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=VG= LittleTortiaBoy

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= LittleTortiaBoy

  1. I've only seen them on the Minecraft Wiki, and the health of the big ones scare me, I'm almost afraid to come across one
  2. wow, I've never seen Slime before, what size was the on in the screen shot?
  3. thanks for the support, I will have internet access, its just not powerful for online gaming ((a little Verzion HotSpot thingy))
  4. I have just got word that my application to move into a rented house has been accepted, so I'll be moving but the date is not known at this time, and I will also be starting school again possibly at the end of this month and possibly picking up a part time job along with it, so you wont be seeing me to often, and I wont even have the possibility to game for....who knows how long....so this is just a heads up to you all
  5. alot better then our other fast roping attempts, good job
  6. my biggest con IS the battlelog website, seems to only favor those who use chrome cause it hasn't even let me play it at all, and I'm not gonna download chrome to play a game...
  7. this this type of bridge thing you all are mentioning?
  8. NTF_Ambu LAN_WROTE ... Is it posible to do anything about it? Can =VG= as a community try to speak with the developers? I heard that the Devs have gotten to....corporate and could care less about what players think, dont quote me, and it was just from word of mouth so...yea...
  9. I hope we can still punch the sheep for wool...
  10. that really was a fun game, never before have I gotten so much use out of a M110
  11. OA is the requirement, its just set up to use a few of the resources from normal ArmA II ((weapons)),
  12. at least the medic isn't the SAW gunner anymore...so far it looks promising...
  13. you could have punched your way up was what I was getting at, but what you did works too
  14. thats when you find a way to tunnel straight up and hope you dont hit lava
  15. xD your lucky there wasn't a butt-load of Creepers in there
  16. I love how "Operation Arrowhead" was its own feature on the features list
  17. only in Sweden...xD *EDIT* this is the EXACT reason I dont drive in ArmA or PR, I'd be trying to constantly drift all the Humvees, APCs and Tanks...these rally games are going to my head
  18. if your still modding this, any chance you could add the MK48 MG? looks like a M249 but fires like a M240...
  19. this morning it was suffering from quite a bit of lag for everybody
  20. Eclipse and I stumbled across an IED earlier this morning, it was in the middle of a house
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