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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Yeah this can cause problems if it catches on, we'll run out of squads very quickly. I don't really see any advantage to having a dedicated Logi squad it causes major problems if one squad controls all logistics and the whole team is reliant on one squad to build fobs etc.
  2. Masirah INF map has a spot where the Bots get stuck behind an iron fence. Here's two screenshots of the rough location near the flag.
  3. To be honest I was assuming that Alpha Squad would be leading the frontal attack on the main objectives, while Delta engages the enemy from their flanks and at long range. We could also call in air-strikes when needed. Depends on the briefing that Blizzard has in mind, and the role of the APC squad etc, either way I'm flexible. See who turns up on the day/night.
  4. I'd like to lead a Recon Squad if that's possible: Designated Marksman, Sniper, Spotter (JTAC), Medic, and AR.
  5. Thanks for the excellent work you guys put into making these events happen.
  6. BrokenArrow is probably a no show so there's one slot available in Bravo
  7. Nice Rig mate! Love the BMS User Manual too!
  8. Yeah, we lets see if he can install ARMA 3 first.
  9. My mate BrokenArrow will most likely play, his first time in ARMA 3 though, can you add him to Bravo squad.
  10. I've thought about this since our quick conversation and think that we should stick with what we've done with RHS. We've barely had 2 events and now you want to change the mods again. You guys want people to play ARMA 3 and then screw us around by changing the mods we need to download/install/drop. What happened to m8's survey on mods? Was there an outcome or does this poll super-cede that?
  11. Its not too bad once you get used to it, the only thing that bugs me is the flag status bar which has been moved.
  12. Maybe it was because I shot FastJack who was showing red? lol
  13. No it wasn't that, when I changed back to a Russian Uniform, I was green again.
  14. Ok but I did notice when you wear a different uniform say US one while the rest of the team is wearing Russian gear, you will show up as red marker in the field.
  15. So would this mean if we were playing as OPFOR i.e. Russians, we would use Radio FADAK for short range, and Radio MR3000 for long range etc.?
  16. Is it possible to set the radio defaults to 100 | 30 at all? Would save confusion for new players on the server. Might be nice to have a link here or in Discord that points to instructions on how to install the radio mod and add it to TS. Its not too bad once you get used to it but just thinking about the confusion we had with guys like BOOTs who couldn't set his frequency correctly. cheers, Kav
  17. Great job fellas, sorry I had to leave but my mic screwed up and it was 5.0 hours already lol. Thanks for all the work you guys behind the scenes do to make this fun. I think we need to do some practice parachute drops that was real good fun.
  18. As m8's statement implies this is only information gathering and he wants suggestions which is all that is happening here. What you all do about it is another thing.
  19. The mods we're using in Takistan server are more than enough, this is one of the problems with ARMA mods. It puts people off from joining events, and who the hell has GBs of hard disk space for this stuff? Decide on a set of mods we can ALL install and then leave it alone PLEASE! We don't need mods in PR why the obsession in ARMA?
  20. Can you add this to the ARMA III Calendar so we can sign up? Sorry wrong thread.
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