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VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by PITN

  1. Banned for 14 days. -Teamkilling -Sniping cache -Attack AO with heavy weapons without regard to other players.
  2. PITN


    Game prices range from $60 to $150 US. !hang Still no word on sub fees.
  3. 30 day ban. I'd like other witnesses to come forward. Then I can adjust his BAN accordingly.
  4. PITN


    SWTOR has been opened for pre-release and on Dec. 20th the public will be allowed ingame aswell. I am already ingame with a few characters on the side of Light. Bennu, Pitn and Bastet. My Dark side characters will come later. !butcher You can find me on the West Coast PVE server "Wall of Light". See you there! !kungfu http://www.youtube.com/user/swtheoldrepublic?feature=pvchclk#p/u Can I get a dedicated forum for SWTOR please.
  5. sounds like issues with your drivers. Is it a USB mic? Update drivers, search internet about info on your mic and previous problems. Reinstall TS3.
  6. The damn things touch a tree and sit there forever. Shouldn't matter that is is opfor. The AC needs to move 1500m away from any player before it can despawn.
  7. And some more Libyan ingenuity. http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/06/diy-weapons-of-the-libyan-rebels/100086/
  8. 1. I need the players GUID. Banning thru the game server console is not effective. 2. OPFOR is disabkled. But as an OPFOR player he should not be able to get within 400 meters of the MHQ. So I don't understand if he was not OPFOR or the script was broken when hiding in the MASH.. Take screenshots or whatever but the piece I really need is the BE GUID. You can get this by opening the in game chat window and typing "#beclient players". This will give you a list. then open a chat window and hit pageup pagedown until you can see his infoa nd take a screenshot.
  9. PITN

    Vid Cards

    I think that if you use some nair it will improve your perfromance. !mental
  10. 'Script kiddie' is the correct term. !mental
  11. A little youtube video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsexmIZlpOE&feature=player_embedded#!
  12. 4972faa77a6a3ec2dc4b933851744486 Removed ban. Reporting party has not come forward with his statment. However, you are on probation. If I recieve another report involving you the ban will be reinstated.
  13. You were banned for disruptive play. Specifically, shooting at players and disabling vehicles at the MHQ spawn. How do you plead?
  14. We are not running ACE at the moment. But any ACE server needs the mods installed and running on the client. Do a search for sixupdater or use the link below and use it to connect to an ace enabled server. http://www.six-updater.net/p/support.html
  15. You will get your chance tomorrow. !mental
  16. All of the addons are server side only. You don't need them.
  17. IT IS COMING!!! http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/102140-update-project-reality-arma-2-v0-1-beta-release-date-trailer.html#post1654922
  18. PITN

    New Pc

    Here is a link to Sandy/Ivy info. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGA_1155 Next year looks like some nice specs coming online.
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