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R-CON LangMaster

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Posts posted by R-CON LangMaster

  1. On 9/19/2021 at 8:59 PM, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

    a little exercise in VCV...
    2 computers, the first one does almost everything except the voice. This comes from the 2nd PC and receives a clock via midi and trigger commands on individual notes to start.
    The timing is not really right, but the track is automated up to three quarters.
    I find it interesting how the disharmonious stuff at the beginning, then at 1.5 minutes has a very positive effect ^^


    maybe you hear only noise or nothing if you hear it on a mobile or laptop...^^



    I don't wanna point out anything but this looks exactly like my factorio base, what in the hell is happening this is crazy.

    • Haha 2
  2. On 9/17/2021 at 4:57 PM, =VG= Acro1 said:

    Operation BobCat STD


    Mumble will globally stop working for everyone, sometimes it works again later but sometimes doesn't. It almost seems like it's flag-tied but I can't rally see a pattern.

    This has happened to multiple maps already, bamyan large aswell. But usually the way it goes that the mumble dies silently for everyone for couple minutes, it does not show any icon what so ever, you can see your self speaking but nobody hears you.

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  3. Hmm, i've had similar idea not about the zombies but defending a flag, against incoming enemies.



    I was remaking 2042 map for it to be playable with existent pr models, quite have not finished it yet since doing maps almost from scratch aint that easy.

    I had this kind of idea of having main in middle of the map, with default slow ticket bleed for opfor that would be probably calculated around hour and a half with enemy casualties. 
    The further you get out from your man the more it will be harder for you to capture the flag and obviously the last ones would be uncapable.



    The question is, if this is following the rules of pr, the map idea is possible to make for an event since there are not any rules to limit though some people wanted attack and defend mode in normal pr.

    I got sadly alot of projects in my hands atm and i slightly stopped working on this. Though cool idea.
    I swear those bots have twice as much health when they pull out the knifes, it feels like enraged japanese with katanas out.

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  4. On 8/10/2021 at 11:13 PM, PRBF2TROJANEXE said:

    First error on grozny std 


    Ah that happens to me on any map, i have heard some people have it as well, total pr uninstall does not work, and neither the crash log procdump.exe i have been told to use does not work on this, then i have been told that the VG Server has probably broken networking.

    EDIT: Also this bug happens to some people at once, usually multiple people crashes in the same time when this occurs.

  5. 5 hours ago, System said:

    Fools Road alternative - last flag has bots dying on the spawn in the metal scaffolding, causing massive lag for everyone and an uncapturable flag.
    Outpost standard - we all know its broken, should be taken out
    Khamisiyah large - I believe has already been taken out of rotation? It technically works, but due to the lag that is caused by enemy vehicles piling up in certain areas of the map it usually ends in a runnext vote
    Route E-106 standard - bots die in their spawn in main, no reason for it to be in rotation

    @=VG= SemlerPDX
    Cheers and thanks for the work! 🍻

    The fools road has bots spawns outside the navmesh and so they obviously die on spawn. Easy fix, but i am sure it is gonna be here for another year.

  6. Well, i seem to be getting close in terms of model and optimization i've decided to make extremely detailed high polygon model, and then make a texture out of it (normal map) which makes the original model look high detailed.

    As you can see with the red lines, it looks like it is modeled in but actually not, it is just a ''normal map'' which tells the game where the light should reflect or not and it makes it look like it is modeled, all this will make it look better with 0 performance loss.

    • Like 1
  7. Another update, right now i am trying to doing finishing moves, dev team wants me to optimize this thing more, so i gotta do some optimizing, for now i am gonna try do a way high poly version with every single edge or nail on the metal, then i am gonna convert the shadows and lighting onto the texture it self so it's gonna look like it is still there but in final model it is not, and that texture is gonna be then placed onto a low poly model.

    • Like 2
  8. Sorry for another post, but as i said earlier it has really well made diplomacy and trades around the gold since it is a big currency to keep your empire big, they had some kind of plugin to be able to make trades with just a made sign and chest i think, But i would probably wait for Forge to get update for 1.17 so you can get mods onto minecraft, ah damn you guys are on luck just as i was writing it, cheked the forge webpage and it got an update 15 hours ago yoo.

  9. General:

    • Fixed gun game game mode missing in server list.
    • Fixed client crashing in gun game in rare situations.
    • Fixed gun game smart spawning not working correctly.
    • Fixed black screen not clearing in rare edge case.
    • Fixed getting revived with enemy kit sending wrong kit warning even if original kit will be picked up automatically.


    • Fixed AA missiles redirecting to new targets after exploding.
    • Fixed deviation on various mounted LMG and MMG.


    • Updated Mengshi physics. (This stupid thing should flip less on adak)
    • Fixed M113 floating above water when falling into it upside-down.
    • Fixed being unable to crouch in M240 Humvee.


    • Al Basrah:
      • COOP32: BLUFOR main base flag is now set to be uncapable.
    • Asad Khal:
      • GUNGAME: Updated combat area to be smaller
    • Bamyan:
      • COOP32: Fixed incorrectly defined ticket bleed for BLUFOR.
    • Beirut:
      • COOP128: BLUFOR main base flag is now set to be uncapable.
    • Black Gold:
      • GUNGAME64: Fixed both 16 and 64 combat area being active.
      • COOP16: Fixed flag route not working correctly.
      • COOP32: Both REDFOR and BLUFOR main base flags are now set to be uncapable. Fixed BLUFOR main base flag name being cut off by the map border.
    • Burning Sands:
      • COOP16: Fixed flag route not working correctly.
    • Carentan:
      • COOP64: REDFOR main base flag is now set to be uncapable.
    • Dovre:
      • GUNGAME: Updated combat area to be smaller.
    • Fools Road:
      • COOP64: BLUFOR main base flag is now set to be uncapable.
      • COOP128: REDFOR main base flag is now set to be uncapable.
    • Hades Peak:
      • COOP64: Both REDFOR and BLUFOR main base flags are now set to be uncapable.
    • Kafr Halab:
      • COOP64: BLUFOR main base flag is now set to be uncapable.
    • Khamisiyah:
      • COOP64: REDFOR main base flag is now set to be uncapable. Fixed ZPU4 being undestroyable.
      • COOP128: Fixed ZPU4 being undestroyable.
    • Kozelsk:
      • COOP32: Fixed flag route not working correctly.
    • Lashkar Valley:
      • COOP64: Fixed flag route not working correctly.
    • Nuijamaa:
      • COOP64: Fixed flag route not working correctly.
    • Operation Barracuda:
      • COOP32: Fixed ZPU4 being undestroyable.
    • Operation Marlin:
      • COOP64: Both REDFOR and BLUFOR main base flags are now set to be uncapable.
    • Sahel:
      • COOP64: Fixed flag route not working correctly.


    So many coop fixes, i am guessing me being annoying about the map fixes that i made on the pr forums is actually working.

  10. Hey there, it's me again, the one who keeps spamming this webpage.
    I am making a whole new thread since i am right now working again on something else and not maps for PR, i have finished couple maps now and think i am good for a while now, if you haven't heard the next coming map for pr will be Black Gold Large. it's gonna be possibly in the next update, not in the hotfix

    Well back to the main topic, i am trying to get my skills of modeling slightly higher, and possibly maybe even make the model live into the game. I know there is bunch of other vehicles i could choose from than this 8 wheel monster thing. But first i wanna do something i enjoy, and maybe if it's gonna actually make it into the game, i might focus onto some vehicles that are actually needed to be added into the game. But still don't get your head up too early, Even though adak beta large was also impossible at start, maybe it's gonna have the same result, who knows i am a wizard.  

    Turret Left



    Turret Right



    Blueprint bs. 



    Side View



    Whole Vehicle




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  11. Another bug, Zpu4_atc now unkillable, even though they should not be used now in coop and normal quads (zpu4) should be used instead, some maps still have zpu4_atc version in it.

    Now after the latest update they cannot be killed and are immune to damage, at least from tanks havent tried other types of damage yet.

    Example khami std.


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