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R-CON LangMaster

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Posts posted by R-CON LangMaster

  1. xCQTNOl.png

    Official capture points for now, i did not managed to make air supremacy points sadly, as i am not even actually sure if it is possible in coop mode, with help of many people like xor and tedf and melon i kinda did not managed to make it work sadly, let's see what pr forums will bring us.

    ANYWAYS the map is now functional and i am just doing testing.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Connor said:

    The Puma almost always 1 taps a stuart and the stuart cant pen for shit. Not only that, the HE rounds are tragic, you shoot one next to some squad, and nothing happens.


    A lot of bugs in this game but it’s in beta so its what you can expect for now.

    The thing is the stuart pens, but it is a solid shell and there is no shrapnel what so ever in killing the puma, aim for the front wheel of puma and slightly above, and two tap the ammo, works 100% for me, and yes puma is sadly overpower as hell.

  3. YM3TH28.png

    i am keeping the original chinese bluefor against usa, it's a very huge map and i think i might have overkilled the number of control points, but as i say i have a feeling we are lacking kind of a khami large shahada std style maps so here it is, i gotta still test some control points and i might change the jets cause they seem to be a bit impossible to take off from the carrier and i did not tried to land them yet...

  4. 6 minutes ago, =AMPHETAMINE= said:

    I like desert maps!

    My favourite was "Suez Canal" and i have much fun there...

    I would like to see Titan on some PR maps - if you guys can make it happend ♥️

    it should be actually very easy as an event map :) since i can reverse engineer the flying moon, all i need to find is a titan model from bf2142 which i cannot seem to find honestly..

    edit: also i have managed to find map files of all bf2142 maps which is pretty cool lol :D i am remaking one but i use only its terrain as the pr objects are different.

    • VG Spirit 1
  5. 2 hours ago, =VG= Vanillapop said:

    I played it last night and enjoyed it, it is a run and gun shooter tho and thats okay wish it had bigger maps.

    Have you played the omaha beach map ? it's a shit show and huge as hell, also the german puma is just broken as hell against stuart lol.

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  6. 4 hours ago, =AMPHETAMINE= said:

    How i loved watching my dad play that game... played on the revive page before shutdown, breath taking fun i had, you know since we can have flying capture points on moons in april maps in pr, i could try making an event map with flying titan from bf2142 :P and you know what ? i might have a perfect map for it that i am working on... 






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  7. I am playing it like crazy for the last week it is insanely enjoyable cause if you think about it, the is the most realistic ww2 shooter now with ground and air vehicles and it is still in Beta, the graphics are beyond imagination i love it, even tho i hate the progress a bit as i am playing only US and it is only control points game mode or we are pushing omaha beach... so the US has no defender mode.

  8. Just now, =VG= BLuDKLoT said:

    What about old maps like road rage and the old bf2 map pack maps we used to play, I can't even remember them all but they were so fun. Be awesome but don't know if they get jacked every time PR updates.

    As usual i am a big game hunter and these maps tend to be very small



    this is the only coop road rage that is up, and it is very small if you think about it, i need to do the same generate new navigation mesh for the bots.

    Usually every bf 2 map with coop is actually very small and we actually played most of them with TEDF event, i don't feel like replaying them would be enjoyable ?

  9. Hi there, i wanted to just post some stuff i am working on, i know y'all heard about the Black Gold Lrg that i fixed and basically completely remade, it did not made much success on pr forums sadly which kinda confirms what everyone said that they don't care about COOP, it kinda makes me make a map that will be only COOP cause fuck you 🙂. So i decided to make it as an event map, i had to remake some stuff as it needs to be a standalone map and i had some fighting with it but it is now working fine at least with me testing it, i am still waiting for Mate reply. 







    !r LangMaster one manning cas

    I am usually a big game hunter so i am focusing on large maps, so i kinda decided to make one more, since these maps are too big and i think two of them are enough, can you guess what is the next map ?



    the terrain is mirrored so it is gonna be slightly hard to guess :) and also a bit cut off but i believe in you, (also looks like i may have fucked up something but shhh,)  the map does not have a coop support and i know how to make a new layers easy peasy but making a whole coop support so bots know where in the hell are they suppose to walk is no bueno, the generating.exe stuff took nearly a 24 hours and y'all know i am one of the fast loaders in pr. 

    Also since i was talking about my own map, i am working on my own map that is gonna be only but only completely mine, cool isn't it ?



    lot of stuff still needs to be done, still placing objects, then lightmap, then generate navmesh for coop support, then actual layer.
    Also Kavelanko wanted me to make falklands more Biglands into the event, well first of all i need to generate navmesh since the INF layer is absolute ass, and i realized the islands are 4 huge objects, there is no terrain it just 4 objects because PR cannot handle terrain larger than 4x4km so yeah, it might actually be very easy or actually very fucking impossible, Melon knows...

    Give me some ideas or whatever feedbacks you got in minds, if you wish to help me in some way, it would be absolutely lovely, even tho i doubt that there is people with knowledge of this, also thanks to Melon and Tedf cause figuring out some shit without them is beyond impossible, it is usually me just venting in their pms on discord about how the editor is so garbage, and then realizing i am an idiot so yeah...

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  10. I got my own opinion, the longer i play the more i meet a games where i am just talking to my self in squad lead chat, and even tho they can hear you as example trojan he rosponds with a command menu there is 0 intel coming back to you about battle field and what in the actual fuck is going on in there.

    Same goes for vehicles i always leave a squad if the person i am going to play with the vehicle has no microphone, i won't kick him i just don't have the mood to be sitting with someone in a vehicle for 1 hour that does not have microphone, it is very annoying and exhausting.

    I don't mind people in infantry if they don't have microphone as usually there is 50-50% people who have mike, at least they follow my orders.

    But if i would be honest, if you don't have microphone, get out of the squad lead.

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