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=VG= Zeee

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Zeee

  1. Only thing i hate is that people think INF maps should only be low pop its just not true and should be treated like other maps as the bots will spawn more with more players. People need to drop that mentality on inf maps and just start setting them like normal Also it seems the only people to complain are the ones who grab the assets on every other map and get most kills edit: Carentan lrg isnt a hard map same with Hill 488 lrg (it just looks intimidating). Fields of kassel inf is also better now and not that hard anymore
  2. It is its just bugged i would have used it for sure
  3. BF2 Project Reality Event A small but large event hope everyone enjoys Standard VG Rules Apply Date: March 17thTime: 20:00 gmtPassword: noobDownload: Here! -Installation- Directory should look something like this. You must extract the levels using winrar or 7zipC:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels Should be like this when done
  4. STD Muttrah Layer should be avoided till next patch All other Muttrah layers work fine Sorry i should posted this yesterday
  5. Should just go back to the days where cas had 300+ kills on each map unimpeded
  6. All my stuff is on my old pc but maybe some day
  7. Sounds interesting Maybe a bike race would be more fair on like muttrah or fallujah
  8. Thank you everyone for joining hope you enjoyed
  9. Try not to spoil too much for yourself and others my friend
  10. Project Reality Event Redux? Some maps from the previous event with some new additions (via suggestions) Standard VG Rules Apply Date: July 3rdTime: 16:00 UTCPassword: noobDownload: Here! Ras el Masri Std Fallujah West Khamisiyah Operation Archer Kokan Ramiel Defence Omaha WIP With very limited resources try you best to defend against the assault If a flag is lost it CAN NOT be taken back Please let me know your thoughts or suggestions for other layers
  11. Why not just remove the 2 flags on the left town and make first flag controlled by enemy that way we have more contact on flags rather than empty flags
  12. Thank you all for joining the event and being patient as we fixed some issues early on. With all the good feedback and suggestions i'll be able to make these maps better and fix em up. I hope to do more events in the future
  13. Sorry about that went over my head Directory should look something like this. Put them in the levels folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels
  14. Nope will be played as normal like the standard VG Server
  15. Project Reality Event Been promising an event for some time now sorry for the long wait I hope this makes up for it.Standard VG Rules ApplyDate: June 4thTime: 17:00 UTCPassword:Download: Here! Install directory should look something like this C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels Ras el Masri StdStarting things off with something new.Assets2x BMP2M - 2x BTR802x Eurocopter Cas - 2x Mi-17 Trans2x Troop Transport - 2x UAZ Ras el Masri Inf By Melon Beirut AltRecreation of a layer some may find familiar.Assets2x BMP2 - 2x BTR82am1x Havok - 2x Ka-29 Trans2x Tigr - 2x Troop TransportMuttrah AltRedesign of the current Muttrah Alt.Assets2x Strykers 50cal and mk19 variant Tank removedKhamisiyah InfFor those seeking some cqc action with a trusty AK.Assets2x 50cal Technical - 2x Civilian Car1x Rocket Technical - 1x SPG Technical Kashan Alt New layer by Melon Masirah Std By Melon Fallujah Alt By me More maps may be added soon Please let me know your thoughts
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