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VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by PITN

  1. I run 12 GB or RAM. I haven't touched that ceiling yet. And I agree with Savage. USB is SLOW so I only see this as a bandaid. Maybe I'll cruise ovet to anandtech or tomshardware and see if they have talked about it yet. Okay, here is the anandtech article. It's talking about VISTA performance but the first portion deals with READYBOOST. http://www.anandtech.com/show/2163/6
  2. Did we ever fix the server connection problems?
  3. Steam and xfire do all that for me.
  4. PITN


    I always turn on fraps before I load the game.
  5. Currently offline. Moved to normal from anouncement.
  6. Currently offline. No ETA on return. Moved to normal from announcement.
  7. If you guys find any BUGS or other issues related to the Insurgency scripts please post them here. I can't fix stuff unless you point out my typos! !cheers
  8. Yes. I have thought about fog as well. But that is for a later version. !winker
  9. PITN

    i7 CPUs

    If you go with an SSD try Crucial. I have the 128gb version as my OS drive. Overall they have the best specs.
  10. PITN

    i7 CPUs

    I have a Gulftown (i7 6-core cpu). Do I need it? No. Did I want it? Yes. DO I use it? I suppose. But I proboably would have been fine with a 4 core cpu. A thread I found on the subject. http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/280976-28-core-core
  11. The weapon is from the original release of ARMA 2. You should still be able to play even if you don't have the original release. FYI steam sucks for anything other than VALVE software. In the future get a DVD or buy from a DLC vendor without all of the restrictions STEAM places on you.
  12. I have added two squads and the server is struggling. I may have to cut back on one just to get the server stable again. I also may allow OPFOR but I need tighter restrictions on them. As it is it is more a griefing tool rather than a tactical game enhancer.
  13. Catches the dumb ones anyway.
  14. I wish I didn't have to pay $60 bucks for the game. sheesh. Then i'd be there. ;)
  15. 1. Hacks are just bored children with ADD. They will never go away. Just call an admin to restart the server and take a five minute break. They'll get bored. And as they are identified we will ban them. As for OPFOR slots. I could remove them but I like the option. I am also being lazy.I would even like to allow them but not until we get some good teamleadership in the game. It is also kewl because I think of them as a que. If I have a poor performing soldier then I'll kick him to allow one of the waiting opfor slots to come take his place. 2. A second server would be cool. Back in the day I ran a popular America's Army server. We tried a 2nd ELITE public server and it was popular too but we didn't have the admins to police it properly. It was always filled with good players and some smelly turds. In the end it lacked the teamplay and comaradery that the first server had. So in order to try for a second server I think we would have to have a few thing in order to make it work. a. We would need more ARMA:OA people in =VG=. b. We would need more players and members trained in small unit leadership. c. And we would need the support of the community. As it stands right now we are missing all three of three things. Currently I can muster at the most 1-2 others squads besides my own to fight an order of battle. The others just follow those squads around. Mods. I am currently toying with maybe adding are ACRE or some weapons mods. But with any mod you limit your player base to a higher level. You also increase the chance of allowing a hacker on the server with a modded file. But this still goes back to the first part. Without a significant increase in player skill, discipline and leadership then niether of these options are viable. You'll just end up with two hacked and turd filled servers.
  16. PITN

    New Wall Mount

    it better not be or I am gonna clown some marine. ;p
  17. I don't recommand steam. Arma 2 and steam donl't mix well. Try and find a DVD of Combined Ops. This will have the original version of arma2 and arma2:OA. Then later get a copy of Reinforcements. Or you can buy BAF and PMC seperately. But it isn't required. Only if you want the high end graphic models.
  18. Get it if you have a system to support the requirements. It is awesome!!!
  19. They don't look all that great as a static image. Here is one.
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