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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. =VG= Outlanders


    Gameplay isn't so shiny. http://www.youtube.com/user/swtheoldrepublic?feature=pvchclk#p/u/0/CRC8exLv2lw
  2. Install Arma 2 and then Arma OA in same directory. Then install last patch.
  3. The Dyatlov Pass Incident February 1959, Ural Mountains, Russia. Nine missing skiers found dead. Cause: Unknown The mountain is about 1000 metres high and its name in the Mansi language means The Mountain of the Dead "Investigators at the time determined that the hikers tore open their tent from within, departing barefoot in heavy snow. Though the corpses showed no signs of struggle, two victims had fractured skulls, two had broken ribs, and one was missing her tongue. According to sources, four of the victims' clothing contained substantial levels of radiation. There is no mention of this in contemporary documentation; it only appears in later documents" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyatlov_Pass_incident http://www.forteantimes.com/features/articles/1562/the_dyatlov_pass_incident.html
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