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Things that ruin maps

=VG= Melon Muncher

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So with AI changes slowing down I'm turning my attention to the hated maps of PR, the despised, the forests. I'm looking to improve these mapsplayability by improving the specific issues that cause us to alt+f4 midway through the round, or things that cause everyone to get annoyed fighting over a single flag for 20+ minutes.

To do this, I need help from you, the playerbase to help compose this list of dramas. I need 3 things, map name & layer, flag name or location and the issue.


Fools road LRG, east valley and ridgeline. Spam fighting in forest.

Lashkar Valley STD, North Objective, impossible to cap without APC spamming from hill.\


I know forest maps suck because bots can see through trees, but it is being worked on with variable view distances and other things

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Assault on Mestia - Standard - reaching North Perimeter without going insane
Bamyan - Large - Foxtrot flag gets a lot of heavy fighting, it gets boring for everybody if all of the spawns aren't being camped and takes a while, no one should have to camp that much, last flag in dod...
Battle of Ia Drang - Standard - US Command fighting without proper support can become hell in the first few minutes, AA pit flag is difficult to reach and is usually where bots are found most of the time, other flags mostly empty even though they have decent cover
Battle of Ia Drang - Alternative - yes
Charlies Point - Standard - Bridges flag is hell if capped third in order, no cover, bots spawn everywhere, Abandoned Airbase feels almost the same, but it has one sandbag bunker (destroyable bunker) you can use for cover
Fools Road - Infantry - cancer hill fighting on Hill 530 and 531 with brain dead bots, can't imagine what it's like with the new ones
Fools Road - Alternative - broken bot spawn out of navmesh makes them die and stay in cap, few times couldn't finish it and it caused massive lag cause of the bodies
Hades Peak - Alternative - reaching Checkpoint by any means requires more luck than brain, and a good CAS squad (hope the quad that can see our main doesn't kill them at the start)
Karbala - Standard - unused gary :(
Korengal Valley - Standard - bots like the G3 part of the map too much, keep suppressing from there
Masirah - Infantry - Fighting in the Palace causes massive lag due to dead bodies
Masirah - Large - North Hangars bots get stuck inside the bunkers in a large number, feels like those could be better off elsewhere
Omaha Beach - Standard - the broken ramps on the landing crafts
Operation Ghost Train - Infantry - Supply Train 0 usable cover, barely can cap it by hooking into the train
Operation Soul Rebel - Standard - Alva flag, 1 wooden shack surrounded by dense foliage, what could possibly go wrong
Operation Thunder - Standard - Castle Road to Barn, no cover, can't cross without smoke at all
Outpost - Alternative - no respawn logi, reliance on trans for supply
Shijia Valley - Infantry - Not camping the spawns correctly or just fighting in general on the South City flag sometimes causes massive lag due to the sheer number of bots/dead bodies
Tad Sae Offensive - Alternative - South Bridge 0 cover fighting
Wanda Shan - Standard - driving for minutes to and from main, flags with 0 infantry fighting
Xiangshan - Alternative - North Objective impossible to cap, 0 cover, 200m cap, foliage everywhere, South Fields is also painful, but only cause of that 1 spawn inside of a bush on the south-west side of the flag

Guys, don't just spam the thread with "this map sux, bushes blah" - think of:

3 hours ago, =VG= Melon Muncher said:

specific issues

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Well basically almost every map that has alot of foliage, which La Drang is a speciality for this. Being shot at by something you cannot see is very annoying, and only way to usually win these fights is to absolutely ignore the bots and make a big circle of running around them.

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2 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Assault on Mestia - Standard - reaching North Perimeter without going insane

Just too hard to reach the flag with bots attacking or to cap the flag?

2 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Bamyan - Large - Foxtrot flag gets a lot of heavy fighting, it gets boring for everybody if all of the spawns aren't being camped and takes a while, no one should have to camp that much, last flag in dod...

Should be okay now

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Battle of Ia Drang - Standard - US Command fighting without proper support can become hell in the first few minutes, AA pit flag is difficult to reach and is usually where bots are found most of the time, other flags mostly empty even though they have decent cover

Give it a shot now. Bots also don't shoot so far

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Charlies Point - Standard - Bridges flag is hell if capped third in order, no cover, bots spawn everywhere, Abandoned Airbase feels almost the same, but it has one sandbag bunker (destroyable bunker) you can use for cover

Bots will stop spawning when you start capping now. Bots also don't shoot so far

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Fools Road - Infantry - cancer hill fighting on Hill 530 and 531 with brain dead bots, can't imagine what it's like with the new ones

same as above

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Fools Road - Alternative - broken bot spawn out of navmesh makes them die and stay in cap, few times couldn't finish it and it caused massive lag cause of the bodies

not fixed atm

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Hades Peak - Alternative - reaching Checkpoint by any means requires more luck than brain, and a good CAS squad (hope the quad that can see our main doesn't kill them at the start)

Try it again, shouldn't be able to shoot into main anymore

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Karbala - Standard - unused gary :(

not fixing lol

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Korengal Valley - Standard - bots like the G3 part of the map too much, keep suppressing from there

should suppress less from distance

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Omaha Beach - Standard - the broken ramps on the landing crafts

??? not really able to do anything. Do you hold V arrow to drop ramp?

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Operation Soul Rebel - Standard - Alva flag, 1 wooden shack surrounded by dense foliage, what could possibly go wrong

Should be somewhat easier, shit map though

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Operation Thunder - Standard - Castle Road to Barn, no cover, can't cross without smoke at all

Infantry layer?

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Tad Sae Offensive - Alternative - South Bridge 0 cover fighting

Try it again

4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Wanda Shan - Standard - driving for minutes to and from main, flags with 0 infantry fighting

shit map. not much can be done


4 hours ago, =VG= System said:

Xiangshan - Alternative - North Objective impossible to cap, 0 cover, 200m cap, foliage everywhere, South Fields is also painful, but only cause of that 1 spawn inside of a bush on the south-west side of the flag

Same as charlies. Bots also don't shoot so far

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Regarding FPS issues

Khamisiyah Alternative -- two-storey buildings inside the Bunker Complex (bots spawn there in groups of 4-6 at once).

Masirah Infantry -- lagging so much inside the Palace (last group of flags) that the server couldn't register a revive. Hopefully we could have more fighting within the city streets and less in the end.


Bamyan Large -- lack of infantry transportation other than few Ural trucks. I know Boraghs were not supposed to be on that layout, however putting them on OPFOR side so they cannot be accessed makes little sense.

Enemy armor usually gets stuck at Objective Golf (that narrow checkpoint after Foxtrot).

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8 hours ago, =VG= Melon Muncher said:

Just too hard to reach the flag with bots attacking or to cap the flag?

The terrain there is awful, the only real cover you have is the bunker, and the only way to it from the north (the side with the least bots) has a valley where they shoot at you from above, and even if you reach it it requires a lot of firepower to neutralize.

8 hours ago, =VG= Melon Muncher said:

??? not really able to do anything. Do you hold V arrow to drop ramp?

Yes, the ramp doesn't move at all, and it starts in the open position, I've played on deployment and their boats work normal. (this issue has been around for a few patches now - feels like it was "made" so that the bots can exit the boats)

8 hours ago, =VG= Melon Muncher said:

Infantry layer?

Yeah, my bad, Castle Road has some cover in the form of rocks and they come from only one direction so it is a little tough but doable, but there is 0 cover when moving to the Barn, only bushes, and the terrain doesn't help either. Usually dump a lot of smoke so that we could even get near it.

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4 hours ago, EuroStep said:

They come from a selection menu. If you want a CO-OP kit grab it from the crate, provided you can find one early game (useful for medics I guess).

You are saying it backwards. The coop kits come from the selection menu. The ones from crates and apc's are deployment medic kits. And yup it can be a problem sometimes. 

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