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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. Maybe we could put it on the main page?
  2. Aaaaaaaaah, i wanna try this. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16913
  3. I'm not sure about players vs. bots. Bots are very stupid and it's not much of a challenge. And the game is on steam sale for a penny right now, if you still don't have it.
  4. Might be there. Thanks Savage @acex_sm (recommended sound mod over JSRS - don't run both at the same time!!) Why, i always liked JSRS more.
  5. Jacolino LAN_WROTE ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSCRzmECyPY PR v. 98 trailer I wanna play in Falklands, but i'm too lazy to set it up.
  6. Niiiiiiiice. I will definitely play in this .
  7. ColdNfreeziN LAN_WROTE ... @Savage it would work. Only thing is I came down with a case of bronchitis so I might be a little hoarse when i talk :). We could also test that mission I made if anybody would like? Tell me more!
  8. I've played in it. It's pretty good for an arcade game. Btw, your link doesn't work, mate.
  9. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Awesome. I'm in. Thanks Savage. btw, "Vorkuta" means "a lot of bears". ** looks thru armaholic for bear addon ** YEAH
  10. Awesome. I'm in. Thanks Savage. btw, "Vorkuta" means "a lot of bears".
  11. Yeah, thanks. Didn't log in for a long time. I don't even really care about it.
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