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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. Don't forget about PR Arma 2. I think they are making it for pvp.
  2. So, anyone is playing already? https://bf3alpha.battlefield.com I think you just need Medal Of Honor Limited Edition on your EA account to get in. _ My bad, invitations only. Official Alpha FAQ https://bf3alpha.battlefield.com/includes/inc_help.php
  3. Thanks mate. That's f%^cked up. This guy played on VG server for 375 hours, what the hell happened with him. Shit like this can't be tolerated.
  4. ACE server is now =VG= DOMINATION V.6?
  5. I think my pc can handle it, though i need Windows 7. Good to see you again, Bones.
  6. Were flying with Semler today. It was amazing. We cleared whole cities with 1-2 men on the ground and Viper in the air.
  7. Just kicked them out again. Those pricks tk on spawn, swearing, racist shit. We need to ban them asap. They also known as Teddybearhugz and IONLOVER
  8. And if you wanna to set up a timer, do it first, then press Safety Off.
  9. Our last operation, with gas masks, fast roping and hostiles behind every rock. Haven't had this much fun for a long time. Thanks Semler, Ingo, Eclipse, Tortia, Peppie.
  10. How f%^ked up you have to be to do shit like that. An eight-year-old girl has been killed after insurgents used her in a bomb attack on police in southern Afghanistan, the government has said. The interior ministry said insurgents gave the girl a package and told her to take it to a police vehicle, detonating it as she approached. No-one else was killed in the explosion, in Uruzgan province. The incident came a day after an attack on a hospital which killed at least 38 people in the east of the country. Dozens were injured. Elderly people, pregnant women and children were said to be among the casualties. 'No respect' A statement by the ministry described the Uruzgan incident as a "crime and a shameful act". The area where the alleged incident happened is very remote, and it was not possible to independently verify the reports. "The child, pure-hearted and in good faith, took the bag and moved towards the police vehicle," it said. "As she got close to the police vehicle, the enemy detonated the bomb by remote control, killing the innocent child." The governor of Char Cheno district, where the attack took place, told the BBC the girl was from the nearest village. She was told nothing would happen to her, he said, adding that the perpetrators had "no boundary, no respect for anything". Correspondents say insurgents have recruited both adult women and recently male children to carry out suicide attacks, though the Taliban denies recruiting children. http://www.newser.com/story/121961/afghanistan-girl-8-used-as-unwitting-suicide-bomber.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13919946
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