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=VG= LittleTortiaBoy

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Everything posted by =VG= LittleTortiaBoy

  1. dude...the origin of this thread is from a year ago, I'm not sure it's still in effect...just sayi'n...
  2. [WCC LAN_WROTE ... B0zZz3] TortiaBoy =VG= LAN_WROTE ... that's one of my favorite .gif's...but I've always pondered, what is the source of it? It's from a swedish comedy film called "Kopps" IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0339230/ And the guy in the avatar is like a looser cop who fantasies alot and it that scene he basicly stops a bank robbery with his hip moves. The actor Torkel Petersson fame is still from the "Macho Salad" lol thanks for the source BozZz!, the linked video is....interesting
  3. that's one of my favorite .gif's...but I've always pondered, what is the source of it?
  4. I think we should bust out into modding and even hopefully, full game development. I've seen some footage of what PR would look like on the BF2142 engine...and it was amazing, actual, visual bullet drop and leading/reverse leading targets, I'd actually love to see a PR like mod for 2142, no one really plays it, we could be the ones that bring it back into the light
  5. looks interesting, time to invest into a super computer...
  6. weird cause I'm just a guest at the moment and when I signed on earlier, I could still see everyone
  7. as long as I don't have to pay monthly fees just to play it on the weekend...
  8. I love when people try and engage without waiting the 5-ish seconds to steady the rifle, and constantly move...*sarcasm*
  9. lupago LAN_WROTE ... Nice job, but seriously, in memorial of those idiots that join your squad in kashan saying "I can cover you with the sniper rifle" most those people only try and snipe, I've actually been a useful sniper on Kashan, I gave more intel on troop movements, then lead from my rifle... but on topic: nice picture, I love the detail of the rifle
  10. I loved HER for 2142, I didn't really play it for BF2 due to the Assault Mod, but once I saw the attempt for BF3, I didn't think it'd work anyway...
  11. that peanut butter is to realistically drawn and colored, I'm impressed :D lol but in all cerealness, good work
  12. Outlander's pic reminds me of the "ALT-F4 DOES NOT deploy fastropes!" tip during loading xD
  13. maybe for a bullpup/7.62, you should check out the Kel-tec RFB, it's pretty much a bullpup M14*... or possibly the Colt SP901...? ((*don't exactly quote me on that)) and as far as SBR's went, I'd just go for a custom built AR platform...
  14. those are quite the drawings, alot better then what I'd be able to pull off....unless you like stick figures...
  15. I'd rather have the Remington/Bushmaster ACR...
  16. what about for the console? should us console players be afraid as well?
  17. so some time ago, I updated PR to 0.973, but never got around to playing it, but the other day, I decided I would, only to be greeted to first a "unable to open BF2 processes" pop up, then to be greeted to no servers for both CO-OP, or Deployment, so I did a complete re-stall of BF2 and PR, and disabed my Firewall, but still nothing, so what do I do? [EDIT] NEVERMIND, I fixed it
  18. now this...is humvee music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUYbu5DJA1U
  19. that's exactly what sums up my feelings...
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