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=VG= keed

VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv3
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About =VG= keed

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  1. Charlie pilot please. Does seize mean we have to find the Helis First?
  2. @Mech Inf: please try to make it to the training at 1700 on the event day as we will practice getting in and out of the metal box in a not chaotic manner.
  3. Sorry for bailing, but Batmeme's internet kept dropping (not his fault!!) so CAS wasn't happening and I felt TRANS wasn't required on a small map (with AA). Frankly I am disappointed in a few community members, VG and not, that joined the pre OP training and kept teamkilling in the training area disrupting people trying to learn. I don't understand why teamkilling is so rampant in Arma when we thoroughly scrutinize doing so in PR. If this would have been on the PR server, I would have kicked players and likely temp banned one person. I know we don't apply the same moderation to Arma events but IMO it's the same mindset of breaking the rules when no admin is on the PR server. I am not asking for milsim or pulling the logs or anything like that but this has been going on for a while and I wanted to bring it up, since it was really irritating tonight. I know it didn't spill over into the OP, but if you join a training session, don't go around behaving like players that make it on our PR ban list. Cheers
  4. Sorry something came up, can't make it this Sat.
  5. @System In PR coop you need to stand next to the person to heal and stab them with an EpiPen to revive. I my option that is less difficult than looking up a spread sheet... On top of that IMHO if you want to introduce milsim medical you have to have a player base that 1) wants it (in sufficient numbers) 2) understands basic combat formations to reduce the amount of injuries and 3) soft qualifications for those who do want to get milsim medical training. As seen in the poll most don't desire more advanced medical functions, most don't respect or call for combat formations (as seen when participating) and having only a hand ful of people doing Medic is limiting in numbers and frustrating when there are no-shows.. ..but that's perfectly OK. Sure, if there is drive in the arma community to step up the game and dive into a more serious environment no problem, let's try it out. I just don't think it's a particularly fruitful endeavor. Or just play with LAMBS! They seem to be doing this just fine for decades.
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