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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Let me know if there are any changes needed from the Insurgency DAP v1.05b running now on the server.
  2. Only reason we password them is for testing (ie: Insurgency) - if they are open to the public it becomes a clusterfuck. Also remember we still don't have proper server files and tools to manage them so that is also a clusterfuck :)
  3. Good idea Murder. Should we keep 2 x Dynamic War mission running on 2 pubs and domi or insurgency on private? Potential admins must have an account here on the website (didn't see KillAlot registered here.. unless I'm blind?)
  4. Thanks for the reports guys keep them coming. I don't know 100% if the alpha ban system even works... if not well I have their GUIDs and they will be banned as soon as Battleye works for A3. Ones I could not locate in logs (note that this may mean the log has not been rotated out.. it might be found next check) infinitefast - I did find an infinitesuns player though? .=BRA=.SD Jackall Tim_K or Tim-k Already banned: Kim Jong Un Victor DLW Gazi Emili QAAN Pr1De Adam wunderley OILBOSS Tsukune Kids BlackLink-27 Juho Littleprod acroshard Lukus Ishmale Johanson MaciekPC Roman If you are an Arma 3 server admin reading this post and would like to trade ban lists please send me a PM or post request here.
  5. Didn't have much time last week to make changes but will be doing some work this week. I'm not going to spend too much time on the Domi and Ins missions yet as they are still being updated by the author... but I will see if I can remove the BF crap easily. I think Castor wants to use the Insurgency one for this weekend so I'll be tweaking it later in the week.
  6. BF stuff are you referring to the radio requests ripped from BF, the intro vid, or both? Also please make sure you are clear on which mission when posting feedback. 1- Dynamic War Sandbox co25 2 - Insurgency DAP co32 3 - Domination AH
  7. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Big thanks to those doing the in-game admin... it does suck at times If you are a regular player on our servers and would like admin please post a request here. No guarantees but you will be considered !senile Actually Castor I had made the offer in a previous post... I figured if there are regulars we get to know there would be no problem giving admin... as right now we can only admin the servers by actually being in-game. @PITN - are you referring to Domination or Insurgency mission?
  8. #3 Players GUID For Arma 3 Alpha it is currently not possible to get the player UID in-game unless you are logged in as admin. Luckily we log the shit out of our A3 servers. If you post the players EXACT name and the server they were playing on I can get their UID and add them to the ban list.
  9. ^ all three definitely up..sometimes you need to refresh the MP browser a few times to get them all to show up (thank you GameSpy) So seems to be OK now? One crash reported earlier but that is all I think. Oh and that radio script.. does it suck? Also does anyone else get problems like Outlanders, where you are kicked regularly for signature check timeouts? Outlanders - have you tried after the update and same problem? All three servers up for 5+ hours now !boss Big thanks to those doing the in-game admin... it does suck at times If you are a regular player on our servers and would like admin please post a request here. No guarantees but you will be considered !senile
  10. Yep small patch released just now with fixes. Taking down servers now to update. Sorry for the lack of notice but this update fixes the problem with grenades, etc crashing the server. Can someone join all three and make sure they are OK?
  11. We've deployed a small hotfix to default branch to target a particularly nasty crash (does not contain any other changes from the Development branch!): Crash related to grenade throwing fixed Weapon visual and audio synchronization improved Dedicated Server countdown fixed http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151644-Alpha-SPOTREPs&p=2356242&viewfull=1#post2356242 Can anyone check and see if Arma3 is updating with a small patch today?
  12. We also have the option of using the radio script (now in DWS mission)
  13. Should be able to make it. If you mean the Insurgency DAP mission on the server I haven't had a good look at it yet.. might need some work. If you can, test it out with some players and see how it runs. - are there enough AI to fight? - how does the mission run with a lot of players? - more/less player slots? - what needs to be added (ie: VAS ammo system, radio script, more transport, etc)? I'd prefer to not force any mods server-side due to the issues involved with the alpha... maybe we can keep it to client-side mods for now?
  14. Well then... I guess we wait for BIS to fix the problem. Another option is the Dev branch which apparently does not have this issue (but probably has others being a dev build). This would mean updating the servers to Dev build, and all players would be forced to update as well, which I'm not too keen on doing, especially if a fix is being released soon (no idea if that is the case). Please vote up this ticket - more votes = sooner fix. If you have the Alpha version you should have a login for this website as well (same as BIStudios forums or store site I think). http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5920 Posts from this morning: dazhbog (developer) Hotfix in progress, we don't want to force you to switch to dev servers as well :) japapatramtara (developer) In fact.. We're working on a new stable release build which could be distributed this during week Dwarden: so btw. A3 alpha dev build was updated today with quite some of fixes and OA mergers
  15. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5920 Apparently this is the issue? A bit more verbose: If a player throws two grenades shortly after each other, the server will crash. If two players throw one grenade each at the same time, the server won't crash. Setting one of the servers to private for now... I'm guessing that idiots will join and throw grenades just to crash the server. From feedback thread: We could not reproduce the issue without grenades yet. Our guys are playing on a now passworded server for 2+ hrs without any crashes (everyone knows about the grenades). Saw some clones today http://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/clones.jpg
  16. More A3 server crashes than usual today... not sure if it's due to the patch or not. Putting all three back on version M of the mission (they were running ver N) to see if it's related to any changes seems there may be patch issues http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151637-New-STEAM-patch-update-25th-March-2013 doesn't seem like mission version matters - putting back to ver N some disheartening quotes from BIS forums: i just keep getting no message received messages after about 10mins on any server. well i've spent 4 hours on various different servers and every single one of them crashed after about 10 minutes with the red connection time out thing. wonder if it is a problem with the new update? Indeed, there is a general crash with the last alpha update, tho I'm not sure it's because people are using old missions using scripts with the old class names or because of a bug. I've checked the mission that is running there is no reference to the 2 (known) classnames that were changed: B_Carryall_oucamo_Exp (a backpack) A3_Soft_F_Galkin (OPFOR vehicle)
  17. Hi there thanks for the post and invite. Loadouts seem to be the most troublesome aspect of it for sure. We do MSO events on occasion so keep your eyes open - it is usually open to anyone who signs up. We also do joint operations with other communities so if that is of interest please let me know.
  18. no that is fucked :) Have you tried verifying game cache in Steam? Also try defragging your hard drives From what I can tell, it does the sig check when you join the server (maybe it's the same in Arma2?). On my PC my hard drive light goes solid for like 15-20 seconds during this check (and I have an SSD) which is the cause of the briefing screen 'lag' .... so I'm thinking the sig check stuff is not 100% for A3 yet? Also I think if your hard drive is on the slow side it can cause problems with signature timeouts at briefing.
  19. All I care is that it doesn't take 5 minutes of crashing now to start the game in Steam :) Fish should be less inclined to travel on land Aw..... hope they didn't fix the tactical snakes!!
  20. Yes unfortunately it has to be in order to run non-passworded servers.. otherwise we get hackers and people joining with @MCC mod (allows you to spawn in stuff). Do you have problems joining with sigs enabled?
  21. All servers updated to latest 0.52 Alpha build! Updated A3 Client-side Addons Pack (see 2nd post in this thread for details) - also available in Arma III TS channel file browser All keys added to server DWS mission updated to version N -added sub radio script -updated BTC revive -increased # of lives from 10 to 50 -increased debug display time from every 3 minutes to every 5 Added Insurgency DAP mission (co32_Insurgency_DAP_095a.Stratis) - available for play Steam on server is up to 270 hours played! We are breaking 100GB of bandwidth on Arma dedi every day!!
  22. A few updates for the mission and I'm going to take down the servers shortly to install alpha patch released today.
  23. I've added .bikey files for CBA, sthud, hmm_stanceindicator, FA_GPS... but I still cannot join the server with those mods loaded. Can someone else try and post your results? edit: some Domi mission released today up on private server now
  24. New version K up on private server now as default, Pubs on next restart. - new base layout with added heli protection.. i'll pretty it up later - removed satchels from repair specialists - updated VAS script.. I think this resets all loadouts at least it did for me... sorry about that but hey.. it's an alpha :) edit: sorry i forgot to turn off debug hint.. next time we broke 100G bandwidth usage today on the server :)
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