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Squad Formations in PR

=VG= Kavelenko

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2 hours ago, =VG= m823us said:

My ideal squad usually involves a GL more then an AR/MG due to the limited players that are effective with them and lack of surpression. Plus grenades are getting more effective against vehicles now, which is a plus. 

Grenadier is a must on each urban map in deployment. Best Tshape cleaning toolkit you can have. Favorite kit on Muttrah.

AR's are better on forestmaps. 

Machinegunner kit is better in my opinion when you want to lock down (camping) an area for longer time like on top of fallujah's gates, service station or russian appartment buildings.

More about squad formations.

Look how difficult it is atm. to keep apc's closer to infantry to give them firesupport (its also an formation but rarely seen).

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Might be a little late on this post but hey, might aswell get my say on this.

I think that Section Formations in a COOP game is pretty much useable "sometimes" (Meaning it can be used in some situations such as a defensive position using arks of fire etc) but overall in every COOP game its kind of pointless as of all the reasons above this reply.

What needs to be focused on more instead of formations is the Section Spacings. Think about it, If you was a bot or let alone an enemy player and you see an orgy of infantry in one cramed space. You would obviously pull out your trusty boom kit and throw it at them and watch all the kill counts rise...

I have seen countless moments of our infantry sections getting wiped just because of this issue.

If you're a section commander then I suggest you always watch where all your lads are, and If they are having some sort of orgy cramed together then give them a little bollocking and tell em to space out abit.  I expect some people to say "Oh yeah I do that all the time" Yeah I do that all the time too, but sometimes It still happens anyway so personally we need to get our shit together especially as a squad leader. of course there are some brilliant squad leaders who know their shit. but obviously there are others who don't have as much self disipline as others. and anyways, of course, nobody is perfect

Maybe we should introduce some sort of training sessions for squad leaders on the server (Maybe a special event on just that?)

Its not the riflemen and the specialists issue, its in fact the squad leader, Because they are the ones who lead them to victory as they say, so they must instruct and organise his/her fellow comrades so that their infantry section can have the advantage in a firefight. and getting the spaces sorted out is one of the steps.


Oh and P.S

I might make a new post on the forums about something like this probably to do with "Squad Tactics and Formations to gain the advantage in the firefight"

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On 7/25/2017 at 4:04 PM, =VG= Fastjack said:

I think we should make an pure vehicle warfare layer for ........ :Archie_07: ...... but for which map?

Or we must make deployment event for vehicle warfare.


Fallujah West would be good for a MEC/ Warfare with the city.  

Iron Ridge is another great option I believe.

Qwai River would be great for vehicle warfare. Open area, foliage. 

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It's always good to have some one in the squad who is second in command. SL gives orders, formulates plans, gives out kits and communicates with other squads. 2nd CO should make sure orders are followed (or repeated in comms), asks if everyone still has ammo / medic, keeps track of squad vehicles and soldier spacing. They are indispensible.

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5 hours ago, Sausag3 said:

What needs to be focused on more instead of formations is the Section Spacings. Think about it, If you was a bot or let alone an enemy player and you see an orgy of infantry in one cramed space. You would obviously pull out your trusty boom kit and throw it at them and watch all the kill counts rise...

I have seen countless moments of our infantry sections getting wiped just because of this issue.

Sausage, the formations presented don't give the exact distances between each squad member but the original for the Squad Column had a distance of 50 metres between the Squad Leader and the first Medic. So relative distances between each squad member is probably 10 metres at a minimum. These are also movement formations so they are not designed for static defensive positions. In motion these formations are meant to give certain advantages for lateral defense while a squad moves to an objective. At the moment the only formation I see in game in PR is a single file, or something else that resembles a dogs breakfast. Any formation would be an improvement of what is currently the norm.

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11 hours ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

 relative distances between each squad member is probably 10 metres at a minimum.

I agree with you on that one, Spacings can not be too distant and cannot be too close.

That is an Ideal distance that works on both COOP and Deployment servers, In reality the distances between the Squad members would be spread out, but not too regularly, for example:

These spacings are too regular so it makes the section appear "Un-Natural", because nature obviously randomly has un-regular spacings between each tree.

Screenshot (6).png

To use the full efficiency of your camoflauge the Squad spacings has to be Un-Regular in terms of spacings, making the squad look abit more "Natural" like this image below

As you can see the spacings of the squad not only prevents the squad being wiped but it also employs some more efficient use of your surroundings and makes camoflauge more "Efficient".

Screenshot (7).png

Of course In PR it doesn't really matter because you'll be seen anyway as movement will point you out like a sore thumb.


Here are some more Tips that you might find useful in your squads (In Images)

Screenshot (8).png

Screenshot (9).png

Screenshot (10).png


11 hours ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

At the moment the only formation I see in game in PR is a single file, or something else that resembles a dogs breakfast. Any formation would be an improvement of what is currently the norm.

Speaking of Section formations, i've got an old guide to tactical formations when I got issued it from the reserves...  Hopefully this can be used more often if the Squads has more experience to these types of formations


The Squad Leader should decide what formation the Squad should be traveling with based on

  • Ground
  • Visibility
  • Direction from which enemy fire is expected
  • The need for control by the Squad Leader
  • The need for producing the most effective and maximum fire towards the enemy position with minimum delay


The Key to the images:

Circle - A Member of the Squad

2 Chevrons - Section Commander (Squad Leader)

1 Chevron - 2nd Section Commander (Second in charge)

Big Black Arrow - Direction of travel

Arrow in circle - Machine Gunners

Blue Colour - Charlie Fireteam (The Squad leaders fireteam)

Green Colour - Delta Fireteam (The Second Commanders Fireteam)

S symbol - The Scout or the "Leading Man"


These are the "Assualting" Formations, Mainly used to assualt an objective or Enemy Position in an open territory (use of cover can still be employed in these formations)

The first formation used is the "Extended Line" Formation:  and I've got to admit, its actually a good formation, its simple to use, efficient in firepower but it has its disadvantages too. if you combine different fireteams you can actually have a good advantage over the enemy

Screenshot (14).png

There is another Formation simular to the "Extended Line" its called the "Arrow Head": This is also a good formation when the section wants to attack an objective or wants to engage and destroy an enemy position, again, it has its advantages and disadvantages

Screenshot (15).png


Now these following formations are considered as "Patroling" Formations, usually employed when using roads, headges or ditches as handrails to your objective.

Screenshot (16).png

Screenshot (17).png

Screenshot (18).png


Hopefully this will help some of you guys understand what some of the tactical formations you can use on the battlefield. but the only way to fully understand it is to practise it at some point (Maybe there should be an event for training for these kind of things etc)

The names for the formations can be a bit different to other countries for example the "Arrow head" would be called the "Wedge" formation by the yanks, but hey, they all do the same purpose dont they XD

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3 hours ago, Sausag3 said:

Now these following formations are considered as "Patroling" Formations, usually employed when using roads, headges or ditches as handrails to your objective.Hopefully this will help some of you guys understand what some of the tactical formations you can use on the battlefield. but the only way to fully understand it is to practise it at some point (Maybe there should be an event for training for these kind of things etc)

The names for the formations can be a bit different to other countries for example the "Arrow head" would be called the "Wedge" formation by the yanks, but hey, they all do the same purpose dont they XD

Now you're talking Sausage, excellent information mate! Lets get some of this shit into our game!

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