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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. VETERANS-GAMING | ACE Insurgency port 2312 password = vg Police vs Bad Guys Requires: Arma 2 Combined Ops (non-beta) Lots of required mods: @ACE @ACEX @ACEX_RU @ACEX_USNavy @ACRE @asr_lingor_units_ace @brg_africa @CBA @CBA_A2 @CBA_OA @chn_crocodile @csj_snake @dingor @ibr_lcivilians @ibr_plants @JayArma2Lib @Lingor @Lingor_Units @MBG_Buildings2 @st_interact @st_lb_enhance @tpwcas Optional mods: @Blastcore_Visuals (@JSRS_ACE + @JSRS) or @ACEX_SM @sthud @stmovement
  2. That background... is that the covering on your couch? Did you buy it in the 70s? ;)
  3. Getting a copy today of Insurgency for us to test... intel, red squares.. the whole bit. It does require ALiVE and CBA. Obviously it's a WIP but the author needs some feedback and I suggested we were the best option since we host the longest running Insurgency server for Arma.
  4. local computer store here in Ottawa.. let's just say it's not 100% above board
  5. I just bought a GTX 660 for $120 US My temp PC has a retarded 14 pin connector on the board for the power supply (wtf Lenovo???) so we'll see if the stock 350W will cut it ;)
  6. @Pigeon - yeah definitely a vanilla A3 server as well @Jager - looks interesting will check it out As for a real version of Insurgency ask me again on Friday (I can say no more...wink wink)
  7. Arma 2 Insurgency is back online. PR COOP is back online (Thanks Poff) A3 servers probably by tomorrow Still have to do Minecraft as well although we actually have backups for this one.
  8. Work has been nuts for me this week but I do have the day off tomorrow and will be on TS. I know how to setup the Arma servers but that's about all I've done before. We need to re-setup PR servers x 2 and Minecraft servers x 2 (MC we have a backup, PR we do not). There were other servers too in TCAdmin not sure if we need them.. Terraria, etc. Thoughts?
  9. Found the A2 difficulty file version=1;<br />blood=1;<br />singleVoice=0;<br />gamma=1;<br />brightness=1;<br />shadingQuality=7;<br />shadowQuality=3;<br />maxSamplesPlayed=32;<br />class Difficulties<br />{<br />    class recruit<br />    {<br />        class Flags<br />        {<br />            Armor=1;<br />            FriendlyTag=1;<br />            EnemyTag=0;<br />            HUD=1;<br />            HUDPerm=1;<br />            HUDWp=1;<br />            HUDWpPerm=1;<br />            HUDGroupInfo=1;<br />            AutoSpot=1;<br />            Map=1;<br />            WeaponCursor=1;<br />            AutoGuideAT=1;<br />            ClockIndicator=1;<br />            3rdPersonView=1;<br />            UltraAI=0;<br />            AutoAim=0;<br />            CameraShake=0;<br />            UnlimitedSaves=1;<br />            DeathMessages=1;<br />            NetStats=1;<br />            VonID=1;<br />        };<br />        skillFriendly=1;<br />        skillEnemy=0.55000001;<br />        precisionFriendly=1;<br />        precisionEnemy=0.55000001;<br />    };<br />    class regular<br />    {<br />        class Flags<br />        {<br />            Armor=1;<br />            FriendlyTag=1;<br />            EnemyTag=0;<br />            HUD=1;<br />            HUDPerm=1;<br />            HUDWp=1;<br />            HUDWpPerm=1;<br />            HUDGroupInfo=1;<br />            AutoSpot=0;<br />            Map=1;<br />            WeaponCursor=1;<br />            AutoGuideAT=1;<br />            ClockIndicator=1;<br />            3rdPersonView=1;<br />            UltraAI=0;<br />            AutoAim=0;<br />            CameraShake=1;<br />            UnlimitedSaves=1;<br />            DeathMessages=1;<br />            NetStats=1;<br />            VonID=1;<br />        };<br />        skillFriendly=1;<br />        skillEnemy=0.69999999;<br />        precisionFriendly=1;<br />        precisionEnemy=0.69999999;<br />    };<br />    class veteran<br />    {<br />        class Flags<br />        {<br />            HUD=1;<br />            HUDWp=1;<br />            HUDGroupInfo=0;<br />            Map=0;<br />            WeaponCursor=0;<br />            ClockIndicator=0;<br />            3rdPersonView=1;<br />            UltraAI=0;<br />            CameraShake=1;<br />            UnlimitedSaves=0;<br />            DeathMessages=1;<br />            NetStats=1;<br />            VonID=0;<br />        };<br />        skillFriendly=1;<br />        skillEnemy=0.79999995;<br />        precisionFriendly=1;<br />        precisionEnemy=0.79999995;<br />    };<br />    class mercenary<br />    {<br />        class Flags<br />        {<br />            UltraAI=0;<br />            DeathMessages=0;<br />            NetStats=0;<br />            VonID=0;<br />        };<br />        skillFriendly=1;<br />        skillEnemy=1;<br />        precisionFriendly=1;<br />        precisionEnemy=1;<br />    };<br />};<br />sceneComplexity=300000;<br />viewDistance=1600;<br />terrainGrid=10;<br />volumeCD=6.5;<br />volumeFX=8.5;<br />volumeSpeech=5.5;<br />volumeVoN=6.5;<br />vonRecThreshold=0.029999999;<br />
  10. I'll check for the difficulty classes stuff.. nothing related to PR was recoverable unfortunately. On that particular topic... does anyone know of a good free backup program that works with open files? difficulty classes stuff - where was that stored in the A2 game directory?
  11. Sorry Solar missed your post - all I got from the backup was some Arma config files, all the Minecraft stuff, TS3, mySQL A2 Insurgency server is back online... no RCON yet need to get that working later today.
  12. Gonna need some assistance with PR installation and config... I have BF2 installed through TCA just need someone who knows how to setup PR. I'll try and get the A2 Insurgency server up today. The backups for Minecraft seemed to work so we can setup both those servers again. What else needs to be done?
  13. ^ I would love to do this as well but to add just a 4 port controller card costs an additional $25 USD per month.. might also need to replace the current drives I'm not sure... in which case another $25 USD or so per drive per month (2TB sata6) http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_rootserver/ex40 (under optional features)
  14. Short vid from TanoDown: http://youtu.be/-qhXqXIFwks Semler's stream 30 minutes in for vid start, 1hr 10mins for deployment http://www.twitch.tv/semlerpdx/b/495966946 EDIT: =VG= SemlerPDX wrote ... The saved video on Justin/TwitchTV has no highlights yet, I will get on it - but for now, the entire video is on YouTube WITH highlights links in the description. This is a 3 hour raw stream - only 2 hours of game time, so much needs to be "fast forwarded" to get to the good stuff. So just use the YouTube to check out what happened. http://youtu.be/4IPRc1xaRYk?t=48m
  15. Whiz that one seems to be the best out there I've heard nothing but good things about it.. also works well for no-respawn missions. re: bCombat - officially yes it is currently SP only however that will change soon. Unofficially it does work in MP with some minor issues.. mostly around AI locality and animations re: 1st person - i'd have to agree 1st person is much more immersive my only complaint is the heavy breathing noises after 30 seconds of running. I think we can force 1st person through server difficulty setting and use a mod/script to allow 3rd person in vehicles
  16. NP Murder. I'll be on TS a few hours before to get an radio issues sorted out. Make sure to join the test server (info in 1st post) to ensure your mods work.
  17. I just checked and Koplic doesn't come with server keys anyway...bye bye!!
  18. Yeah I forgot to include the NATO weapons pack which is required for @African_Conflict anyway. voicestop - you can do that in the mission too although I can see the benefit of just having an addon ballistic - to be honest I have yet to try it myself just heard good things about it and the tacBF guys use it as part of their required modset. Will check into it some more. textures - personally i find the mid-range textures horrible (goes from nice grass to muddy looking flat terrain) but that is my view koplic - I'm already sick of Altis and Stratis and wanted another A3 map to use. I'm also fine with using the A2 maps or Fallujah. I see what you mean about the details on the map. Thx for replies
  19. I'd like to put together a set list of mods that we will use at VG. This will simplify things for mission makers as well as players. Any mods that you want added to the list must be tested by VG first before being included in the pack... mostly to prevent conflicts between mods. I'm not sure if maps should be included here - thoughts? Any mods we use must have the following: - thread on BIS forums for feedback and questions - proper working key file for the server (I'm looking at you, ACRE) - testing approval to avoid conflicts and other mod-related issues Here's what I'm thinking: SERVER ONLY<br />@VTS_Ballistic        adds bullet drop and wind effects<br /><br /><br />SERVER AND CLIENT<br />@CBA_A3                core mod<br />@African_Conflit    units<br />@ALiVE                Pure Win<br />@BaBe_midTex        mid-range texture replacement<br />@bCombat            AI mod<br />@CAF                units - requires @HiddenIdentityPack<br />@cTab                commander tablet<br />@FA18_A3            F18<br />@HiddenIdentityPack required for @CAF<br />@mcc_sandbox_a3        Win<br />@mbg_killhouses_a3    adds enterable/breachable houses (Cinder City)<br />@RH_M4_A3            RobertHammer M4/M16 pack<br />@NATO_RUSSIAN_SF_Weapons   required by unit packs<br />@TaskForceRadio        the new ACRE<br />@TMR_Alt            weapon resting and other 'realism' features<br /><br /><br />CLIENT ONLY<br />@Blastcore_A3<br />@JSRS2<br />@sthud_a3<br /><br /><br />MAPS<br />@A3MP                a2 map pack<br />@Fallujah<br /><br />-if other A2 maps work by just having @A3MP running... *HAPPYHAPPY, JOYJOY*<br /> Any thoughts / suggestions?
  20. Apparently it's very similar to ACRE even the default keys.. it's what their group uses instead of ACRE (ACRE is not officially supported in A3 yet). I'll post a link to the test server as soon as I find out. Required mods are available now in TS3 file browser for ALiVE channel (EventModPack.zip) TFR manual: http://radio.task-force.ru/en/ Usage<br /><br />Keys                                Action<br /><br />Push-to-talk button in TeamSpeak                    Direct Speech<br />Caps Lock                            To talk on a radio<br />CTRL + Caps Lock                    To talk on a long range radio<br />CTRL + P                            To open the personal radio interface <br />NUM[1-8]                            Rapid switching of shortwave radio channels<br />ALT + P                            To open a long range radio interface<br />CTRL + NUM[1-9]                        Rapid switching of long range radio channels<br />CTRL + TAB                    To change the direct speech volume. Whispering, Normal or Yellin.<br />SHIFT + P                            To open an underwater transceiver interface <br />ALT + Caps Lock                        To talk on underwater transceiver<br />ESC                                To exit from the radio interface
  21. ^ I'll set something up and put it in the TS3 Arma 3 ALiVE channel (required mods only - JSRS2 alone is a few gigs) As FYI we are using the 'other' radio mod - Task Force Radio. Make sure you get it installed and working before the event. I'll post up more details where you can join a test server to make sure everything is working. @Murder - ALiVE is MSO for Arma 3
  22. Oni you around this weekend? I'll try and get some game time with you if so....
  23. One of the ALiVE testers is having an event this Friday to test the new version (not yet released). All are welcome to join in this testing just post here if you can make it. Friday January 17th 20:30 CET 19:30 GMT 14:30 Eastern Server: filter for "tangodown" TS3: ts.tangodown.nl pass: tangodown JIP is supported. Mods required: @CBA_A3 https://dev.withsix.com/projects/cca/files @ALiVE http://sacha.ligthert.net/ALiVE/@Alive.zip @TFR http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23615 Optional Mods: @Blastcore_A3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23899 @JSRS2 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22150 @VTS_Weaponresting http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20816 @sthud_a3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9936 It's possible that TMR_Alt will cause issues since they are not using it on their server - use VTS_Weaponresting instead and check the userconfig file to change your key settings. The version of ALiVE is not available through regular download - please delete your version and install this one: http://sacha.ligthert.net/ALiVE/@Alive.zip Link to Tangodown forum post: http://www.tangodown.nl/forum/thread-5786.html Test Server: Join anytime to test your mods http://arma3.swec.se/server/list Filter for tangodown : 2302 Roster: SavageCDN Ciro Wooz Ingo Semler MurderFace (maybe) Instant (maybe)
  24. Thanks for making the mission. I think what we should do is decided on a core set of mods and stick with them for a while (after testing of course) to avoid problems like the Xmed system. We could all make suggestions on a "VG mod pack" and pick the best ones to use, as well as having them available in a single download link.
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