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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. ^ not sure actually.. I'll check the config files and make sure voting isn't disabled or something edit: config files are OK voting is enabled needs 25% of pop to work Can anyone else confirm voting in mission does not work? If not I'm going to firebomb BIS offices.
  2. Yeah that is just a debug monitor I will turn that off in the next version
  3. Yeah good point I was hoping to have a more organized structure to it for the event based on feedback but that will have to wait I suppose.
  4. Ok here's the situation. (parents went away on a weeks vacation...) I have not spent any time preparing for this event.. been stuck in Arma3 getting servers up and running, etc. If we go ahead and do something on Saturday it will have to be something simple like mass ACE Insurgency or something. I'm assuming the other 2 communities will have guys willing to join in as there were over 10 signups from outside VG (LAMBS, BanterWagon). Anyone have any thoughts / comments? I'm sorry I did not get organized enough to follow through with this.. perhaps next time when I can get some assistance from LAMBS mission makers (we've had a few discussions already).
  5. ^ PM sent I've updated the restarter.exe program that keeps all 3 servers up and running (there were issues with the old one) I haven't had a lot of time last day or two to work on updates/changes to the mission. I'll also get the mods situation sorted out tonight or tomorrow so that players can join with client-side mods... as long as they have a server .bikey released with the mod (no server key = mod not allowed) Quick in-game admin HOWTO: #login password #logout #kick playername You can also hit Map, Players, select player, Kick off (sometimes this is easier than trying to type the name) #missions Ends the current mission and brings you to the list of available missions #monitor 10 Shows the server FPS and bandwidth usage every 10 seconds #monitor 0 Turns of FPS monitoring ** Please make sure you logout after kicking or restarting mission - ie: DO NOT stay logged in for long periods of time **
  6. ^ probably I just haven't had time to get it sorted out
  7. PM sent Jager Thanks for the report Hulio I am keeping a list that will be banned as soon as we get some server tools. *** Important News for A3 Servers *** I have enabled v2 signature checking on both servers to help combat the hacking, etc. For now you cannot load in with any mods running.. don't worry this will change as soon as server keys are released for mods. One of the side effects of sig checking in the Alpha is lag in the slot/briefing screens... so please be patient when joining and it seems your game is frozen. Just wait a minute it will figure itself out. ** this freezing is worse if your computer is below spec... especially your hard drive **
  8. both servers updated to verision i -updated revive script -added AI suppression and LOS script - automagically disables itself if server < 15 fps minor fixes: -mhq has toolkits now but they don't seem to reappear on respawn -tried to give a bit more space for choppers but still don't like the base layout (forgot to re-arrange ammo & teleport) PITN was right it seems to run best with AI at 10% CQB running on clients (with all 25 players on). Not sure how it will scale to low server population. The AI patrol groups (not DAC) run on the server. Today server was full and server FPS was 15 at lowest.. which is OK.
  9. Not sure about running three A3 servers.. I'd have to look at resource usage on the dedicated. Plus it's not easy to assign cores like we can do with TCAdmin since A3 does not have a real 'server' files (yet). I'll see what I can do though :)
  10. instant LAN_WROTE ... Re: AH-9 I'd suggest adding into server rules on login regarding AH-9 usage (and adding it again), not to engage AOs (Which I would assume most often would be the squares/areas with buildings) unless called in for CAS. But that it is allowed to act as either overwatch or free-roaming Seek and Destroy for enemy vehicles (more of them regardless would be nice). As much as I'd like to leave CAS in having a 'rule' doesn't really help deal with those who either: - jump in CAS, take off, raze the island - jump in CAS, destroy base (unless they tk the scripts won't kick them) - use CAS as transport anyway Right now it is difficult to run a server since there are no admin tools like battleye or RCON... so I'm trying to make it as 'idiot-resistant' as possible for the moment. Short of babysitting the server by sitting in-game there isn't much we can do. We will probably end up having one public server that is locked down, and a passworded server with less restrictions, better CAS and free blowjobs... in the hopes that the real team players will get sick of the public server and get on the private one. instant LAN_WROTE ... Question regarding the server; Do you have any performance details including bandwidth consumption with 24 players (and cpu/memory). I was thinking about the possibility of using some of the spare bandwidth where I work for a server but would like to have some metrics before going further. Our server runs 4 Arma 2 servers and 2 Arma 3 servers (plus teamspeak, some other stuff) core i7-2600 32GB RAM 100mbit Hard to gauge the CPU usage right now but it runs around 15-25% on the core it is assigned to.. don't have any real data though so that is more of a guess. For most mission types I find 156kpbs - 200kpbs upload per player is enough (includes some overhead). For MSO-style missions like this one the upload can be a bit higher around 256kbps per player. So if you have 10mbit line you should be able to do 32 players easily.
  11. Some fixes for G version from feedback: - removed explosives and satchels from VAS - players may still have a custom loadout that has explosives and repair specialists still start with satchels - can fix that later by removeAllWeapons at start - back to 3 x pilots and 3 choppers 2 x MH9 and 1 x KA60... the KA60 is an OPFOR chopper so we'll have to see how the enemy AI handle it - 2nd repair service at base - 2 x repair kit added to each vehicle - should respawn with them too but need to test that - all vehicle wrecks should disappear now once the vehicle respawns - random civ trucks scattered around map - changed default CQB to 30% running on clients (from 40% on server) as it seems to spawn more bad guys running on clients More to follow....
  12. Nah just trying to get something decent up and running for public consumption. There seems to be a need both servers are maxed at peak times. BTW that cat is fucked :)
  13. Thanks for all the suggestions keep 'em coming. I'll go through them later today. One server is running same version as yesterday (f) the other a newer version (g) - done before the suggestions :) G version - kept diver squad, now 4 x pilots, more repair guys - 4 x MH9 (will consider putting AH9 back I'm just sick of pilots razing an AO for no reason) - moved base to southern tip of island (space considerations) - added AI suppression script (twpcas A3 beta) - trying to force setSkill on enemy AI (0.3) to lower their aimbot ability* - added more enemy infantry patrols - default CQB percentage is now 40% * at the moment there is a bug with server config files and setting enemy skill. Basically all AI skill are set at 1 (max) and changing through the server's profile .cfg has no effect *************************************** Quick feedback from this AM: - go back to 2 x MH9 and add unarmed KA60 - 3 pilot slots or 4 ?? - consider moving base back to LZ Connor - still need more enemies !!! - redo some base design - remove mortar pit - remove mines/explosives
  14. Don't worry about it Murder.. I wasn't having the best day either :) OK so here's my plan for the mission - if you have any feedback I'd love to hear it: -remove AH9 and use transport only choppers -4 pilot slots, 4 choppers ?? -engineer and medic in each squad if possible -lose the diver-specific squad (you can always dressup) ? -revive marker on map? -move base to southern tip of island or NE tip? -more enemy patrols -add hint on entering MHQ that it is an MHQ -making teleport toilet and ammo boxes MP idiot proof (ie: can't run them over, blow them up, etc) -make base barriers invincible
  15. MP browser filter for Veterans you should find it. Mission originally had 30 slots but it ran like shit with 30 players.. 24 seems to be OK though. Both servers are now public running the same mission.
  16. I was using the passworded server yesterday to test stuff for the public server and forgot to put the non-public version (no TK stuff) back up.... after about 6 hours of working on it. So sorry I ruined your day. If you want the admin password (goes for any VG member) just send me a PM and let me know if you need to be shown how to use it. Remember there are no controls outside of the game you must join the server to do any admin tasks. DO NOT stay logged in on the server while playing!!! Logout once you've finished doing whatever. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Server_Commands Dynamic War Sandbox v1.4c VG is the name of the mission for the private server Dynamic War Sandbox v1.4f Public (or something like that) for the public server I'll clean up the mission folder later today so it's less confusing
  17. I was able to get a 2nd A3 server up and running today - so the same one with password (called Arma 3) and now a public non-password server (Arma 3 Public). We'll see how it goes.... if there are too many idiots on the public server I'll just shut it down (no server admin controls or easy way to ban players yet)
  18. 0:00:37 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (1ae1586d05571c74f4c4a732a496d9b6) of player #2 Kim Jong Un 0:04:29 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (1ae1586d05571c74f4c4a732a496d9b6) of player #2 KIM JONG IL Yep same player... banned
  19. Thanks for the report I'll check it... has anyone else experience this?
  20. Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Voted Thanks Outlanders. For those interested I have complied a list of important issues that should be voted up (IMHO of course): Scripting, etc http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=504 AI precision at range http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3480 AI Building behavior routines http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4553 Weapons Deploying bipod http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=432 Unrealistic recoil http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2425 Attachment config changes http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2766 Stupid binocs!! http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1899 Bullet in chamber accounting: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=625 Visual issues Grass Rendering at distance http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3505 Blurry mid-range texturess http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4635 Night lighting at specific times of day http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3119 Other Firing from vehicles http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2452 Stance change key mappings http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2653 Scroll wheel explosives http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2694 Uncontrollable running http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3054 lol Tactical Snakes :) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1077 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1340
  21. =VG= OniBlood LAN_WROTE ... If only we had MSO for I44 Hmmm.....
  22. ^ what you didn't like the InYourFace GPS? Updates today for a few mods.. I'll update the pack tonight
  23. Dynamic War Sandbox updated today v2.5: - complete re-write of mission using F3 Framework instead of MSO - uses UPSMON for AI spawning instead of MSO CQB module - new AI caching system (CEP caching) - missions ends if enemy AI numbers drop below 15 - hybrid headless client system - reduced AI numbers in Agia Marina due to complaints of low FPS Gonna take a look later today. I spent a lot of time on the 1.4 version we are running now so I'd like to make sure this one is good before swapping it out.
  24. =VG= OniBlood LAN_WROTE ... But I wont be here........ We'll take some nice photos for you !yes Suggestions are welcome for the event - the easiest thing for us to do is just use MSO Reshmaan and customize some tasks, etc (like before but with more bad guys to shoot at). Other suggestions are welcome too (keep in mind we could get over 30 players again).
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