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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. From the album: Crates!

    can you drop another crate?
  2. lol but that can't be him... this bug comes from venezuela ^^
  3. lol, ok, with a lot of bugs in pr you can really ask whether it is a bug or a feature. but viewing the entire bug area as a changelog is a completely different level... ^^ btw: i found another bug but i think its harmless:
  4. confirmed! enough sunbathing, it's time for the seadog to come ashore.
  5. i think its on the list...one or two days ago i forgot to check next map and it was khami lrg but after 10min we had to run next because of not enough players.
  6. you mean like this?^^ dB - =VG= Theme 320kbps .mp3
  7. why what? I would still do a ping test. the game doesn't show you any timeouts ... you will only find out what else it could be if you try out various things and answer questions... as I said: you have to find the bottleneck and that can be everywhere. from a busy cpu to wi-fi to your new 9ms something router...
  8. lol the answer is: you have a bad ping. However, if you want to find out where the problem is, you should do error analysis.
  9. 9ms to what? are you sure that your download bandwidth is lower than your upload bandwidth? you have to search where the bottleneck is. if you have a wi-fi connection, try cable.
  10. sounds like a bad internet connection. if you use wi-fi, try a cable... and/or do a speed and ping test. https://www.geschwindigkeit.de/ping-test/
  11. my gaming setup. I don't annoy you with the specs...^^

    © dB!

  12. maybe we should make the game so hard that you should first practice in deployment before entering our coop server... ^^
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