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Future ARMA Events - Suggestions and Ideas

=VG= Sausag3

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Please put down your ideas and suggestions you would like to see in the next series of ARMA Events

To help you think, here is a list of questions you can think of:

1. What Maps interest you? Did you find any interesting maps on the workshop or other sites?

2. What Mods would you like to see? Any thing interesting on the workshop?

3. What Countries/Factions/Organisations interest you?

4. Any Interesting Scenarios you can think of?

5. Organisation structure? Would you like to see a set objective with set guidelines on how to carry out an objective? Or would you like to see Commanders/Squad Leaders figure out and plan how to do things themselves?

6. Do you need any training to prepare for Arma Events? ACE,TFR, Basic Arma Functions, Useful Tips?

7. Would you like to see a campaign? (Multiple Events in one "Story Line")


The more Ideas, and suggestions the better the content and quality for your future events.

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1 hour ago, denis34312 said:

will there be an CAS pilot place in the next event ?

All depends on the scenario/map/faction of next event.

Honestly in my opinion the only time I see CAS or any Heavy Assets being used in events is if it is balanced with boots on the ground to make it fair for all and fun to enjoy. I don't think it's fun to see CAS wiping out every solider on the map leaving the infantry to scoop up the scraps. 

If CAS vehicles isn't as OP, If rules are made to prevent CAS from fucking up everything in it's path - Say the only time CAS can engage a target is if a squad leader or commander requests for one. then depending on what the event will be about then adding CAS might  be a possibility in events.

I suspect Trans Helicopters are more likely to be included than CAS - Again, Depends on the situation of the event.

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I think before i suggesting things i will ask how good your in Arma Scripting dear Sausag3? I dont know what the Mission Editor features or if you have to create your own scripts for my dreams. I think Ciro and Jaki can help with things.

Listen ...

Lets go away from this mass tactical ARMA material battles. We dont have the players for that yet. Lets play Special Forces. Small Group Missions.

Lets also not fight against conventional forces. Other evil still exist like drug cartels, weapon or slave dealers.

Can you create a campaign like that? Incomming wall of text.

Location Tanoa. Jungle and urban areas. Like that.

  • V.I.P. got lost by a chopper crashs, crashsite anywhere in the jungle. The team have to find this chopper to rescue the V.I.P.
  • V.I.P. got captured by a big and good armed drug cartel. 
  • Team have to earn Intel by making sidemissions to get information about the hostage location. It could be a chase over the map.

Stealth should be a factor, towns should be full of civilians and cartel members with moderate firearms like submachine guns, maybe you can put the INCOGNITO feature in like antistasi has. It could also include a kill mission to rescue other hostages like news reporters or red cross employee or wreck diving to salvage a corpse from a missing DIA agent to get Intel. Sabotage the cartels drugfarms or drugfacilities. Be creative at this. The evac should also be handled with captured vehicles. The total escape of the team could be something like stealing a waterplane or boat to get to the end evac zone.

It dont must be always a full war Scenario. Make Arma not War xD

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I mean real CAS , for example , i am in a A-10  , until the inf reaches the AO i will hold position in base , or if i get called in i will take off .When inf is in the AO I will provide overwatch and intel if i spot something, and if i would like to engage something i would request permission to first. Basically I am just support for ground. Thats how I CAS.

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1 hour ago, denis34312 said:

I mean real CAS , for example , i am in a A-10  , until the inf reaches the AO i will hold position in base , or if i get called in i will take off .When inf is in the AO I will provide overwatch and intel if i spot something, and if i would like to engage something i would request permission to first. Basically I am just support for ground. Thats how I CAS.

I'm sure, when we reach the point, where we have more interrested people  that joining arma events, yes it will be a standard.

Atm. we need more boots on the Ground to build a playerbase. You can run CAS at it has should to be on a server population lvl of 20 players.

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CAS is just one form of Fire Support.

In a general sense, some form of Fire Support should be available, with restricted use to team leader(s), and with certain criteria to keep it from being an OP tool in any given scenario.  Great ideas above - ROE could prevent use of Fire Support due to assets or presence of non-combatants, etc.

As far as human-controlled Fire Support, there are those of us who would not mind a restrictive 9-line style CAS call, putting lead on target and not just given a pass for "Weapons Free" over the AO.

I'm the type of guy who would love sitting back in the Mortar or Arty pit, chillin and waiting for that call - then going back to chillin and such - I don't get bored in those roles.  Some people do - just gotta poll around if you want a couple dedicated Fire Support players, you might get volunteers like me and others.

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1 hour ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

A small =VG= Arma memorial ….. nice times. Miss that.

(god I wish I hadn't used photobucket back then ;) )  I was just crawling through the wayback and saw some posts on the old website about my CLAfghan mission - sadly, they weren't archived so I couldn't read what we were planning back then.

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Keed and I used to play quite a bit with the LAMBS people back in the day and they had quite good procedure for pre op :

For the first 30 ish minutes, players would do warmup stuff like squad manouvers / building clearing / convoy excersices / shooting practice with heavy weapons etc. During that warmup time, people with tech issues could get help from others and would have time to solve them while others were occupied doing something instead of sitting in the main. I seem to remember that some people got rather annoyed having to sit around for so long during last op, so I feel this would help a lot to keep the morale up.


Fire support : 

2 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

In a general sense, some form of Fire Support should be available, with restricted use to team leader(s), and with certain criteria to keep it from being an OP tool in any given scenario.  Great ideas above - ROE could prevent use of Fire Support due to assets or presence of non-combatants, etc.

As far as human-controlled Fire Support, there are those of us who would not mind a restrictive 9-line style CAS call, putting lead on target and not just given a pass for "Weapons Free" over the AO.

I'm the type of guy who would love sitting back in the Mortar or Arty pit, chillin and waiting for that call - then going back to chillin and such - I don't get bored in those roles.  Some people do - just gotta poll around if you want a couple dedicated Fire Support players, you might get volunteers like me and others.

+1 to that.

One of the best rounds I've had in Arma. Just sitting in a shed, taking shelter from the rain and sh*t talking with Jager. When called in, dragged the mortar out, fired some shots and then dragged it back in. I believe it did eventually get us killed due to arma being arma, with the mortar bugging out and firing at random while in the shed, but still. Good times.




Lead structure, cooperation and training : 

Lead structure would be interesting, but as Fastjack mentioned, there are too few of us atm to have a fully functional CO and 2IC system for ops. I do think some form of coordination structure between squads should excist tho. I did have some tech issues during last mission and had to quit early because of it so I can't say about rest of the op, but one thing I noticed during our first attack on the village was that there was almost no cooperation between the squads. Everyone just went in at random without a solid plan. I think there were quite a few blue on blue incidents because of it which could have been avoided. After village got secured, no one set up a perimeter and after couple of minutes, an enemy patrol just walked in and managed to kill off quite a few people. The same with building clearing, some of the buildings weren't cleared and as a result people started to get shot in the back by baddies garrisoned in them.

I think, before going for an attack, squad leads should meet up and agree which squad is going to clear which part of the city and make sure that members of their squad don't run off into other squads sectors to avoid blue on blue incidents.

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  • 3 months later...
On 21. 02. 2020. at 4:54 PM, =VG= Fastjack said:

Exist there a mod for WWII that supports submarines and destroyers? That's would be awesome for an Event. Playing Battleships on Arma.

Yes... but to an extent. Unfortunately BI never made a proper system nor some kind of Ship DLC to make proper naval battles possible, but this is closest it will get you to. They might not be the nicest, but they do move and fire guns. 


There is also an LCI armed with 20mm autocannons and some other landing crafts in IFA3.

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@=VG= Sausag3 Added the new event to the calendar, but I was not sure if you wanted me to postpone the weekly SQUAD Event on the calendar or not - If not, I'll move it back from June 6th if you intended to have the players hang out and play some SQUAD, and then break and go back into Arma 3... Just let me know.  Cheers!

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It all depends on numbers. If 1 week is not enough to gather people on the forums to apply to the event then we shall postpone the Arma event to the week after. If it fills up quick, then squad event would need to be postponed to next week.

Ill PM you and keep you updated.

Cheers bud.

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Yea, a few of us will be streaming and recording it.

I've got a few terabytes free space in my DropBox - would like to create a collaboration folder, and share access to any of us regulars at VG to upload raw footage from our perspective, we'll name the files for the player who's view it is, and we can all download any other perspective if we wanna make a larger video project including other camera angles.  I still have to work out the logistics, and I assume anyone who'd want to participate would need a DropBox account (free version would be fine), so I can add users to a shared folder.


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  • 4 months later...

I should've posted linked comment here in retrospect ,so I might as well link to it.

tldr; Arma 3 Domination Is actively being maintained by author of original Arma 2 Domination & is better than ever, no better scenario for a persistent Arma 3 campaign. Events are great & all, but Persistent JIP campaigns done right, are gold.


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I've just loaded up Xeno's Domination on the server, It actually looks pretty good, plus theres a rank system where the higher the rank from killing shit the more items you unlock in the arsenal and vehicles? Looks pretty sick tbf

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On 19/10/2020 at 10:47 AM, =VG= Sausag3 said:


I've just loaded up Xeno's Domination on the server, It actually looks pretty good, plus theres a rank system where the higher the rank from killing shit the more items you unlock in the arsenal and vehicles? Looks pretty sick tbf

Make the server a domination server please and thank you

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