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  1. Today
  2. AR or Medic in Delta please (dunno what's better for a newbie) I might get a power outtage because the electricity situation is a quite fishy here so be advised
  3. Delta SL pls Edit: add Lonestar (Mango) as AT in Delta too
  4. Yesterday
  5. Last week
  6. Gib transport pls I need to show off my epic flying
  7. Hello can you put me as AR in any squad? I will be at least 50 min late tho
  8. @=VG= Alucardednoc SATURDAY 15th JUNE 2024 - 1900HRS GMT (PRT) Server Name: VETERANS-GAMING | Experimental Reality | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM IP: : 2342 Password: reality Estimated Mission Time: 1hr 30 minutes Win or loose, just have fun, think of it like a round of pr, nothing too serious, enjoy. OBJECTIVE: NATO is no longer welcome on Stratis, AAF intend to force you out, fight back. LOCATION: STRATIS ASSETS: 2 x MH-9 Littlebirds 2 x AH-9 Littlebirds 2 x MRAPS 2 x AMV-7 Marshal APCs Supply Crates MODS: NONE REQUIRED NONE OPTIONAL No mods for this one to maximize performance. All essential functionality we most often rely on mods for, are scripted into mission itself. SQUADS: - roles maybe changed in-game - [ ALPHA ] SL : =VG= XOR MEDIC : AR: =VG= Alucardededednoc AT : =VG= Nabil [ BRAVO ] SL : MEDIC : graywolf1 AR: Pew_Pew AT : kedi [ CHARLIE ] SL : MEDIC : AR: AT : [ DELTA ] SL : MEDIC : AR: AT : [ CAS ] PILOT : =VG= Keed PILOT : Veselyy [ TRANS ] PILOT : Sphee PILOT : [ APC ] CREWMAN : Enfield101 CREWMAN : D3lax CREWMAN : CREWMAN : COMMS: Do not use TeamSpeak for In-Game comms! Overhauled Vanilla Radio, no longer using third party scripts as those were unreliable.
  9. Hi and thank you very much for this great profile! It seems that the audio feedback mode does not work for me. I enable the audio feedback mode but I cant hear any sound played after a command is recognized. I would be thankful for any help! EDIT: I think I figured the problem: I configured a PPT key and did not press it. If I press the PTT button the sound is played. Thank you very much again for your great work!!
  10. https://imgflip.com/gif/8spfxg sorry for link i tried to upload but your guys max file size is impressively low
  11. Earlier
  12. Hi Kedi, good to see u. Meet in the fields
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