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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. Like i said before. Game looks pretty cheap. I know that Crysis 2 engine is less powerfull than engine of Crysis 1 but still. Warface looks like it was built on Unreal 2. Up to 6 players in coop. No comms, just random messages in chat. Usually people just run forward killing bots and dropping ammo and health.
  2. No, not really. Two hours i think. It just wasn't that interesting to play more. Unlocked couple guns, tried every class. That's all.
  3. So, anyone else got the key? Ok. So this game is not very good. PVP reminds me of Breach, and Breach was shit. Coop is just "ok" Nothing special about it. Insertion - kill bots - kill boss - extraction. There's two campaigns for coop with 2 missions in each and one very small map for PVP. Can't say this game looks like it was made on Crytech 3 engine, it looks like Unreal 2 at best. Here's a couple of additional keys for beta, don't know if they are area restricted though. FZM2KN0FK90MJHKWFUW6 2SG8L2V437JHWLF950B1 R3AA410K1YKH5O5QHG5E
  4. Oh yeah. I remember this bug. Also happens with sudden change of night time to day.
  5. RPS Warface Interview http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/03/14/face-to-face-with-crytek-warface-interview/#more-99006 And don't forget about robots.
  6. Here you go http://lmgtfy.com/?q=warface
  7. Nah, Savage. They are probably cutting it, or there's something wrong with my cables.
  8. To New York Just look at this crap. I wanna change provider, but i'm so lazy.
  9. -Here, Officer. take this mortar round. -Go to hell, dysentery is killing me.
  10. davestrike LAN_WROTE ... no ear plugs? what does that mean? In ACE you can wear ear plugs, cause gunfire and explosions are very loud, like they should be. And there's no earplugs in single player campaign.
  11. You can do that, but some mods might mess it up. I played in single player campaign of Arma 1 with ACE, and it was pretty much the same thing but better.
  12. I like old Ghost Recon games. Don't really know about this one. Oh, there's also will be a Ghost Recon Online - free to play game for pc. You can sign up for beta here http://ghostrecononline.uk.ubi.com/ Myself,I wait for this game. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/02/06/hands-on-spec-ops-the-line/ It has Apocalypse Now\Heart of Darkness like plot and few interesting features.
  13. Acer's steam. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014339136/
  14. I've played it. It's ok, but single player campaign is pretty boring due to repetetive missions. Theatre of War is much better in my opinion. There's more units, missions and everything. It uses the same game engine and mechanics.
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