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Everything posted by Double_13

  1. its faster to download the full iso over utorrent then to use the update button on the launcher. Now its time to wait for the lazy serveradmins to update da server xD
  2. First thing I would like to say. If one has a problem with a admin they can contact one of the PR head admins Tedf, m823us or semler. In general the afk kicking is always tricky because when is he afk and when not. It's also used to kick loading players to make room for an admin. The main thing the admin looks at is the unassigned people because this means they either are AFK since the beginning of the round, or don't follow the have to join a squad rule. I don't agree that the community (Non =VG=) decides whether an admin is good or not based on a simple voting or discussion. This because the friend politics or negative experience with an admin will occur when it comes to it. Then when is someone a good admin? In my eyes a good admin is a person that acts when it's need and doesn't act when it's not need. To give a simple example. Today I had an amazing round on silent eagle however on the last flag a dude dropped a nade accedently on the floor resulting in 8 TKs. Since I was there and saw what happend I didn't act but if I would not have been there he might had been banned for int tking. What I want to say is with this is that we don't always know what's going on. and often we don't act, or maybe over react simply because we think something was soandso. You have to see that all of our admins do this as an extra and talking from experience this is often quite a hand full. And this brings me to a other thing, admins don't have to act. If I am not correct this is one of the key things we have is that you don't have to play cop and admins also have the right to ignore things if they don't fee like it. I personally ignore most reports when I know a other admin is online and I am flying an asset (typing and flying are not 2 things that go together). I know that allot of you will disagree with the following. But no need to note that I am probably one of the most annoying admins on the server. since I do what is best for the server no matter what people say or think about me. I do not care if a player is playing on the server for 3 years or 1 hour everybody needs to behave within the rules and not been disruptive towards the rest. Yes I might not ban the regular player as fast as the annoying new kid but I will make sure that if ban that kid it's for a valid reason and not because I do not like him. I chose to disten myself from people so I do not get involved in the friend politics. This is my own choice and I like it allot. I do not wish that people see me as an example but I try to be fair for everybody in a way I think is best. But again others might have a different opinion about this subject, and if the community (=VG=) decides to openly review admins I shall Apply to be the first to be reviewed just to see what comes. I thank you bacon for coming up with the initiative on making the server better. It shows you are very active with us and I highly admire that. See you Ingame. PS. You should be active on our Teamspeak for more fun
  3. Like a medic I stab this dead treat with an epipen and POP its back alive Tedf doing track inspection along with honeybadger Someone crossed the line and this is what happend Mighty logi seems to have NV when entering submarine mode (LET THE GREEN BURN YOUR EYES)
  4. Well the tactics you display are used on PR tournaments. However this is a completely different game in the way of playing because people spend days in prepping and drilling efficiency and navigation. An other issue is that the APC are either 2 or 1 man making it only able to carry 6 or 7 blueberrys. Most squads are 8 man so this doesn't fit in 1 vehicle. The homing rockets the bots seem to fire also doesn't give it a chance in been used as an infantry support vehicle. (bots tend to spawn with lat kits if there is armour nearby. bypassing the limitation of 1 LT per squad). But lets say we could do so, an other issue would be loading times and the overassets on most maps. Mostly the first INF squad that gets created is +15 sec after the first asset squad is created and the filling can take up to 1 min with people that load slower. Deployment fixes this with the 3 min wait time but since this doesn't work with bots we are unable to implement this feature. This also makes it less attractive for squads to roll with assets because they cant sort themselfs without having to deploy when the asset wants to leave. I mostly do not use the assets if I cant control them myself. In my eyes trans always gets shot down and 9/10 this is true. and APC doesn't communicate and just drives around as they please. Of course when I know the pilot or driver its an other story but mainly this isn't the case. Look at a simple round of KHAMI tanks camp all on the hill and inf is just wandering around until hopefully something happens
  5. Quoting Melon "Every vehicle that requires a kit to operate needs to be named after it." In general I do not like mech inf squads because they often do not know how to utilise the asset and be inf. they simply use it because there is no other way to transport large groups. No it's not allowed to just take the asset if nobody uses it. You need to get approval preferably written in allchat that you can use the asset. (I say written so staff knows)
  6. I mentioned this in the =VG= section that we should do something like this.
  7. Even if you make an installer file that auto detects the PR map folder there will be people that do not read. I recall the last event where 7 people where unable to follow the dummy instructions included to install the maps. And that event only contained 20 ish people. I can already imagine what will happen when it is mandatory to join our server
  8. I do not think we shall add these. This mainly because the maps are not in the default files and so require manual installation. Further more I do not know if these maps contain stable enough coop layers. I talked with some people before if it would be possible to get a second server up at weekends on where we could run custom content that can be downloaded from the website. But most of the comments where that it is already a pain in the ass to run 1 server not to mention 2. Also we have to take into account the limited playerbase we have for coop. We already the only decently running coop server but adding an second custom content server would divide the already limited people we have. Although it will cause more interaction with =VG= since people need to be actively downloading stuff to join the custom weekend maps. However I do not have the final call on this.
  9. I sometimes lock the squad because people in TS want to use it and they take 20 sec longer to load. I just create the squad let them join and leave. I find that this is in reasonable way allowed because you also grant players who are slower the access to the assets they normally cant use it. I find that within 1 min from the moment first player loads up a squad can be locked for waiting for someone else. If the squad has 4 assets the squad can be locked at 3 so the final slot is for the slow guy.
  10. That it would actually work and starts to become evil in order to protect its fellow bots mates
  11. Would be handy for newbs but I think it also has abusive features such as evading rockets. I want my rocket buggy. And the ENEMY WHEEL BARROW SPOTTED HAHAHA. Btw do you still have the special hud Ostrich made?
  12. I would like to have the HAMMER Launcher on my tank. So when shit hits the fan I can press number 7 load up the ban hammer aim and click. If the target is moving or there are multiple targets in one area a huge splash or better called ban damage would come in handy to maximise its effect. For all i say if the ban damage hits an innocent player the player can always apply for an unban at the forums. This might only shift the problem to a later point on the forums, but at least I can continue streaming my music over local while driving around the map. However the Hammer launcher does require an autoloader so multiple bans can be casted in short amount of time, or if once misses due to eating while playing the game.
  13. I do like the start of the maprotation I find it a good choice of relative easy but fun to play maps at the beginning a nice suggestion. However i have my doubts about Hades peak alt. Hill 488 is really easy the average time I clear that map is 15 min. The car goes cap the center flag, The Mighty logi goes cap north and sits on the next flag. both flags can be capped without using a single round. after that you simply push to the next flag and hide in the bulletproof huts. At this point the server will either crash from the 30 bots trying to climb the ladder leading to your bulletproof hut. Or you make it and the round is over. Tadsae is not as hard as it seems but people do not think logically. The most simple way to clear this map is using the navigation flaws of the bots. At start a logi outside the main should be placed and everybody needs to get there ass of the main base and leave the bots do whatever they wish to do with the uncapable flag. Once all the bots are at the US main people can freely push to the bridge and cap it without resistance. A big FOB should be placed down with the machine guns aimed towards the US main. Once the flag capped the team should move up to the village where there will be no resistance either (this due to no bots respawning since non or little where killed). Once that flag is neutral fall back to bridge and clear the remaining bots up that could be between village and US main. after this dig in INSIDE the village and let the bots come as close as possible to the village. Your aim is to then outflank the bots and cap temple when all the bots are busy walking to the village and back. The time it takes for the bots to walk to the village and back to temple is enough for 2 people to cap temple and the main. The last part has been proved to be working by Tedf and me where we capped temple with just 2 people. Further the Mighty logi truck is the best attack and defence emplacement, the mighty logi truck can take approximately 3 RPG's before been destroyed and it can repair itself, sadly it can not be repaired by the combat engineer. Another Great advantage of the mighty logi is that it cant get tracked unlike the not so mighty APC. However in order to utilise the mighty logi truck, one will need a experienced driver that can handle the intense pressure of not flipping the mighty logi truck when finding new prays to shoot.
  14. Well thats a nice sum up list but I do not see the rotation suggestion. If you wish to know the current map rotation press the button under escape or for me its § and type in "maplist.list' you can use pageup and pagedown to go up and down the list. The INF layers on some maps are not suitable for low server popularity, such as Foolsroad INF, archerINF and Kokan INF. Reading your comments I do see you play certain maps allot and some maps not at all what its kinda sad. I noticed myself that most admins stick to the same 10 maps Khami STD, beirut LRG/STD, Mutra STD, Basrah STD,ALT Kashan STD, Barracuda ALT, Fallujah STD, Jabal ALT 90% of the times i join in the server is playing one of these maps. I do understand that these are according to many the most fun VS easy maps in the game but they are overplayed. last few weeks I have been running quite allot of INF layers I know we havent played over a few months (blackgold, Yamalia, Kokan) and yes I get many sayings "cant we play khami i wanna have tanks and cas" or in my eyes "can't we play khami so I can rape chem with tanks, and the main with cas until some inf decides to go in" because thats how basically khami is been played these days. It might be good for you to ask the admins at the beginning or when he is not in combat to change to map to a non often played map. I suggest you be on Teamspeak and ask the admin there since you more likely to be heard. I would like to ask if we can use Mapvote to decide the next map. I know that Ted says it has a high chance of crashing but I would like to have a test to see if this is actually true. Because this way we might be able to serve more people rather then the 1 guy who shouts the most and gets heard.
  15. The crashing of the server is a common thing that we just have to deal with unless the Devs find a way to fix this. There are a few maps that crash more frequent then others such as silent eagle STD and attack on Grozny ALT. Some other issues you may like to avoid is running Vietnam maps before kozalsk ALT. In general Vietman maps can corrupt next map (making everybody invisible). changing the next map before the message pops up at the beginning." playing [map name] cooperative [layer] ....." (Pops up like in the first 2 min) Using the mapvote can crash. Crashing is sadly part of coop but who doesn't love mutra
  16. Well it could be implemented that they make a ticket and the ticket gets posted on the forum, after which others can comment. The only thing I am interested in is having the people filling on all the required info on default and not seen the first reply be please fill in the form before we help you.
  17. Isn't there a way where you have a preset form people can fill in. Something like This. That way people have to fill in the blacks to post it, and we no longer need to spam the fill in this form ect.... I personally do not like the looks of attaching the unban template in the rules since it has nothing to do with the Rules. Sure we can link it in the rules but it should not be copy pasted in the rules.
  18. Rule should note that even if Mech inf is created before APC squad, the APC holds the rights over the assets. This because some maps only have 1 APC and the faster loading people making a Mech inf out of it only because it can carry 8 people and has some Armour. Example of this issue can be seen on Kokan where a SL loads up First makes Mech Inf and the second squad is APC created 20 sec later. The map is still in the loadup phase so APC should have priority. Sadly the SL doesn't agree since he is the first squad. Pending the flag hopping. I mainly follow the rule that the flag has to be neutral in order for the next squad to attack the next flag.
  19. Still answering the original question Quoted from the donation area "We're a member supported community" I think this will say enough on how the servers get payed. If you wish to help out feel free to donate towards =VG= One can find the Donation link on the Home page of the website, or at the donation area found HERE.
  20. i think the issue as where in people can move across the map by looking up will become a issue.(newbs fly off the map because they dont know how to use it) The rest is not hard by itself, in the map settings you can enable spawn with parachute. however the fly without requiring a kit will be harder but can also be solved by adding a non faction chopper that doesn't require a pilot kit to operate. However I think we could implement the paradrop feature on a map or 2. But this is still in speculation.
  21. About the testing. We mainly run bots on both side of the team and let them fight. It's at a later stage that we try to play them with multiple people. But for this the =VG= server needs to be taken offline from the public list and we try to do this at moments the server is low manned. I personally think involving to many people with the testing will not endup with testing, but in regular gameplay. Also it's more fun to have everybody guessing what will be threw at them rather then half the people knowing what's coming. So I think the answer will be No but that's not my call to make.
  22. well we are trying to approach it from a other angle and spawn the bluefor in the opfor base and the opfor from the bluefor. This could result that one has to work towards the carrier rather then starting from the carrier. i understand that at first this doesn't make sense but as the storyline progresses it will make sense why bluefor has to attack the Essex. it won't be as simple as the map irongator was. Tedf had maybe a bit to much fun with giving the Chinese APC's that are at the US base within a blink of an eye in order to keep the map challenging i am at the moment still struggling with learning the ever crashing PR editor but I hope I will be able to master it soon so I can help tedf out with some stuff. At the moment I just come with some some nice ideas that I forward towards tedf.
  23. Well its not a stupid question. But the time in when this mappack is ready for launch is until now unknown.
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