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Member - Jr. Officer Supporter-Lv1
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About Pew_Pew

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Pew_Pew's Achievements

Staff Sergeant

Staff Sergeant (6/18)



  1. Yeah, moving to my new house today apparently....
  2. Hello, something unexpected came up at the last moment so I won't be able to join tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience
  3. Not sure if I can join but can you keep me as reserve for now? I will be able to tell next week if I can join or not. Thanks
  4. Hello can you put me as AR in any squad? I will be at least 50 min late tho
  5. Hey Kedi, welcome to the club man. See ya around
  6. Pew_Pew

    POV CAM.jpg

    Rescue operation failed
  7. Hey, Enfield wants to sign up as a riflemen. He forgot his password so asked me instead to do it on behalf of him. Thanks
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