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R-CON LangMaster

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Posts posted by R-CON LangMaster

  1. 10 hours ago, X0R said:

    Not a bad first layer, if you're going to experiment with more, consider this, 'team 1' is on most servers a bot faction while 'team 2' is reserved for players, so instead you might want to make 'team 2' an infrequently played (MEC/INS/RUS/...) faction to differentiate your layers from normal layers.

    I think i have been informed about this, that is why team 2 is US and team 1 is mec. But thank you.

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  2. Not sure if it has been fixed yet but we all know that Black Gold Large has no enemy vehicles working, at least they are not using them and is overall pretty boring.
    So i tried my best to learn how to work (somewhat) with bf2 editor with the help of alot people especially Melon and m823us and dinkle i am hoping i did not missed anyone.

    I am a huge fan of maps like khami and big ass desert maps etc, but i have been always a little bit tired from the amount of armored assets that it has and it usually ends up in playing literally armored warfare.

    So i tried to remake the Black Desert Lrg a bit there, there are mortars, quads and tows all around the map same with any other armored assets, everything seems to be working alright for me when i test it, and i've changed it to us vs mec. 

    I am open to any ideas and criticism from you guys, here is the overview that i made for the loading screen, and all the files that you need to run the map yourself.

    And as i say i am very thankful to Melon and m823us since i can now pretty much make my self a layer for any map without too much help, i wanted to change the skybox for this map aswell to be something like a cold evening desert but that was a bit too much for a person who just started placing spawn points and hoping that they gonna work.







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  3. 15 minutes ago, Golden said:

    If you fly OOB on any layer of Khami your hud freezes, controls get remapped, and your character gets turned into living dead. Dead on the score board, alive in game. If you exit the aircraft it will put you into a half-ass third-person camera. I believe it only applies to jets though. I haven't seen anyone in a helicopter experience the glitch.

    Wow this game is trully the only one lol. Impressive how a map can absolutely fuck up your game lol.

  4. Hello, 
    I am definitely not sure if this thread is still active, and i am very surprised there isn't way more created topics about application for VG.

    Anyways i did not really made much of a contribution to Veterans Gaming yet, but i have spent alot of time in the VG's PR server (and i still do to this day), i know you guys are playing bunch of other realistic sims, i just tend to like this one alot for whatever reason.

    I never was a big fan of having clans or neither joining any, but i think have spent enough time to get to know few people and i am sure alot of people know me as well from this community.
    I love to talk with people and a game without voice chat isn't a game for me, and i found out there is alot of people i do really enjoy playing with, not mentioning the soothing voices of some VG members.

    I remember i did joined few PR events but it wasn't much, i know you guys are definitely not focused only around the PR and it is just a tip of the glacier but i still would love to try apply to VG :)

    Graphics, that is the way i could possibly contribute to help this community grow, i am doing alot of dumb stuff from pixel arts to some random banners.. 
    and i need to get into the map editor for PR one time...

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Golden said:

    Still a stupid move to demo bridges in my opinion. I forgot to mention destroying any bridge on any map isn't a good idea because it generally ends up being a nightmare for APCs, HMWWVs, logistics, etc to maneuver the battlefield.


    I wouldn't be so quick to jump ship over one dick head giving you issues. I enjoy playing with you and I'm sure once everything adds up with Blackburn, I trust he'll be dealt with fairly and swiftly.

    I am on that with you, many people that game stood behind me i told them to forget it because they won't do anything with it, one guy just took it slightly too far.

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  6. Start of the game, Pavlovsk bay exactly an hour ago and like 20 minutes. i think it was the alternative version because we had an abrams tank. Made a tank squad, let's be honest i called it a Tankerino squad number 3, still a tank in the name you could easily tell i am driving in a tank, on the other side Blackburn makes a squad Devil dogs number 1, as always he goes for infantry, a member has joined my squad [MY] HowlingWolf a talkative one i knew we gonna have a great game. First point at the beach has been captured pretty quickly we started moving to the tank as i forgot it spawning back on the road. 5 meters in front of the tank i have been suddenly told to delete my squad that it is a duplicate, it took me few seconds to realize what is happening Blackburn has deleted his inf squad and name it TANK and call me as duplicate because his squad is number 1, told him to get out many people did, he said he does not care then he drove to the second point on the hill just between the first and second point not all the way just to stand there and wait for someone to join him as a gunner. I have been totally disgusted after that i have been reported being toxic from him, some people actually TKed him when he was in the tank(one of the guys got actually banned later on by kavelanko) which is something that is still againt the rules but i understand them being angry. 

    Also few rounds before that (Fallujah West) he was a commander and he wanted us to call out an airstrike on mosque where few friendlies already have been, he might have been roleplaying not sure but he told us to do it really in an angry voice not sure how to spell that like he was a general and we were supposed to do what he says i mean yes he is a commander and we should follow orders but i am not going to kill friendlies. 

    Another round we have been on Jabal al Burj i have been driving an apc over a bridge and there was a (hedge hogs or that barricade with barder wire) behind it i have been standing on the bridge for a while trying to figure out how am i getting over that without falling down from it, like 20 seconds after i have been told to get off the bridge quickly because the bridge is about to blow up, i think he set a c4 on it to break it so enemies does not pass it i guess, we got hit hard but we were fine made it to repair station, i forget that because i thought it might be a missunderstooding but from now i might think he just put it there after we have been already on bridge but still i take it as a mistake life goes on.

    I have realized this player is being and absolute jerk to others but when mods come he is playing actually a really good guy.
    Thanks for listening

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  7. Not sure if this is the right thread, i have got into problems for 3 last rounds, i am a friendly person but this guy is an absolute beep beep. 
    I might sound like a cry baby which i am definitely right now.
    he is called PFC.Blackburn, he calls airstrikes on blueberries thankfully none of the squad leads calls it out. As well right now that happened to me he makes an infantry squad as a Squad one, we made a tank squad and after that he deletes the squad one and makes it a TANK and steals it and even tells me to delete my duplicate squad which was like 4 minutes created before his, Not sure it might be alright with rules, this guy just is not one of my favourites :)
    He is a talkative player in mic but he does not give a single thing about others.
    Many people knows i am a friendly player, but this is just against my taste. everyone in chat is with me we tell him to leave the tank for us.

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