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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. hmm...I think it was just one... sorry :) I'll add more later. If there are two or more of you on the server try the racing mission it looks awesome. You should be able to select the hatchback as the racing vehicle. With a bunch of players on you can race with a driver/gunner in some of the larger vehicles. http://youtu.be/cvaM-bsGtyo edit: Fix for Welcome to Altis mission -removed BIS vehicle respawn module and added scripted one to hopefully fix random explosions -removed planes - flying over zones activates the AI which causes extra lag -added more sport hatchbacks on request :) Fix for Kavala Grand Prix mission -adjusted player numbers from 32 to 24 and re-positioned start markers - hopefully this fixes some of the glitches (gunners not spawning in cars, vehicles clipping at start) Updated to today's DEV build (Sept 6th) edit2: - some new missions coming out for Altis - one that resembles Domi (created by one of the MSO authors [KH]Jman) - PM me your Arma3 player UID so I can add to the list of 'approved' crewman and pilots. You can find your UID under main menu - Configure - Profile - Player ID
  2. Updated to today's DEV added new vehicles to the Altis missions Sorry Disjointag - had to reset server :)
  3. updated server to latest DEV build http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Beta-Development-branch-changelog/page12
  4. updated the OMG Altis mission last night: (co24_Welcome.to.Altis.pbo) -trimmed down # of vehicles at base -added more slots, UAV operators, pilots, crewman, etc -added UAV/UGVs at base -added EOS enemy system - insurgency-style red squares (turn to green when clear).. only some near airfield can add more later -fixed unable to respawn at main base (hopefully) I also added a racing mission for Altis check it out.. you can race PvP or TvT with gunner.... different race modes, etc. (dm32_Kavala_GrandPrix.Altis.pbo) Tutorial for drones: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161608-Beta-Drone-Controls-Tutorial
  5. It seems some people (myself included) are having major FPS issues with Altis: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161960-Altis-Info-amp-Discussion Feedback ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13345
  6. I haven't heard anything about them being on today's DEV build... just Altis. FIA - Fuck In Awesome :)
  7. Ok version 12a is now up on the server with persistent database enabled and some changes from Whiztler: -added more FOBs and re-designed BLUFOR base -added enemy strongpoints -"Piggy" the headless client boar now has his own bunker for safety (piggy liked to wander into incoming fire). Also Gaz please stop trying to make bacon with piggy....
  8. Nice pics can't wait for tomorrow!!! Check this out as well pretty cool: http://www.greecevirtual.gr/en/north-aegean/agiosefstratios#/port_1/
  9. Thanks to Poff for MCC'ing and to team leads Wooz and Ibux for herding the sheep
  10. BTRs, BMPs, BDRMs... oh my 40 slots plus one Civilian admin slot Most MSO modules are disabled - we will be using MCC Sandbox DAC enabled patrol groups and respawn camps ACE Revive script Domi repair and rearm script for vehicles and choppers
  11. Harzach from BIS forums (Grey from 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment) has kindly invited us to their Insurgency FATA mission which runs on their community server. Here are the details: Hey SavageCDN - I run a dedi from home for my community, The 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment (www.508thPIR.com ... under redesign at the moment.) We're currently caught up in our legacy game, Project Reality, so the server hasn't been up lately. However, when it is, it can be found under "508th Parachute Infantry Regiment", password "fury". We do use quite a few add-ons , but I think I'll be paring the requirements down a bit as we'll be going into recruitment mode fairly soon. We mainly play Insurgency in persistent mode on: FATA Faysh Khabur (most popular) Reshmaan Takistan Tigeria Tora Bora Zargabad We aren't hardcore mil-sim, but we like a little realism. About 50/50. VG is welcome to join whenever the server is up. Best, Harz/Grey Mod list and server details here: http://z7.invisionfree.com/508thParInfReg/index.php?showtopic=2963&st=0#entry22007741
  12. New island Altis is being released on the DEV branch next Monday August 26th
  13. Nope haven't touched the server since the weekend. That list is just the allowed mods on the server (.bikey file is in server's \keys folder). Can you check your rpt file and see if it's telling you which mod you are being kicked for? This is the server's startup line: expansion;@CBA_CO;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@JayArma2Lib;@ACRE;@ACEX_USNavy;@st_interact;@mad_build;@mad_resh;@exa_rg31;@kyo_MH47E;@yup_uh60;@Arma2NET
  14. hehe.. if I had $120 million in an offshore account I'd stop my life of crime :)
  15. haha the boar is the headless client character.. I'll have to move it somewhere else as it dying will screw up the HC I've seen weird stuff like that before at 0,0 on the map I think MSO spawns stuff there then moves it wherever needed Ok so for next version I'll adjust the default params (send me any that need changing) to enable PDB by default and fix the boar issue ** testing new map - FATA ** Awesome new 10x10km map released trying out MSO on it (there are a few issues but overall seems to work fine) Installed on server port 2342 Password is: vg No PDB setup yet just Nomaad save thingy Mods: Six Repo: sixupdater://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/six_repo/2342.yml edit: it seems the map won't download with my custom repo so you'll have to grab it from Armaholic expansion/beta @ACE, @ACEX, @ACEX_RU @ACEX_USNavy @ACRE @JayArma2Lib @CBA_CO @kyo_MH47E @st_interact @tf86_seals @yup_uh60 @fata Get the map here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22057 Get the units here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10001 Vid: http://youtu.be/VF-uTnaY3JY
  16. Version 12 is on the server now for testing. Still no PDB by default but Whiz if you want just restart mission, disable Nomaad, enable PDB - it should work without issues as mySQL is always running. Recommend you wipe the tables in the DB if that is the case. ** note I have not testing PDB myself yet - make sure if you do to check if enemy units are spawning ** Also enemy params are still very high we'll have to see how she runs with a few players on. 12 changelog: - added Whiztler FOBs and main base setup (with tweaks) - revised gearup scripts - please post any suggestions or tweaks to these loadouts.. or if you would like to see a new one added - new admin track units script For the main base I had to still remove some objects to get the server to run at 50 FPS. I also removed all the 'setpos' stuff from object init lines which helped a bit as well. Not sure why perhaps with MSO mission too many objects slows it down as it has to track them all???? Send me your params adjustments (or post em here) and I'll update them for next version.. also you mentioned something about a fog that appears during the mission.. is it still doing that? I think the dynamic weather module is on by default.
  17. As Semler pointed out the preset kits don't have maps (lol) - already fixed for the next version - for now just avoid the presets. I'm also adding a few items crates to the mission. Forgot to mention - Persistent DB is turned off for testing - Nomaad database is working though. This means if the server is reset or the mission restarted all saved states are lost. Changelog for v11 - added Maps to loadouts - added item crates at main - added original 4 WhizFOBs - added BIS_Zora triggers so that enemies don't spawn @ friendly FOBs ToDo List: - fix up loadouts - use better backpack, adjust/tweak items and ammo counts, add MG gunner (240)
  18. Headless client is now running on our Reshmaan MSO server. Please join in for testing!! See this thread for more info: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?27210.275
  19. ok Whiztler and I have been working hard!!! We are now running the 'original' Reshmaan version of MSO with the headless client for testing. All enemy parameters are cranked up to test performance - YOU WILL DIE, SON Six updater repo link: sixupdater://debian.veterans-gaming.com/~six/six_repo/2322.yml Highly recommended you run the beta version of 1.63 Whiztler has been creating some really great fobs and forward outposts on Reshmaan which we will start introducing once this week's testing goes OK. Please note there are still some things that need to be done: - fix gearup loadouts - add new playable units (something like the @rangers) - lots more Also if you missed it the first time a great interview regarding next generation MSO (for Arma3): http://thearmainterviews.blogspot.co.uk/
  20. Added a new default mission looks pretty cool (team vs team PR style) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22013
  21. RCON for Arma3 now setup and working. PMs have been sent.
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