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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. *view distance should be a user setting - whatever you want. I roll with 3000-5000 by default, but when I'm in a mission that is dropping my frame rates, I choose it by what I am doing: Infantry = as low as 1600-2000 Flying Helicopter = as low as 2500-3500 Flying Jets = as low as 4000-6000 If you could find/build an Arma 2 PC (and an Arma 2 mission) that could run at 10,000 view distance at all times, with a playably high FPS, you will have found the Holy Grail of Armaholic gamers.
  2. I am pretty sure it has something to do with that shockwave-flash count down timer I was so fond of. Gonna move it down to the second post for now...I bet it fixes the problem. (also gonna make a copy of current for backup in case your browser breaks it again) [EDIT: Fixed - was indeed the flash timer thing. gonna stop using it. !butcher ]
  3. map/thread post fixed. Press "Edit" to see how it was done. Size of original pic reduced by 1/3 and hotlink added to image for fullsize. Let's use this BB code style in the future - copy it to a notepad or something. !cheers
  4. It's like this: Poffadder, Savage, and I - even Solar now, seem to be heading up the Arma sector of VG, and I'm not joking that now is when we could really use someone with your experience and insight. Even if you're not gonna wear the tags, please feel free to drop in here and there. I'll drop a line when we have something worthy of testing, or an event I think we may enjoy together. We so respect and even envy other successful groups who have paved the way such as ShackTac, UO, and 7th Cavalry. You, more than I, have played with them - have experienced "Arma the way it was meant to be played". Your input has always stuck with me. I will always remember this, and that you taught it to me: "Keep the MG at the rear of the column, that way no matter what contact you engage, he is in a better position to move right or left to set up and engage with his MG." Will always consider you my buddy, even if you don't wear these tags. And I look forward to playing some Arma with you again, regardless of any of this. I don't need to "like" your decision to accept it. We'll be here, and I'll see you around, bro. We all will, I'm sure. And I don't think I'm alone when I say that the door is always open to good people like you. !pals
  5. Hey, thanks guys! Say, we sure want to use that Upcoming Events more. If you have an idea for an all day event, or even a specific "op" for an hour or two, talk with the guys, find a game and some players, and we'll post up an event - perhaps even attract more players to the event. Just send me a PM through the site and I'll write one up on the calandar. See you all around! !fans
  6. Arma 2 OA 1.62 Video Settings Explained Anti-Aliasing is basically a setting to remove jagged edges on objects. Like a wire or fence, or edge of something straight. Try turning off and on to MAX and see the difference. Postprocess Effects is another way to smooth out the edges. In Arma it used to be like an interview with Barbara Walters - as in, like vasaline petroleum jelly smeared all over the camera lense. Very blurry with a lot of light bloom - but doesn't she look real and almost alive? Now with 1.62 Patch, they have separated out the "blurry" effect to it's own setting: PPAA PPAA has several settings from FXAA to SMAA. These attempt to apply Post Processing AA techniques to a larger degree, and separate from the Post Processing setting. Not sure what FXAA stands for - FSAA is Full Screen Anti-Aliasing, and MSAA is Multi-Sample AA. Set as appropriate to your specific video card, if desired. I don't use it. AtoC is Alpha to Coverage - which applies AA techniques to foliage - grass, trees, bushes, etc. It governs when you can see through them, which layers, to help with the appearance of a multi-layered piece of vegetation. Therefore, the settings of Post Processing, AtoC, PPAA, and even Shadows and General AF/Anti-Aliasing come down to the users preference. Although they each will use more and more of the video card's memory respectively, and sometimes lower FPS in some cases, they are responsible for the refined look and feel of the game. I do not use any PP, but I have my General Anisotropic Filtering and Anti-Aliasing settings to MAX. I use the XFX Radeon HD 6770. Video Memory should always be set to DEFAULT. At it's "Very High" setting, it will use only 512MB of VRAM - usually much lower than an average gamer's graphics card memory. Anisotropic Filtering helps make textures look correct at odd angles, as they go away from the player. Along with the Mipmap detail level on most video cards, they make a solid surface with texture detail keep that detail even at distance from the player. Your Texture Detail, Terrain Detail, and Objects Detail dictate the various levels of visual look on their respective items. You can get a very blurry looking cockpit, gun, or ground if you lower these too far. *NOTE: The lower you set these three core settings, the more the game forces their "rendering" onto the CPU and off of the graphics card. For best performance with a good graphics card, keep all three set to their highest level! HDR Quality is for light bloom effects - down to user preference. VSync is not recommended for most users. We often do not ever have FPS higher than our monitor's refresh rate in Arma and therefore experience little to no tearing as a result. It will lock the framerate in an undesireable way. Finally, your Interface Resolution and 3D Resolution should always be the same - set to your monitor's native output. I have a 1600x900 monitor, therefore both these are set to that. Also, for ATI users, be sure you set your performance settings to "Application Controlled" wherever able. This is particulary important with Anti-Aliasing settings. Arma, like many other games, does not like it's AA being forced by the video card. Use in-game settings for that. !cheers
  7. check the date of original post. this thread was necro'd..... !skull
  8. Though we don't participate in PvP tournaments, we are starting to host a number of gaming events to bring people together. Coming soon is the Forgotten Hope 2 Event, as well as another of Charry's ACE-ACRE Arma Missions (no respawn - a full mil-sim experience). !fans
  9. I don't get it - there have been times lately that we've been engaged in long discussions about one thing or another. Seems to be then that you choose to jump into ts3. If you were in more often, I think you might get more of a chance to play some games, at least in the Arma servers. We're finally trying to break into the ACE/ACRE side of Arma, and you're not around so often. We have some great ideas, and have found some great mods. You have more ACE experience than many of us. Would be great to see you around in some more missions. I thought you were in this for the long haul, but I never see you on TS3 lately. Playin Mount and Warblade for months..... !huh
  10. With any game, you have different groups of players. The mod user group vs. the vanilla group is what we see here. No point comparing apples to oranges. Players who use ACE mods and play in those servers usually stick to it. Same with Vanilla players - if they don't have anyone to push them into playing mods, they may just continue to play Vanilla. There is a percentage of the current players in either catagory that we can expect to attract to our servers. They don't come from nowhere - as in, they are already playing these games somewhere. It takes more than another copy of a popular mission to fill a server full with people who play that game mode. With Vanilla, you can bet to a certain degree that "if you build it, they will come", but with Mods, it takes a bit more. They only fill up once they already have players, usually. Unless, or until, we happen upon a Mod set and Mission we can all play often, we can expect to always be struggling for player base on a modded server. Promotion may help, but you see the difference in running a Vanilla server vs. Mods. This is why we will always have, as long as we can, the Vanilla COOP Insurgency. It is a place where people can really play - 1 man, 1 squad, or however many wish to work with a plan. Small improvements should be implemented, again, carefully. COOP Ins is popular in part because it's often highly populated. If that changes, many of these points will become moot. Just gotta go with the flow of the players online at the time - which is why the server rotation and default config are already set to a formula we've found to be popular. While in game, an admin can get popular vote and change these parameters to suit the crowd. Just be sure to run the next map before abandoning an altered parameter COOP Ins server to the public. !coffee
  11. I could script it so that people on a certain list, just like the CAS thing used to be, are allowed to play OPFOR provided that they do come online and agree to a few rules. It seems a bit redundant, though, with the ability to have admin login and set it at request. !cheers
  12. Yea, but you're honorable. And I trust you. If you mean solely for situations where you're in-game, and everyone there is like, hey - "let's do opfor on this one", then do it. That is not such a big deal at all. That's why you have the admin login pw, or at least several people do. It will automatically revert to default upon loading the next map. Same thing, you can login and set the parameter. Note that if enough of the players wish to stop doing that, then take that into account on the next mission to load, and let it be COOP again. Feel free to give the players online what they want, either way that is. Whatever. Anything goes when you are actually on the server, with the players, and talking with them. We do that on i44 - it has been set to run Domi, but we get a good group online, and everyone is down for a custom mission or whatever. Also, I thought that CAS was relegated to a select few, with you being one of them. If this changed, we can fix it for sure. Voting is disabled for map rotation reasons only. And I do play Insurgency, for the record. We just don't have logging in GameTracker yet, till we claim the server. I haven't seen you online at same time yet, but I only play at certain random times cuz I don't have air conditioning and it gets very hot mid day. Also, I've been loving the Mustang in i44 with my TrackIR. So fun! !cp
  13. With regard to Savage's reply: Again, most Insurgency players don't know rules - specialized rules would be hard to enforce. Also, the server clears out, people complain to high hell, when OPFOR is enabled. This is particularly true when the OPFOR is manned by players who know how/what to do to maximize pwnage. They deal it so swiftly through teleport respawn that BLUFOR can never "keep a good man down" - meaning that BLUFOR never gets a chance to send the Human OPFOR back to "spawn" to regroup. They are instantly harrassed by them within seconds, and again, the returning OPFOR player has intimate area knowledge, including BLUFOR positions, to exploit upon respawn. OPFOR should be it's own thing, on it's own server... (again, not trying to shut down a discussion - these are simply my opinions, and I feel strongly about them)
  14. I don't want to shut you down, because we all value input. It is just that my/our goals for that server differ. Not sure about adding OPFOR playable - for one simple reason you put up already: "For a successful Bluefor vs Opfor sessions both sides need to have some decent players that know what they are doing" And they do not know or follow any special rules we lay down on the website because: "the majority of players playing on the regular server are serverhoppers... ...most of them has no clue they are even on a clan server even less know of the webpage or ts." People aren't interested in anything but pwning BLUFOR and they do so with a frustrating precision because when they die as OPFOR, they teleport into a soldier in the same AO, with new area knowledge of where BLUFOR are, and exploit that knowledge to ambush or otherwise counter attack in a way that is more disruptive to teamplay than it is tactical. It's straight cheating, in many ways. If you want to make the caches take longer, we need to remove SpaceBar Scanning. Removing BLUFOR Mk19 and other grenade launchers is a good idea, losing scoped weapons is not. Also, would like to remove server messages as well. No need for JIP GUID's to be broadcast all over the screen... We play COOP here, and it's an open public server. If we were to run a PvP server, we'd have to do it with a crowd that actually uses teamwork, and would do so on a mission that wasn't so unbalanced. Taking Insurgency and trying to balance it so that PvP is possible would change the game entirely. As I see it, Vanilla COOP Insurgency is already very popular, and I'm loath to change anything major without good reason. As you said yourself, "there has been about 3-4 times this last weeks that there has been a wait time on Bluefor side since the server has been full" Seriously, look at these numbers: If you make an Insurgency Revision that makes OPFOR less OP, and balances things on BLUFOR (no Mk19, etc), I would try it out on it's own server before changing VG COOP Insurgency. That is gonna stay very much like it is, with any revisions well thought out and carefully implemented - ready to roll back at the first sign of popularity loss. VG COOP Insurgency will always be COOP Only - never PvP. We can, however, run a PvP version or game on a different server at some point to try it out. I'm busy with other missions, but you can submit one to us, and we'll try it out if you wanna do the coding/scripting. !cheers
  15. That is sweet! Gonna put it on the sign board at the shooting range. The AT chart is really gonna help. !cheers
  16. Thanks for the report! This has been handled. !cheers
  17. saxopwn6romeo LAN_WROTE ... here is the video, hilarious shot takes place at 00:40 - end. Enjoy That video is freakin hilarious! !rofl
  18. We may be adding ACRE Radios to this mission tomorrow. We also recommend the mod STMOVEMENT for better close-quarters movement with regards to weapons and walls collision detection.
  19. Come join us in the Invasion! http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/calendar_menu/event.php?1344560400.event.76 *This mod is now available on SixUpdater! It is a very large mod - start downloading now! !cheers
  20. *bump We have changed the downtime to tomorrow morning, too many gamers on right now. Here, the players come first, we'll do our thing later on. !cheers
  21. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... quick request! could you guys add the AK-74m with GPO-30 and ironsights to the game? I keep dying without it (lol dunno why) and it has a different sound compared to the regular AK-74, if not possible any 5.45 mm Caliber Kalashnikov will do. EDIT: If not could we Please even enable LEA on our server? We will not be using LEA on the MSO Beta Testing Server for good reason - I know the bigger picture is hard to see at this stage of testing, but this particular server is to be the far end of the spectrum from "Vanilla COOP" through to "RPG Realism COOP". The ACE/ACRE Fallujah Insurgency being the middle ground. If that AKM you described is a standard or ACE weapon, we can totally add it to the crate. But if it's part of an RH mod, know that we most likely will not be running a ton of weapons mods (like RH) on the MSO server. The concept here is to create an Arma mission powered by an SQL Database, similar to DayZ, where progress and many player variables are saved constantly. A day in the life of a Patrol Ops Soldier, if you will: Yesterday, I spent my time patrolling towns around the US Main Base. I found a suicide bomber, killed him, swept and cleared the town, finding 3 other IED's. After safe detonation, the town influence changed. I returned to base, and filed an AAR. I then went to the Base Logbook, entered my status, current radios and channels, and that I was going back out on local Patrol Ops on an ATV. On that patrol, I found a group of Takistan Army in Anar. I called in CAS Apache, 6+ confirmed hostiles eliminated, but I was KIA. On return to base, I noted this in my AAR, and then added entry to Logbook that I was returning to the area to recover my ATV and ensure the area was clear. Like Poffadder said, a rules set and better description will show new players the bigger picture of this RPG Multi-Session Operations "realism game mode". More to come...
  22. SolarFlame =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Wait, when is this event? Saturday or today? Lol nvm - seen date in forum title. Derp Wish we had weekday events. I never can get online on a Saturday :( We will be having events during the week, possibly starting this week. We don't want to exclude anyone, and will run repeats of same events so the roster has a chance to change and other players who missed out can play through the mission. Some are small, like this one, others are larger. But these pre-made ACE missions abound! Anyone can feel free to find one, and post up an event listing for any time/date you want, we will make a calandar event out of it for you, if needed. You can copy the format from the first post in this thread, and use this link to create a free emebed countdown clock for it: http://www.usflashmap.com/component/countdown_timer.htm?component_cdt=1 Also, all day events can become more common - for group play on our 24/7 persistent servers: Project Reality COOP Arma 2 Vanilla Insurgency Arma 2 ACE Fallujah Insurgency and even testing events such as: Arma 2 ACE MSO Beta Testing Operations The best times we've found for an international crowd are between 16:00-20:00 GMT (clock: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/ )
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