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About .SUGAR.

  • Birthday 02/22/2000

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    Tura River City

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  1. Oh, didnt known that I will be on top of the list :DD And i killed more people then days in the year so that means i killed more then 1 friendly soldier every day >:)
  2. I played them and they all works. Bots are moving and other stuff.
  3. Recently I was thinking about the maps on which we have been playing for a very long time and decided to find some other maps on which to play in co-op. Searches were successul and I managed to find several maps on which to play as part of the EVENT. Some of them may already be known to you from the original Battlefield 2, some of which you yourself may accidentally found. I selected few of them that would be interesting to play. The list is here: 1. Al Sbeneh(Base defence) 2.Airport 3.Borovsko Bridge 4.Daqing Oilfields 5.Goods Station 6.Gulf of Oman 7.Hills of Hamgyong 8.Inishail Forest 9.Karkand 10.Zatar All these maps are available at next link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EIPoGfLcN3l3sPAdszZoKZp0E2eFQ1bS To install them you should drop all files from Map folder to Project Reality folder/mods/pr/levels/ I runned all these maps and seems like they are available for actual gameplay, so that why I suggest to make with these maps a event like "good old days maps" or something like that.
  4. YAY! I got in the first 100 on gameranks in VG Co-Op Server.


    Read more  
    1. =VG= m823us
    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Congratulations, man!  Glad you're enjoying the server! :drinks:


  5. I can suggest on weekend two on Bamyan Map make a RU vs Taliban and make it like the Afghani War from 1979-1989. I think thats good idea. Give russians some light armored vehicles like BTR-80(Not BTR-80A) ,BTR-60,BRDM-2M. May be a SU-25A ,but put some AA in city or around the map so it get balanced. May be instead of a jet add Mi-24V. Trans Helicopter Mi-8,1-2 Logi trucks and some trooptrucks. The scenario will be like to reach the Northern Airfield and cap it or just play it like normal AAS map.
  6. .SUGAR.

    New PR events ?

    I can suggest to make a 1 Life event on a server. Just try something new on co-op server.
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