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R-CON LangMaster

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Posts posted by R-CON LangMaster

  1. 1 minute ago, =VG= Acro1 said:

    I'd like to nominate a few players as best-in-slot for the following categories:


    Now on a more sincere note: I nominate... everyone. For every slot/position. Happily surprised by several unknown faces in the past few weeks, so to me everyone is potentially a great player in his/her slot. I love the intention though and I've known that other thread on the PR forums :D 

    Something's fishy over here.

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 minute ago, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

    what else occurred to me: maybe it was my own fault for the crashes... i played with bots on both sides. can it be because of that? and i misused the bots in my team pretty much... ^^

    The thing is adak was not really meant for bots on each side as making bots coming from carrier and tell them to use transport chopper is not very much possible, the only thing that was tested with bots on each side is black gold. and that run very well done actually, the thing is alot of stuff got renamed as you need a different name of the folder so it does not corrupt the original black gold, and you need to rename alot of stuff so it functions properly, which i think i have done right otherwise it would definitely did not start. i am gonna let the black gold run for couple of hours, and i need to fix the adak as there is a problem with nav mesh that is just too detailed sadly and game cannot handle my detailist me.

  3. On 4/19/2021 at 8:35 PM, Golden said:


    Check the levels folder, there is flat earth map, and there is flying moon with capture point on it, it is an official april fools map and it is beyond imagination it is soo well done it is incredible... i need to steal the flying moon with capture point idea. 

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  4. Well, here am i with all it's glory. i have a feeling everybody knows me here LangMaster aka Lang, i am a true joker when it comes to playing games, i have many games in my sleeve that i switch to one and another, the most importantly i love about games is roleplay, everyone having it's original role making the perfect team, that is what i like, i like being original, i tend to do what other people don't, i am the support class that no one plays in games. 

    I don't mind how the game is looking it can be 2D pixel art style from 80s but the main thing is the gameplay for me, i tend to enjoy alot of space games, EVE Online was one of my true loves at first but that game tend to be a very hardcore game and it got quickly over my head as i could not play anything else but EVE to support my alliance in any kind of a way. (i need to get back to it tho one time...) Right now i am sometimes wasting my time in Elite Dangerous if i have a mood for space, sadly that game has a very poor currency making system and as a hardcore miner from EVE Online i had very huge amounts of money at the very beginning as i after couple of hours had enough money to buy end game ship with end game modules, anyways i don't mind it the game feels arcade ish as you have 95% insurance for your ship so if you lose it you lose very much nothing, and it is what i like about the game it's not like EVE online that requires 7 hours of gameplay every day to keep your stuff alive, even tho i feel like if they focused on the simulation and the quality of life improvements, there would be hell of alot success. 

    Anyways in short my favourite games over my time line that i have played, EVE Online, Elite Dangerous, GTFO, Foxhole, Starsector, Barotrauma, Starbound, Path of Exile, Planetside 2 where i have reached level Godlike in the terms of Leading as i somehow managed to make my way up to biggest clan in the game with the rank of Platoon leader, using my PR skills to be leading 40 people in one huge squad over the battlefield, incredible feeling. and final obviously PR. 

    I am 100% sure that i missed plenty of games, i backed many indie games on kick starter and stuff and there is soo many small multiplayer games out there that i time to time open to see my self how the games are going, i should really make a notepad tho as i cannot remember all of those, last one was iron harvest i think as i have my name somewhere in the credits lol...

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  5. 1 minute ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Well, let me know.  No one is actively using the VG Event Server daily and you could have a better learning environment (even if just joining the server yourself to see if something works, then shutting it down again and tinkering with code and navmesh).  Sometimes the final things like running a mission/game in a dedicated environment vs a local environment can present their own set of challenges, and we're happy to provide the tools for you to finalize your work and learn the end parts of map/mission building.

    Of course, if any of our team had a PR Event to host, we'd have to put your work in a side folder for a Saturday (and possibly a few days in the week prior for that event mission testing) but as I said, activity on that server is not 24/7 so you could make use of it the rest of the time to tinker and learn.


    Also, @LangMaster join the VG Army already, geez!  You look naked without Enlisted tags, you've been a friendly regular here for a very long time and we'd love it if you started down the path towards membership groups, even if you didn't want to be part of the VG Clan we still like that we can recognize our long time trusted regulars with the Officers Group membership role, and joining the VG Army (and the Enlisted Group) is the first step towards that.

    Yeah the adak is a bit scary as it is a new 4 by 4 km map and there can be alot of issues even the map it self can be actually faulty and be crashing which is no bueno and making a coop support on it was actually a huge leap for me but i learned alot and as i can say i can easily make a coop support for basically anything, the main thing is that is crashes in game and not in loading which is actually way better than crashing in loading screen in the terms of editing.

    Also thanks for the information, i didn't know exactly what are the steps of making it's way up to VG army, at first i thought it requires some knowledge of people around and being active and doing an application which i was quickly moved out from making me question why is there even an application forum topic in the first place.
    Anyways i have never been in any kind of clan like that possibly in games obviously but having a community on the forums and get to knowing people over teamspeak and stuff is much more bigger than just that, so yes i will check it out, i will try getting that VG thingy in front of my name.

  6. 5 minutes ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    If or whenever you are ready, I'd be happy to give you access to the VG PR COOP Event Server for you to run your tests.  You'd upload missions through TCAdmin web browser based control panel which provides access to the levels folder, and then you'd adjust the maplist.con as needed yourself cuz I'm a lazy fuck and not gonna do your work for you 😜 lol.  Server would be behind a password, of course, and we'd ask that you run tests which have time/duration announced here on the website (can't leave it online 24/7).  *Tests don't need to be announced with a full week or two advance notice as we recommend for standard gaming events, you can literally just use this thread or the chatbox on the front page to announce a new test period anytime, even multiple times in one day for more than one test.

    Let me know! We're all behind you! :drinks:   

    I am gonna get some talk first, and try to realize what could be causing it as i have a bit no clue yet as i am usually just reverse engineering other coop maps, so give me time for now, i know adak crashes cause of big navmesh that i made so i need to made that more slick, not sure about the black gold large tho i have been testing that solo and it never crashed on me which is a weird one.

  7. the vehicles are tied to the radar cp and are gonna spawn once it is captured, only light vehicles are tied to the carrier it self point.

    same like masirah
    also radar is a rocky place and requires very detailed navmesh which cost me a lot of triangles sadly,  i had to cut it down alot, 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, X0R said:

    Just tried it out, a few of my thoughts...

    Blackgold is generally fine, asset's are slightly unbalanced & u need to spread out vehicles across flags so bots don't have to walk everywhere but fine for the most part.

    As for Adak, well....

    • Carrier spawn missing for bots, so either add bot only - spawn on vehicle only spawn points on carrier, see jabal for how to do that, or have radar owned by chinese on start so they have somewhere to spawn on, as otherwise the only way to get them to spawn is for a player to go to the mainland and join each squad to take lead for a moment to give them somewhere to spawn, a similar problem exists on soul rebel though, It's a fairly uncommon mistake, hence why you need to always at least play test at least one round from either side before you publish.
    • Again bots walk everywhere because vehicles are concentrated at main, so have a few transport vehicles linked to CP's so bots don't have to walk everywhere.
    • There's something wrong with navmesh, sure bots walk fine through it, but vehicles are a different story, so normally when a bot encounters a vehicle, it either attempts to take it or enter as a passenger or worst case, just go around it because bots cant enter said vehicle, more often than not however bots act as though the vehicle isn't even there and simply get stuck in a walking animation behind it i.e either vehicle doesn't support bots in which case u should swap it out or navmesh is borked, so validate your navmesh & assets for Inf, Vehicles, Aircraft(i.e do they enter,  dismount, stay in combat area,...)
    • Balancing is also a big issue, asset placement is oddly saturated, again making bots walk everywhere and hardly using vehicles as there are far too few spawn in vehicle spawn points.

    Generally a pretty good attempt, but I suggest you do in game playtests, boring and repetitive  though it may be, a thorough playtest helps you avoid everything I pointed out and then some, enable ai debug 'aiDebug.draw 1' & 'aiSettings.setStatsViewDistance 150' in aidefaults.ai to evaluate ai behaviour, enable  'rcon debug' and do  'rcon fastcap' to validate all CP's work as intended with CP's being capped fairly quickly for debug, and maybe spawn a few vehicles next to bots to see how they behave


    tldr; playtest ;)

    Chinese is bluefor, there is no need for bot spawns. Radar point is just for giving time for bots, weirdly the vehicles work for me absolutely fine, but as i said us dont have many single seat vehicles actually.

  9. Ah0RVC0.png


    I need some testing subjects for 8 May which is tomorrow (i can't wait man) well for some of us actually today, it will be i am sure at 20:00 ZULU (please yell in the comments if you need a time change,).

    PASSWORD: event test over

    It's nothing official i just need couple of people but it can be more than couple, i am just hoping nothing is gonna crash as it seems to work in local.
    The thing is i have no idea how hard or easy it's gonna be or even if it's gonna run.
    Spread the word. tell others in pr if they wanna play.

    Please download needed map files from the first post, if you need to know where to put them i am sure i posted the exact directory and screens how it should look.



    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1--d9pnPpKgdQwJ3l-_ayaDH2GGWhUI9E/view?usp=sharing RAR 
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tXZDtef48q856qB12wZbT5_esWj-FjKB/view?usp=sharing ZIP





    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mNxDkPeHDQkpGGnwHSfJ_bGB0ONUVuXv/view?usp=sharing RAR
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_7jQkMN34jz7ounkydbAgCFT0PLvYbzQ/view?usp=sharing ZIP




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