Ok well for now if the HC fucks up you'll just have to play the Patrol Ops missions.. post a msg in the chatbox if that is the case and I'll fix it when I get a chance (server and HC need to be restarted)
  22. Reset the server today and adjusted the Patrol Ops missions. When you say Opfor spawn is 'delayed' what do you mean exactly? HC should always be in the civilian slot but I've seen sometimes it joins blufor... I think it's just buggy. When the HC is in a blufor slot do the enemy AI still spawn, etc?
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