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AVCS Bug Reports (automated)
AVCS Bug Reports (manual)
VG Wiki
Everything posted by Double_13
Aaaaaa the Alice backpack from arma ? xD
I could see about giving medics a shovel it is not a bad idea.
Well GG with the kits. managed to pull 3 hat kits out a crate within 5 min while 2 hats where in the field
We cannot have dynamic config without having to reboot the server. The only way to load this config is a forced reboot (reboot at fixed time as it is not possible to detect round ending) Just as you say it yourself only this one thing. And then someone else has another thing and that’s how we came to this point. We should not drift too far away from deployment config as we are doing now
While I understand that on low pop an ar would be ideal with 3 people I highly suggest we do not. In general we keep saying that .... we can’t do this in low pop and we can’t do that but if we nerf the game even more what would the challenge be??? We could state that the fobs should not require crates as it would not have sufficient people to supply crates. we could remove every squad limit so we can have enough hat kits to take on armour. While yes I can understand the frustration on low pop everything we do to aid them is to make the game even easier on med/high pop. We cannot make everybody happy but the fact we adjusting to the 20 ish players on low pop rather then the 80+ Regular people playing on medium/full pop is getting a bit out of hand. I know people won’t be happy when I say this but people can also join the servers located in their timezone. Why would Australians join an empty VG server early in the Europe morning that has a ping of 200+ while GDO is located in Australia. Europe servers don’t have much pop as most people work or go to school so joining before 12:00 GMT is kinda ... Do not get me wrong I do enjoy having Australians on the server especially when melon is drunk, but we have to focus on what better for the majority and not the 20 ish players that come in at low times. (I am taking GDO as example as I know they provide good service any other server provider can be picked. ) The best solution would be to simply cooperate with a other server such as GDO and coordinate the players to them at our low pop times. This would for example mean VG is simply offline between 4 and 12 am GMT to force people to join the largest server. Once we get up and running people can then flock into our server and we should have much lesser lowpop time. (As people then might finished their jobs and such) people will simply join VG due to better ping and been better known. A other way We can also rig our own server to force stop at 4 am load the low pop settings and do another forced reboot at 12 to switch back to the high pop settings. While this can be annoying it would be our best option. However you will still have other issues in where both GDO and VG has 5 people while 1 server of 10 would simply be more enjoyable. I think the 2 options above will be much better then simply changing the settings to easyier this at it keeps both parties happy. Also i think a collaboration between the 2 communities can also benefit coop in general with the ability to organised some player competition events.
You need more then 20 people for the second hat kit if I am not mistaken. It could ofcourse be adjusted.
The ai targeting values are kinda ... at the moment and this causes the bots to only be effective on high difficulty. For example if the difficulty on the server is set to 90 and you drive your Humvee at full speed approx 1/12 rockets might hit you. Even if you stand still it is 1/4. By cranking up the bot difficulty the accuracy gets improved significantly to 1/4 and 1/1 on stationary. Well this poses the problem we have. While some guns where tweaked correctly others are not such as the scorpion used by taliban is a 90% headshot gun while the g3 of the mec is 50% (not real numbers but example) With all pleasure you can go into modding all these settings but you quickly find out it is a metric ton of work that requires testing on a live server as bots fighting each other is not a really efficient way of testing. To the shovel. It has sadly been removed already but I am trying to find the damage value to make it so you can shovel it with one person. I am already finding the codes letting you leave sparking assets but further testing is required. For smoke now it is a huge huge huge cheat for humans. I mentioned only that the enemy vehicle smoke might not be anti bot so if they deploy the smoke they can fight back. The thermals is to block the human campers and that’s it?
Note that the smoke might be used against you. I am already exploring the possibility of not giving ai blocking smoke to the new AI only assets (PRSP) this so they can shoot out their own deployed smoke.
its not where if it is possible it is where if it would be added. Its a metric ton of work to get all the assets/kits covered I already mentioned huge flaws with the smoke over the discord. example: As the smoke blocks 100% incoming fire if one would to smoke up his asset he can be sure to not get any fire. This means that aslong your AAVP (or other asset with thermals) is smoked up you wont get shot. (kinda cheating in my eyes) To counter this I requested that ALL smoke is thermal smoke. This to prevent smoke camping and in all fairness the INF doesn't notice and the Assets will then only use smoke for true defense rather than camping. We shall see how the implementation of smoke will affect the gameplay and server stability.
Don’t think this is going to happen cus 1st it is not really a big issue and it actually makes Vietnam hard(ish) and most maps do not have that much vegetation 2nd it requires a lot of statics been redone. I am suppressed Arab said it will be added to 1.6 as every asset needs to be modded for it and every so kit in the game needs the new smoke grenade. @=VG= keed the enemy assets should get smoke launchers and use them but I am pushing to make them always thermal so it blocks both human and bot. For the mortars I shall check
A lot of new features are been made for 1.6 with the latest one been smoke for bots. You can read the full blog below https://www.realitymod.com/forum/blog.php?b=462 Further 1.6 will have every map redone for better ai functioning. Keep ya updated
Source: https://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/africa/algeria/dzland.htm As the largest country in Africa, the Arab world, and the Mediterranean Basin, Algeria's landscape consists mostly of high plateaus and the Sahara Desert; in fact, over 90% of the country is covered by the Sahara. Over 90%. That desert enough for me.
Can someone please put the Pr music van music under it xD
So far binkle has it up and running and is creating the first map layer but who else is interessted. I will most likely create a PM with the people interessted. This as else it would spam the forum with information others might not need. So lemme know if your interessted and I’ll get you setup as much I can
Virtual box is what I use. Like semler said you only need some harddrive space (and a Windows 7 key) and you are good to go
Test server was maybe switching maps? Non of the maprelated files where modified only ai files and python files
You running latest windows 10 ?Mectus reported that the editor broke after the creators update. Other devs also seem to run in virtual box.
I also use virtual box, have had 0 issues so far
Some quick links Simple manual (step 4 is not required) http://members.iinet.net.au/~kyron/index.htm Editor https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14468 More manuals but most 99% are not used for PR map editing (I suggest you don't follow them as they are unless you going into hardcore editing) https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20862 Note that some small modifications need to be made in the editor settings to be coop compatible. (Devs don't take coop into account in the installation wiki)
So I guess i just toss a coin and see who is interested in learning some basic PR modding. As you all know I now do official modding for PR, meaning that whatever I make and upload it will be in an official PR update. However my time is limited due to uni and other things so i would like to see who else is interested in editing. This so that we could build a simple modding team and thus make more maps for future coop and make it better. I know you all thinking that is way to hard or that you need a really powerful computer to do this well no. The only main requirement is that you have 30 GB ish free space and windows 7 (windows 10 you will need a virtual machine to run it). I am skipping the how to install the editor and how to unpack the map so you can edit sections as they are a one time explain thing. Without having to read pages of documentation, PR editing is nothing more then flying around on the map and rightlick to create a flag, spawnpoint, Asset spawner. further you have to fill in a tiny tables (seen below) of who owns the flag,assset,spawn what does it spawn and how long for a respawn and you nearly done. The nearly done points towards finalizing some ai areas you need to define. However going until this point is for me far enough as I could do the rest. I could ofcourse learn you how to do this as its nothing more then right clicking but if people go until this extend on contributing i am perfectly fine with it. Well I know you all posting about Navmeshes and other stuff so i guess i go over them quickly Navmesh. The navmesh is a green mesh that can be shown in the editor. It defines where bots CAN and CANNOT go. As the mesh size is limited not every section of the map is covered by it so the bots cannot go to it. For editing the ONLY requirement you have is that you need to put all the bot spawnpoints and assets on the green surface, this so that they can use it. You dont need to edit the navmesh as doing that does involve a good computer additional programs and even more free time. Faction limit. When you want to edit any map you have to take into account that the language spoke ingame (by the factions) CANNOT CHANGE. This means that when the original map (deployment) plays USA vs MEC the languages are locked at English vs Arabic. This means that we cannot play Germany Vs Poland as the languages would be incorrect. However we can play Canada vs FSA as canada uses English and FSA uses Arabic languages. Flag limit. While the flag number has no limit (well 99999 flags is the limit) you can only have 9 groups of flags. With groups is meant that group 9 would be docks flag and group 8 would be north city flag. you can only cap group 8 if you own all the flags of group 9 ( even if that would be 20 flags) The limit means that we cannot have more then 9 of them in a row as we run out of numbers (game doesnt accept double digits) So the question would be who would be interested to learn and to help out in the development of future coop map. I will help you with installing and getting everything up and running and asnwer the questions you might face when making the maps. If you just want to stick to what is explained in this topic that would already help me for 80% of the work. If you would like to learn how to do the entire map so you can testplay it I can help you with the additional steps. If interested reply below or poke me on TS so I can help getting everything setup and show you how to get started. All the help is welcome
PR Updated to - Post any bugs here
Double_13 replied to =VG= SemlerPDX's topic in PR Cooperative
Well other methods could be done (bypassing the entire checksum script) but technically changing these files are in violation of the PR server rules. However minor issues like these might even be modifyable without it changing the md5 checksum. As melon and me are part of the Development team these small fixes should not be an issue when bypassed (don’t quote me on this). However I would like a more permanent solution meaning push it on an official update. -
PR Updated to - Post any bugs here
Double_13 replied to =VG= SemlerPDX's topic in PR Cooperative
You can’t alter it as it is packed inside the zip files (md5 checksum checker stops server from launching). This unlike the ai files that are editable. melon might be able to bypass it as he did before. I shall make a note that I have to adress this issue and push it official. the asset cleanup has always been present and we trying out best to see if we can remove it. edit with removing I mean adjust the settings to match deployment settings -
@=VG= SemlerPDX you actually use the thumb control or not?
Like the comments say no. i use this keyboard with WASD i can program each G key 3 times per profile and switch between profiles infinite times. While it is handy I rarely use it only for large editing (I use them to write out the entire flag spawned name on Pr editor xD) and a shortcut for typing !k !w and some shortcuts like dis steal tk) but back the the video it is what you think is best and I have to say arrow keys FTW (look at the CD tray it says millennium so i guess this guy is still back in 2000's xD)
PR Updated to - Post any bugs here
Double_13 replied to =VG= SemlerPDX's topic in PR Cooperative
Yea some vehicles destroy themselfs quite fast after leaving. Take the boats on pavlosk INF they explode in 10 sec after exiting. It is a setting that is linked to the individual asset so I could fix it