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=VG= LittleTortiaBoy

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= LittleTortiaBoy

  1. maybe make sure the bots keep moving? we came across that one unit of NATO bots just hanging around...
  2. I'm in, have no preference for time though. I was literally JUST wondering about when we'll do an A3 event... EDIT: will we be using the stable build or dev? and will we make use of the VAS?
  3. skull balaclavas are one of the most annoying things to come out of CoD to date...
  4. I have it, but I'm not exactly playing it at the moment, I've been caught up in GTA Online, plus I'm not to big of a fan of the launch maps, to few and just kind of crap-ish to me
  5. please say you added a bunch of Sport Hatchbacks to said mission
  6. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/594762214032108018/C3896F40AF105700322096B8F40938BFC6FCD2F7/ what I managed
  7. how did you get the guy to stand on it? I walked onto the back of it from the dock and my guy just kind of levitated
  8. is there any chance of having an "I have no opinion either way" option? Because I'm fine with whatever is chosen
  9. I thought they were staging the full release content for today, I didn't find out it was just Altis until just a little bit ago
  10. so far the only mention of ION is for the shooting drills, they're not listed on the Arma 3 countdown/features as an 'official' faction
  11. Bohemia has mentioned 5 factions, and we already know of NATO, CSAT, AAF and Civilians ((which is that really a faction?)) but on their countdown page, it mentions "FIA [Independent], so does anyone have any speculation as to who exactly they are and if they will be on the Dev Build tonight/tomorrow?
  12. yea I tried it thanks to OnDemand, and I agree with Outlanders, the heavy editing put me out of it, nothing like overlaying stock sounds over the video...
  13. we should get as many people as we can to tackle the Steamland Objective thing, and looking for the dolls would be spiffy
  14. I've personally tested the heck out of the "M320", I've made accurate and lethal shots from 300 to 1300 meters on both stationary and moving targets, it's so much better then any type of sniping from A2, and the ability to actually zoom the range finder makes it so much better then the standard binos
  15. I'm pretty excited for the beta, new weapons, new vehicles, new everything yo
  16. I'll be there if I don't forget, and if I don't have to use Mumble
  17. Wooz =VG= LAN_WROTE ... If Poff is flying i?ll take doorgunner or i could take a FTL role :D if no one offers, I'll be the other door gunner :D
  18. I have a preference for a Designated Marksman or a simple Rifleman, I like low responsibility jobs :D
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