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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Today was one of the most frustated ones i ve ever played. What happened?
  2. Well, that went terrible. I still kinda like it though. Bots kicked our asses.
  3. Try to make a shortcut with your preset(in six updater), run game with it and find the server in game browser.
  4. Please, do not forget to update your mods and make a right preset for event. You need @CBA_A2; @CBA_OA; @CBA; @ACE; @ACEX; @ACEX_USNavy; @ACEX_RU; @JayArma2Lib_new; @ACRE; @STHud; @STMovement; We won't use ai mods, cause they decrease game performance.
  5. Iffn is in your place now. Sorry, only 8 slots. 10 or 12 next time. I thought we will only have couple people.
  6. Ok, cool. We have 2 full squads and 2 maybes.
  7. TortiaBoy =VG= LAN_WROTE ... it should be available on Steam sometime mid-August Cool, it would be nice to play on those new maps.
  8. Ok, if someone else will show up, he will replace "maybes". Let's not change the date though, it's still saturday.
  9. Guys, is it fine for you if we play on friday? So Solar could join us.
  10. Time: 18:00 GMT. Click Here for GMT Clock Operation Peren's Waltz This is a great mission made by NkEnNy from NoPryl clan. Situation: The recent month has seen a increase in insurgent activity. Misshandling by the local CDF (Chernarussian Defence Forces) forces means that the ChDkZ (Red Star Communist Guerilla) have established a formidable supply network in the heartland of the three valleys province of Chernarus. UAV footage has revealed a mechanized infantry force operating out of Dolina. SIGINT has betrayed a hidden ZSU-23 AAA (Atni Aircraft Artillery) in the very center of the village. More importantly a pair of BRDM-2 (Armored Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle) has been stored in an abandoned warehouse. While tempting targets, the AAA combined with the insurgents proximity to civilian housing, has precluded a surgical strike made by air assets. In response a Special Forces unit, LIMA, has been tasked to infiltrate the village to destroy all relevant targets. What few sources we have have noted a large number of deliveries being made to a nearby warehouse. Our CDF intelligence officer has asked us to investigate the warehouse. Objectives: Destroy the ZSU-23 AAA hidden under a camo netting in the center of Dolina. Sabotage both of the BRDM-2s that are hidden in a nearby warehouse. Initial recon indicates these to be lightly guarded. Check the contents of the packages being delivered to the easternmost warehouse. INTEL has yet to be able to ascertain whether these are hostile or civilian forces. Use discretion. 1. Destroy a AAA battery. 2. Sabotage two BRDM-2 Armored Reconnaissance Vehicles. 3. Check the eastern warehouse. Enemy: The enemy is a mechanized ChDKZ, communist insurgent, platoon with attached triple-A capabilities. The insurgents themselves are equipped with old school russian small arms and uniforms. UAV footage has counted something in the nature of 15 dismounted infantry milling about the city. It is believed that the BRDM-2s are currently being field maintained, and are therefore out of the battle. A forward inserted Observation Team noticed a URAL-375D truck carrying five uniformed men leaving the village three hours ago. Their current location and final destination is unknown. ROE: There are civilians, so check your fire, freely engage all uniformed insurgents. Roster: Iffn Ingo Eclipse Poffadder SemlerPDX SavageCDN Outlanders Gaz Wooz* Castor* TortiaBoy* Squads: Lima 1: 1. FTL/SemlerPDX 2. MG/Outlanders 3. Medic/SavageCDN 4. Demolitions/Gaz Lima 2: 1. FTL/Poffadder 2. MG/Eclipse 3. Medic/Iffn 4. Demolitions/Ingo Equipment: M14 DMR M249 SAW M4A1 M4A1M203 M72A2 Required mods: ACE ACEX ACEX_USNavy ACEX_RU ACRE CBA CBA_A2 CBA_OA STHUD Recommended mods: STMovement JSRS BlastCore Visuals
  11. Blud, take my spot, i'll be on the ground this time.
  12. This mod looks realy cool, what do you say we try it on the next event or something. Server side/client. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137672-ShackTac-ACRE-Volume-Control Don't know if it's in Six Updater already.
  13. I want Atary 2600 so i can play in this masterpiece and experience the original videogame frustration and anger and hate.
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