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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. Amazing. I hope helis in Arma 3 will be like this. Few screens from full version Rest of them http://steamcommunity.com/games/TakeOnHelicopters/GameArt
  2. Freaking awesome. @Tortia, yeah, it is Merkava., Mark IV i think. Love Mi-28 shot.
  3. Yeah, you just die alone without teamwork. Especialy on higher difficulty.
  4. Raptor, mate, i hope you don't mind me fixing it for you. Nice pic.
  5. Looks pretty good and modern. I'm just gonna flip a coin. Preorder or not. Nah. Not today.
  6. Sure. it's called Unreal Editor 3.0 Here's mapping guide. http://www.moddb.com/games/killing-floor/tutorials/killing-floor-mapping-guide
  7. Oh, i've forgot about this one. That was damn great.
  8. That's creepy. Probably Stalker 2 ad campaign.
  9. Heh, so you too visit reddit. Every week someone post this video in /gaming/. This one is cool too.
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