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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. if you cant find the server in the list have a look under deployment-->favorites. if the server is shown up in green you can join...or try to join via IP....
  2. ...stucked...;) may I ask what the problem is? before that, the server has apparently restarted without a problem ... why does it not do that anymore and can you see why it crashes?
  3. I agree. Thanks for the effort. was fun. It was also nice that so many players were there.
  4. I tested two maps. at ramiel i had 2 times ctd in totally different situations. once in a vehicle and once as inf. just for info ...
  5. ok, then have a look at \Windows\System32\moricons.dll. you will love it ;p
  6. As a British colony you have to use Greenwich Mean Time! (summertime + 1h) god s(h)ave the queen! “Gentlemen you had my curiosity ... but now you have my attention.”
  7. PRBF2.dll that's the icon as an dll-file. i think that should solve the icon-problem. Let's take the first "farcry" game as an exemple: The first version was working fine on winXP and 7 but not on win8 or 10, then they released an update and the game is now working fine in all Windows versions. And the answer is people are upgrading their OS and i think PR DEVs should add a touch about this. PR BF2 1.6 is on its way to us, hope they did something about it. programs constantly change their functions or are changed by code. great example is 32/64 bit versions of exe-files. the compilers are constantly renewed and backward compatibility is no longer possible... "compatibility mode" exists for such reasons. but I think they can not compile everthing back ... they do not have the source code of pr but still use the mod feature of bf2. and I think in this case the problem is not the exe-file but some resource-error in windows. windows chached the icon somewhere ... and if there is a dead link or just a wrong image signed, that gives you a placeholder.... Similarly, you know these thumbs.db-files, often it makes sense to delete these because the wrong images or nothing shows up. EDIT//: ok, i should read the whole thread ^^. Sorry, had not seen that it is already solved. well, then you have an icon on top ;p
  8. There is a special in Germany with timezones you called Summer-/Wintertime. GMT=UTC=ZULU + 1h (Winterzeit) + 2h (Sommerzeit) atm we have 22.52, so we are +2.h. which was not a criticism,... just to avoid confusion.
  9. I'll try to be there. so if someone needs an AR or medic ...
  10. offlineninja? ;p only a few people are thinking about something like that. but if msn.com for 10 seconds has a contaminated advertising banner on the side and you were exactly at this time on the page, you got a problem...
  11. unfortunately not ... "safe" is nobody. you can only minimize the danger. and you should always backup your data and keep it somewhere else. Unless you have no private data ... I have almost 10 TB of data. once directly on a computer that is not permanently on the net and once on external hard drives that are at work. So even if my apartment burns down, at least I still have this data ...
  12. I think you are both right. on a cinema server or when djing in front of the audience, I would never take a wireless mouse. either the batteries are empty or the radio is disturbed ... at home that's different. I actually always have batteries. but I also have a wired keyboard and mouse (both usb and ps / 2) for diagnostic purposes. So if I'm running out of batteries, I have to plug a cable ... i used to stand on the same point as jersens just what headphones and micros concerned. The sound was just worse, there was a latency and something was constantly disturbed. meanwhile it works but I still prefer to use cable in the audio section, but I can understand anyone who prefers to operate his bose dolby atmos home sound system rather than 8mm gold cable. otherwise you spend more money for cable than for the system ^ ^ so for the home area that is often ok, especially if you are on all these promotional keywords but in the professional field is nothing about cable or you spend a few thousand more on money... But do not get me wrong ... I do not mean gold hdmi cables or golden fuses or such a nonsense. https://www.ebay.de/itm/Cosmic-Audio-Lautsprecherkabel-Ref-X-2-fur-lange-Distanzen-2x5m-HighendKabel/123369444066?hash=item1cb96452e2:g:8JYAAOSwTuJYqp1N if they sound better than 2.5mm standard cable, go to the doctor ;p
  13. Well, dongle and keyboard / mouse must have a connection and you can attack them. Usually these are secure connections but often you have weak spots to attack. however, these connections are not vulnerable from the net ... so you have to be with a mouse or a keylogger near your receiver...
  14. That's is a line from the serversettings.con I'm a noob in such things but isn't that needed to turn NAT on (1) ??? I think you need that for nat on server-side, but maybe I'm wrong... at least we have users with IP address overlaps. so try nat; p Nat and forwarding are different things. on the most routers you find them in the same place, sometimes even in each other.
  15. out of: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63876 search for the manual of your router and look there for NAT and forwarding. this looks a little bit different in every router.
  16. I can not tell you if there is a restriction, but I can tell you that my avatar has 150x150 pixels and 42.3kb. So it should work up to these values in any case. but you have to consider that avatars should be small. if everyone had a 10mb avatar and you look at a thread where 10 users have responded then you would have to load 100mb. that's why they are often limited.
  17. https://www.realitymod.com/forum/blog.php As far as I know this bug is not a vg server specific thing. So you would have to be able to take any config to reproduce that. Correct me if I am wrong.
  18. I think that's another problem. a new installation will not help. pr just does not know how to deal with the data. there is one external ip that connects with pr .... if there are two machines hanging behind someone has to explain which data goes to which computer. the pr server sees only that there is an ip with two keys and naturally rejects one of both. Nat would have to help keep the computers apart. if the keys-problem then continues it would help to put one computer in a vpn that gets its external ip somewhere else.
  19. this statement is nonsense. a vpn does not need to be supported ... and many of our players use vpns to play pr. you probably have the same problem with your vpn as without it. look at google for your router and the word "NAT". where should your router or PR know which computer is for which player? you have the same IP on the outside. you have to set up forwarding in your router. a VPN will not help at this point.
  20. actually I even have my own bitcoin currency (bb-coin / binary-botcoin) but these humans dont want it ... my good old school friend MC 6854–ADLC (jap, he is also a rapper) mines that for me. i can give you 111 botcoin for only 2k$. If you buy it today then I'll give you a binary sudoku on top. deal? ;p I'm on IT and technology but as far as money is concerned, I'm really oldschool. my favorite is ca$h and not something virtual. I also took a long time until I started with online banking ... I can guess too well how to compromise such systems. and if I see that in our ATMs in places still win xp works ...but thats another story... I just did not want to create my own pp account because I needed this only for VG but that's no problem, I know enough people that use pp. I just wanted to know roughly how it works so it does not fail somewhere. Jap, understood human brother ;p and thanks for the explanation.
  21. really strange. I have not changed anything but the error seems to be gone ^^
  22. I am a little annoyed because I bought squad for 18€ and had to realize that I do not like the gameplay somehow. I would have preferred to spend the money on the VG server because it was your fault that I had a lot of fun for three years now. how's that working? I fill out the donation form and get a paypal bill? I do not own a pp-acc and have never done that before. thats why i ask...It would take a few days, but then I would transfer some bugs via a friend...
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