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Everything posted by Ereen

  1. @=VG= The_Polish_Guythis bit is specifically for u
  2. I can't find the downvote button
  3. Hey guys, welcome back to my blog where I rant about everything related to gaming. Today I want to talk about why Project Reality Battlefield 2 sucks. Yes, you heard me right. I know this mod is supposed to be realistic and immersive, but it's also boring and frustrating. And the worst part is that they deleted one of the best maps in the game: Jabal. Jabal was a classic map that featured a large mountain with a dam, a bridge, and several villages. It was a balanced map that offered different gameplay styles and strategies. You could snipe from the mountain, Assault the dam, or defend the bridge. It was a map that required teamwork and coordination, but also rewarded individual skill and creativity. But for some reason, the developers decided to remove Jabal from PR. They said it was because of performance issues and compatibility problems with the new features. But I think they just wanted to make PR more boring and bland. They replaced Jabal with some generic desert map that has nothing interesting or fun to do. It's just a flat wasteland with some buildings and vehicles scattered around. I think this is a huge mistake and a sign of how Project Reality is going downhill. They are removing the fun and variety from the game and making it more dull and repetitive. They are alienating the fans who loved the original maps and gameplay and catering to the hardcore realism crowd who don't care about fun or entertainment. I'm sorry, but I can't play this mod anymore. It's not the same game that I used to enjoy. It's not Project Reality anymore. It's Project Boredom. And I'm not going to waste my time on it. If you agree with me, let me know in the comments below. And if you disagree with me, well, you're wrong. Thanks for reading and see you next time. This post was made by Bing's AI, He knows, BRING BACK JABAL!
  4. No problem man, Didn't want to take a slot in alpha in case I couldn't come
  5. Probably wont make it, but if i do then Delta Rifleman please
  6. Nii-san R34/32 these tail lights scream f&f too bad it sells expensive and hard to come by in here edit: VIPER ACR
  7. just delete commander at this point lol
  8. A bit late but PR got Third Place https://www.moddb.com/groups/2021-mod-of-the-year-awards
  9. I suggest you also watch the Grand Theft Auto Documentary, I can't get enough of his videos! Great Creator https://youtu.be/poKPUS7pu5Y
  10. People who use Normal pitch are Aliens from Mars trying to decisive us into Believing that their way is the correct way
  11. I would also recommend: Internet historian, he does stuff like these but more in a cartoon-ish style, watch him if you want to chill and have a laugh :P : https://youtu.be/wTziIhu8yvU iI also recommend exurb1a, doesn’t have too many videos but his stuff is worth watching: https://youtu.be/K3W61Ae0M9g
  12. And And lastly, big fries and medium coke zero please
  13. Sure!. i'll text you when im free. PR is not better than life. PR IS LIFE! ;P
  14. Well i find myself coming to PR every time i leave it for a day or two. this game is the best imo, Can't wait to finish my exams and get back on the track :P. Every Arma i play has the same problem,i found my way to higher FPS by lowering the 3D res so it would look like "Minecraft" But playable. i've been in a trouble that i can't find any servers in-game or any Server launchers so that would decrease my chances of having a custom Map/Mod/Gamemode etc...But i will try those Game Modes Eventually Also. Thanks for the suggestions!
  15. ooh im glad i have BF3. IM COMING!
  16. My "pc" dosen't like new games. i wonder why ;p i need a change from PR since i've played it alot and yada yada. will get back to it eventually since it's my go-to when im bored ;D
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