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=VG= LittleTortiaBoy

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Everything posted by =VG= LittleTortiaBoy

  1. I'm pretty excited for MW3, noticed quite a bit, saw a Magpul CTR/MOE stock on the M4's, a PARA stock on some form of LMG, I love the idea of the ACR chambered in 6.8, I like the EoTech + maginfire, not to pumped for the XM25, that's gonna cause some trouble on PVP, hopefully though Infinity Ward keeps the Multi-player/CO-Op,((Co-Op being the battle training or whatever, Mutliplayer maps but with bots)) I liked that, I got burnt out to easily with PVP...good post Chaz
  2. so far to me it just seems like normal ArmA but with a new hud and a couple more features that seem a little to complex for me at the moment , so far, untill they expand the factions more, I'm just gonna sit it out for a bit
  3. so I have a little update for my moving situation, I managed to push back the moving date, so less stress on me, and found out that working is an absolute last resort, so more free time for Tortia, but so far no dedicated internet, so gaming will still be pretty hard to do well, I might just have to shoot on down to Semler's and mooch off his internet !crazy
  4. its cool man, at least the bino's aren't a hard find, unlike having to look through all of the weapons for my M110
  5. I'm testing it now, so far only one issue, I got an error "No entry `bin\config.bin/cfgWeapons. Binocular_Vector" so I ain't got to bino's when I pick my kit, but did notice that I got my backpack with my weapons...a backpack you can't pick up randomly, so maybe we can get things that aren't in the server, but other then that, it all works pretty good, no issues other then the one I mentioned, keep up the good work ((P.S. love the VG flag))
  6. =VG= SemlerPDX LAN_WROTE ... Yea....it is. They have been making some serious modifications these past months since the conflict has been raging. I saw a special inside the "factory" where they A-Team up a bunch of trucks and vehicles with whatever they could find...18+ hours a day, welding, chopping, repairing. Good luck boys!!! Just don't replace him with another dick!! yea half the trucks they have AA guns straight up welded to the beds of their trucks
  7. anything to help my favorite gaming community
  8. I created a profile and +1'd it just for you Blud ;D
  9. I can confirm the Arma2Demo is pretty much broken, it wouldn't even launch for me, but worked fine once I actually purchased it...givin I had to do a little troubleshooting...
  10. don't worry Boss, it'll be out next year, that's the perfect amount of time to upgrade you computer :D
  11. that's how we do it man! I need to stop sleeping...I'm missing all the action
  12. =VG= BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... I've owed 3 AW Laptops, they last about a year then they're worthless. I have 3 now that I can't even sell for parts, if you need any let me know Io give you a good rate !yes Looks good tho man, congrats. Mine is actually almost 1 1/2 years old and the only issue is the outdated Processor and my little rubber stoppers keep falling off ;P
  13. pretty cool man, I have the M14X's little brother, the M11X
  14. I saw those uploaded to Facebook too, my only question is is that a Mirkava tank?
  15. I chose #2 as well, to me it screamed "Veterans-Gaming" the most, but all other entries were good as well
  16. that is creepy, but my guess is crazy heavy machinery of some sort
  17. that's quite the amount of skill to do that with the MGL, plus that's one of the most useful tactics in any form of explosive barrage
  18. sounds like a plan, and luckily for you Semler I'm actually moving down the the Vancouver Washington area
  19. once again, thanks for the support yall, maybe if I make enough money I could see about getting an actual hard line for the house, that way in the little bit of free time I can get I could get some PR or Arma in
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