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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. Mine is your + 4 hours. Update - looks like servers are under DDOS attack again. Severe lag on some servers and other don't work at all. Sorry Pigeon. But i will play tomorrow if it's playable.
  2. I think i will be up, but not for long. Do you have to work tomorrow?
  3. @Pigeon - Yeah, you can play. @Terremer - it's not fun to play single. Btw, our house was robbed and destoyed. Oh well. It would really help to have more people playing. We need a better, bigger house and it must be well hidden.
  4. Here's Rust. Steam - http://playrust.com/ Site - http://playrust.com/ Wiki - http://play-rust.wikia.com/wiki/Rust_Wiki F1 opens console type "grass.on false" - improves fps type "censor.nudity false" - swinging dicks I play on this server: net.connect Connect through console Come and i won't give you things, cause i don't have anything now.
  5. Wooz =VG= LAN_WROTE ... i?ll get it if it goes on sale :D 15% discount
  6. Wooz =VG= LAN_WROTE ... YOU DARE QUESTION GABEN?!?!?! please
  7. Wooz =VG= LAN_WROTE ... i?ll get it if it goes on sale :D Early access games usually don't.
  8. Thank you Jamie. I'm sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Bottom.
  9. Go for it, soon they will release "classic" BF3 maps for it, so it will be just like it.
  10. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I voted PS4 - I won't buy one but my buddy will and I'll occasionally play on it. Steam box sounds interesting... @PITN - don't get me started with Windows 8 - boss at work wanted to get it on his system I told him he'd have to fire me first. As usual with any Microsoft OS you need to skip every 2nd iteration 95 bad, 98 good, ME bad, XP good, Vista bad, 7 good, 8 bad Yeah, i imagine how MS boss comes to the office and says "Ok, guys, it's time again, we have to make the shit os again. What's your ideas?"
  11. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I'll grab it... even though I picked GO TO HELL FAG!!!! I appreciate that.
  12. It's kinda meh. Heavy editing, epic music and commentator are annoying. try this one
  13. Sure man. New missions is quite short, but it's nice and new guns feel great.
  14. It's this time of year again, when we should play in Killing Floor. You can play in it for free starting now and until 07.11 or buy it (you probably already have it) for mere 2 dollars.
  15. Sure, Moose. Let's get him in here. We all play a lot of different games.
  16. Lol, only dickheads use voice activation.
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