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VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by PITN

  1. HOw did you get a server for $10? Who was the host and how many slots were you paying for?
  2. Check out this cool software. It's like TrakIR only free! Or at least very cheap. http://www.free-track.net/english/ Forum http://forum.free-track.net/index.php
  3. Just use the COOP 2 Training server. Which btw needs someone to check the banner.
  4. What are the dimenshions and file size limitations?
  5. PITN

    PB Power

    it allows players with a certain level of pb_power to kick people from the server using punkbuster. You just need to be assigned the power. It's a way to allow deputies to police the server without allowing those deputies full admin access to the server.
  6. Try this for setting up battlerecorder. http://www.bf2cc.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5139 I made a new thread on the pb_power (KICK) gimmick.
  7. PITN

    PB Power

    Oh. and don't post guids on the forum. Keep all of that stuff in email or pm's.
  8. PITN

    PB Power

    Here is a link about setting up PB_power. I used to use rcon and load the files in America's Army. But you have server side files in BF2 that make it so much easier. i.e. "pbpower.dat" http://www.punksbusted.com/wiki/index.php/Power_Points I recommend to place the players pb_power at 10 and pb_sv_kick at 10. Keep all of the other Rcon commands higher than 50. Would have to test it on the server one night. Password the server and get memebrs on to make sure it's working right and there are no security holes. i.e. pb_rcons set to 0 for example. That would be bad.
  9. Here is a link to HOW TO USE BATTLERECORDER, Keep in mind this Vid is for client side recording. Server side is different. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsVEk-RepX4 (note: if u don't have a demos folder just make one in the right spot.) Battle recorder is an INGAME replay of the actual game. It's built into the BF2 game, so it's already there. With BC anyone can replay an entire game from their client. You can change point of view to anywhere on the map and any player. It's good also if you want to review players that are accused of bad behavior. I would like to use it to make a MACHINIMA or video for the VG website. I have never made one before and i thought it would be neat to try and be a director. From what I understand all bf2 servers are supposed to run BC. But we need access to the folder or set up the folder so we can review them.
  10. PITN


    Just wait a few minutes. The EA AUTH server thinks you are still logged in.
  11. A link to a BR question. If this helps. http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f370-pr-tech-archives/41960-battle-recorder-problems.html
  12. Can the server run battlerecorder? How do we set that up?
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