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Everything posted by Xenalite

  1. Xenalite

    Night admin

    Night admin? You mean Batman?
  2. What do you mean there's no way to change current map? Are you able to add your own python scripts to PR or is it not allowed? Otherwise this is trivial. If you can't, you can still write an exe or batch or PowerShell script that will call commands in RCON like admin.runnext. If you don't have RCON enabled for at least localhost, then I don't know why you would not.
  3. If you go over 20 metres alt in Muttrah you do it wrong.
  4. It's always good to have some one in the squad who is second in command. SL gives orders, formulates plans, gives out kits and communicates with other squads. 2nd CO should make sure orders are followed (or repeated in comms), asks if everyone still has ammo / medic, keeps track of squad vehicles and soldier spacing. They are indispensible.
  5. Fallujah, Saareema, Vadso City, Shijia Valley are usually laggy as hell.
  6. I'd be happy to discuss with you why you're wrong on socialism, EU and ACA healthcare, but perhaps some other time. Let's stay on topic of NN and not get emotional. I will explain where I come from Semler. I am as right-wing as it gets, free market capitalist, borderline on anarcho-capitalism. I believe that nearly every problem we face in the economy can be traced back to a bad government policy and meddling of special interest groups in law-making. You almost realized this when mentioning monopolies. After all, why is NN even an issue? To say that you support or reject it, without supporting or rejecting the underlying problem is superficial at best. NN is a direct result of government-sponsored mono- or duo-polies in ISP business. I say government sponsored, because they are regulated by various FCC regulations, anti trust laws and bits of legislation. As you said, you try launching a medium sized ISP, you'll see how far you'll get. And as you rightly point out, companies do not regulate themselves. In a free market, companies regulate each other. It's in no companies' interest to regulate themselves when they have the market cornered. It's another matter entirely when they have to compete for customers who have a choice. I used to live out in the countryside, where the only choice was poor broadband or 2G mobile. Not much choice there. Why? Because BT in the UK owns all the cables. It's changing now with Virgin Media who said screw your monopoly and started laying down cables themselves. Back to NN, it's in no ISPs interest to provide equal-priced access to traffic regardless of size. It's also in their interest to keep their monopoly on decision making. This is why they have lobbyists in the goverment and FCC, and do shady shit. The same goes the other way for content providers. Now they want a piece of government-sponsored protection in form of equal treatment regardless of traffic consumption. So, in short NN is a proposal to solve a government-caused issue by more government. I say do both: oppose government meddling in ISPs traffic pricing and oppose government sponsored ISP monopolies to provide competition.
  7. That was a big non-sequitur to the discussion at hand. I see that basic economic reasoning does not work here, but you touched on the "un-American" side. I feel sad that once a great country like USA is slowly circling down the drain like the rest of European countries, with growth of centralised federal government, regulations and rules imposed on the lives of people and the market in which they operate. Regulations kill freedom, and that's the most un-American thing here. "Too many people treat companies and corporations as their enemies, and the big government as their savior." And once you establish a precedent, it's impossible to go back. Once you allow to regulate something, you show that the government can have any say over it, and there come the lobbyists soon to follow. You would replace a series of completely voluntary contracts between parties concerned with a coercive hand of government. And to what? Prop up a law that is no better than any other market regulation failure that governments have been involved in over the years, including rent control, getting rid of roaming charges in EU, minimum wage, anti-gauging, tariffs on imports / exports and all forms of market protectionism. All things, which sound good, and have the opposite effect. And.. you'd be giving this power to the FCC, the most unconstitutional of all federal agencies, which should be immediately disbanded rather than given more leeway. I come from a post-socialist country, Poland, and now live in the disaster that is the EU. I can tell you that the more regulations you pile on the market, the worse will be the outcome and the less consumer freedoms you will enjoy.
  8. Xenalite

    Im gone!

    But I love you TJ :'(
  9. Connection to the Internet is a commodity, like nearly everything else. Someone owns the network, the physical devices and has to maintain, monitor, repair and improve it. It costs money and somebody has to pay for it. If one entity is responsible for 70% of your costs, and another 30%, but you are by law required to charge them 50/50, then it's not right. The 70% party is getting a bargain, while 30% party is getting ripped off. An ISP charging different parties different rates for cost reasons is the maximum of fairness. An ISP charging you out of spite is likely to be a non-event. They are a business and they want more customers. The more people like to watch high quality Netflix, the more customers sign up with them for broadband. Of course it goes the other way as well. If Netflix did pay more, and got better traffic for their service, then an ISP could sell tailored-performance packages for gaming, streaming, business etc. Alas, my traffic is equal, so I get average everything. Indeed, your last example shows basic supply & demand economics. If more people cancel TV, the demand drops down fast, while supply is slow to drop. Prices fall down. If more people sign up for online streaming and consume your broadband traffic, the demand rises quickly, while supply is almost constant. Prices rise. The only way out of prices rising continuously, and from content providers getting charged whatever ISPs demand, is competition. The more ISPs you have competing customers, the less monopolies you have. I use this fact every year, when I call my ISP to renew the contract and I say "Give me newcommers price or I will go with your prime competitor". And it works every time. Your Slip N Slide situation is not analogous to this situation, as they are not the ones selling you the water. And the water park should get precedence if the contract they signed says "if you pay more you'll get more".
  10. https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/2x9i6c/fcc_votes_to_ruin_the_internet/coyi44a/
  11. Hi I said before that I would try to help diagnose why the server is crashing on map changes and to be more scientific about it. I wrote a little utility that monitors the PR server as if it was a public game client and reports information such as date, map name, map size and player count. You can find a VS solution in the attached zip, along with a built executable. It requires .NET framework 4.0 and has predefined IP / port for VG PR server. It will log information into prpinger.log file in executable's working directory in CSV format that can be imported into Excel to do analysis / draw charts. It should also help you identify player count over the day and which maps kill server populations. Best regards, Xena PRPinger.zip
  12. Is there a way to introduce a time limit before spawning in like in deployment to prevent dummies (*cough* Blazer) spawning in early?
  13. Xenalite

    FOB update

    Great changes. We continuously need more challenge to keep an old game like this interesting. As to problem with hard maps on low server population, it can probably be solved by setting a better map rotation for euro night time.
  14. Can I join mr H8er1Actual's squad? I mentioned this to him in game but I don't know anything yet!
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