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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. Fastjack =VG= LAN_WROTE ... More objectives ... or side missions however is called. Like Gaz mentioned, breaking up the group. Maybe something like 2 different objectives must be simultaneously done at different places or areas (if that is possible). Something like that. Yeah, that's a great idea.
  2. Yeah, that's just additional problems. Savage, how many missions will be in your current campaign?
  3. @Fastjack, issue with backpacks was the problem of that exact mission, It's a feature. Just allows you to to play after death.
  4. Thanks for making this thread, Savage. This ASR Appendix looks really cool, we should test it. About the mods, i'm ok with all of those in your list, can think only of st_lb_enhance, and what was the name of that st mod that allowed you to bunnyhop? Mission types: "unusual" stuff is fun but we shouldn't make too many of those. In my opinion small missions are better, we could just play few missions in a row, if we want and if we have them. Respawn - no, i think we should add more time to incap state, like 2 or 3 minutes, but have it with just 1 life. Briefing Gear - yes, if it works with all features, like backpacks. We usually waste too much time sitting at the crates. And i really like Namalsk, let's play on that map more often. That mod. It's still not on SixUpdater though.
  5. Well, there's also st_acre_volume and map_ autobrightness mod.
  6. @Fastjack - sthud, stmovement, st_interact, JSRS, blactcore_visuals.
  7. Nice.Thanks Savage. I'm in. Put me as grenadier in Semler's squad please.
  8. I don't know. We are pretty much using ACE/ACRE. Shactac stuff, blastcore, jsrs - they are clientside. And i don't think that's the problem. We usually have a whole week to install stuff and troubleshooting. And if you can use Six to install ACE, that's not really hard to get other things, it's just couple mouse clicks. And we have a ton of threads here, that show how to install mods, how to use ACE/ACRE. Problem is that sometimes people don't even bother to do that. dman248 LAN_WROTE ... Outlanders =VG= LAN_WROTE ... 18-19 GMT is ok for me. If we actually start on that time and not just mess around shooting loud guns, waiting for people to install their mods and fixing the mission at the last moment. Black Hawk is fine i guess. And this bunkers mission that we played couple times is nice, i'm cool with it. If everyone didnt add new addons every week, and for once stuck with the same addons for a month, you wouldn't have that problem. In reality you should only add in something if everyone else is going to download it. Became a pain in the ass to update every day. We actually don't do that. The server is like ACE/ACRE, 1 map and 2 mods for helicopters. Been using them for months.
  9. 18-19 GMT is ok for me. If we actually start on that time and not just mess around shooting loud guns, waiting for people to install their mods and fixing the mission at the last moment. Black Hawk is fine i guess. And this bunkers mission that we played couple times is nice, i'm cool with it.
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