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R-CON LangMaster

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Posts posted by R-CON LangMaster

  1. Programming definitely, also, if you get into it, there is a game called screeps, it is on steam.

    In short, simplistic graphics, real time strategy, buildings units and everything is run by your own code, so you make code that will repeat mine this mine that build this here attack there make this unit upgrade that, it is very fun and fun is the best way to learn stuff.

    It is not really for starts but it is definitely great for people that knows a slight part of coding and just wanna remember it and make it bonded into your mind.

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  2. I like it, and i don't like it. 

    This command will remove the fear of getting stuck or flipping over, and will make everyone drive reckless.
    It makes driving feel realistic and fun, i think i have seen it in post scriptum which made the game look absolutely funny and made people laugh when someone flipped a vehicle instead of actually ah shit mate you fucked up. 

    It just feels alot easy to me, even tho i love the idea of it.

    Yesterday we have saved a flipped apc that has been left by it's apc driver, little bump with a tank and my mg gunner returned it to base.
    It felt a bit better than just doing !unflip.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, =VG= TEDF said:

    Yes, the spawns were supposed to be behind the lines to simulate the "surrounded" situation, I just completely forgot about it and was somewhat surprised as well :D . Hell, I still can't remember doing that for the entire map. I remember doing it for the first 2 flags, but after that, completely blank. 

    I assume the spawns got screwed when the game had a brainfart because of too much stuff on the map. I didn't expect the static amount to be so high otherwise I could have easily deleted half the stuff on the map. It's one of the things you don't think about all the time and just can't really test beforehand on an empty server. 

    As for the dod, not sure why the tanks decided to go off map, I placed all the "interest" points for them on the main street, so I have no idea what was so interesting on the other streets that they decided to go there instead. They should have gone  after the assets when they went active, like on the previous event maps. Could be connected to the overloaded statics giving the game a brainfart like it did for the spawns. I'm more interested where did the BMP3 and the El-Beasto go. I didn't see nor hear them the entire round.


    Uhh i saw two spawn points that were not set, they were called beast and somethin but the vehicle was not chosen to spawn, also the H point has a t72 and a striker behind it as a vehicle spawn.

    And as the dod, i think it could be simply fixed to make it like enemy base dod so they could pass through.

  4. Not sure it if was intentional but your spawn points are moved to the point of before it so if you cap a flag it stops spawning units on the flag before it.

    For simplicity the circles are flags, the lines are spawnpoints connected to each flag. If anybody did not know.


    Also the DOD should be kinda setup differently, 3 enemy tanks pretty much were unactive cause the vehicle navmesh is in DOD and they just went right into it.

    I know i am absolute garbage right now since i am not the one making the event but you could possibly just delete few objects from the Masira, you made us load the whole map with all the added smokes and wrecks you added. D:

    Anyways, absolutely amazing map i enjoyed that one with Polish.
    btw i am not looking into the other maps for spoilers. i have just opened this one.

  5. The first one was surprisingly possible even with the glitch* of enemies still spawning at the point of captured flag.
    I have really enjoyed that one but i think the idea of one narrow street being bunch of capture flags saved us since people could sit at back flag and watch 2 flags possibly 3.

    Spread out points with this glitch would be insane.

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