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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Count me in - stick me with Outlanders, whatever you do, when you get a lineup going.
  2. =VG= SemlerPDX


    Okay - here's my brother's Jack (actually Parsons Terrier) and the late, great Thomas the Cat: The dog loves to play with toys, and Tom loved to play with the dog: RIP Thomas
  3. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... omg, i am bad a searching mods for arma :( SixUpdater FTW: Download SixUpdater Here !2cool
  4. Thank you to all our donators!! Please help us to meet our goal this month so that we may continue to provide awesome game servers and a great website for us all to enjoy! VIVA VETERANS-GAMING! !fans
  5. I remember finding these when I first started to play Arma. Going through them again now - much more appropriate if we all take the time when we have it, so that we are all on the same page.
  6. Thanks to all Veterans! May freedom reign forever! !hi
  7. Do you think the people who get banned would have not been banned were they to have read more than just the rules, but a how to play guide? Does PR still have the PR manual?
  8. Charlie Squad; Fire Team 2 Castor lead us along the coastal road North, parallel to Lupago and Fire Team 1. Minimal contacts - took a long, cautious approach to SE AA camp, but suffered zero casualties as a result. This tactic would have been perfect, and safe against ACE AI, so do not think we took "too" long. We found the enemy SAM's unguarded and relieved their operators from duty before placing demo charges. Not long after, we heard reports of the General's demise and the subsequent fall of the Stronghold itself. Made our way to Extract Zone, and watched the Osprey's coming in en masse. Great game, very quick, but no doubt a result of our practices these past few weekends. ACE here we come!!! !2cool (on a side note - it's great to be playing Arma again with so many old friends - Murderface, Gaz, Calv, Jager, and the lot. Good times!)
  9. Some dude named Trent had a Kimber .45 this last summer. I didn't like the look of it (it barely resembled the Colt 1911). Had a rubberized hand grip and all that. You've seen my replica 1911, right? Silver plated with Mother of Pearl custom hand grips - a Llama .22LR :
  10. =VG= SemlerPDX

    ACRE help

    He's already done that several times....get online before the event today, a good hour or more before, and the ACRE group will all be online - massive tech help on all issues. Most problems arise from either installing ACRE while TS3 is running, and/or not running TS3 or Arma as Administrator. Again, sounds like he got it working...
  11. =VG= SemlerPDX

    ACRE help

    He had dsound.dll error - forgot what fix is for that, so I'm no help here. Looks like it's been sorted
  12. We need to re-order the squads based on current RSVP numbers. Also, if someone who is not signed up, perhaps someone such as BLuDKLoT or whoever, would like to be a streaming cameraman, I can make it possible. Basically, we make an independant slot, make independants neutral to all sides, give him 117 and 148, and full use of GCam (gigan's flying camera module). He will be able to record video, and transmissions over certain main command radio channels. Invincibility and neutrality will allow him to teleport on map click within range of radios, but also ensure that cameraman is ignored by battles. I don't relish the though of leading Charlie again with 2 fireteams I've never worked with/are extremely new to ACE and ACRE. Any chance Jager or any other LAMBS trained players would help us to round this out???
  13. I asked that same question about the 1911 .45, and all the shooters up where I go camping told me I'd be best off with an original Colt 1911 - as in old, original, from the era (in good condition).
  14. I love it. One thing, though, I was disgusted by the underwater takedown at what looked like 50m with a UMP I believe. There was a bit of a wait, too, before the impact, as if. I don't care if it was a .50 monster sniper rifle, no bullet is going to travel more than spitting distance in water. Perhaps it was a mistake, and these underwater physics and ballistics are just a pre-alpha demonstration not meant to be taken literally. I hope...
  15. Dude! What does mine say? Sweet! What does mine say? DUDE! SWEET! !lol You rock, Eclipse!!
  16. Ooh! Let me implement a real artillery script (what am i thinking, I'm so busy with this Shooting Contest) - Remember the one from CLAfghan, tho? BEST NON-MOD ARTY EVER! Count me in - with no respawn, we need a pilot who can stand to be bored until needed, not crash or get shot down by disobeying a hard deck, and can handle the squirrely Harrier. I can be that guy if no one else is qualified. Otherwise, any role is fine. !cheers
  17. Squad Lead 1 report: Our 2nd fireteam was undermanned, and had no experienced leader, and little communication. I folded myself into it, and led Teremmer and Sam closer than I would normally, acting as a FTL and SL. We were on vehicle detail, securing the trucks as we moved through town. At Chernogorsk, we spotted 3 enemies on a patrol inside the factory, but range and lack of cover denied us an opportunity to eliminate them. I had FT1 regroup and sweep the factory on the North side of the railroad tracks, while I led FT2 to clear through on the South side of the tracks. We had zero contact, although we could hear the firefights of Fire Teams 3 and 4 to our South. By the time we were pushing out East of the Factory, FT3 and 4 were hooking around to the East as well, where reports of a Vodnik came over the radio from SL2 and FT1. I was a little put off at the contant requests to communicate in game positions via Global Map Markers - every time I would communicate my position, or request a positional update, I was not met with 6 digits of coordinates, but a long wait, followed by "Can you see the mark?" "No, I can't" "Okay, I'll place it again in global channel". A real mood breaker - remember players, these systems don't exist in ACE - and we will only be training in ACRE as a standalone for so long before combining the two. Get used to map grids now. This is akin to learning how to shoot a rifle, but handing the weapon to "Daddy" each time you need to reload it. I died when moving up to the initial front lines of the second town, Electro. I caught a bullet straight in the head, one of many coming from under a small cement wall towards a Fire Team that was not watching their angles while moving up. I saw way too many guns pointed in the same direction when these groups were moving. Use your STHud to tell formation, and direction of domination of your team. Choose a direction others aren't watching! All in all, a good event. During the week here, I want to help those who had ACRE problems to get them sorted before next Saturday. Thank you to all who participated! !2cool
  18. Sign me up as well. I can be a FTL again, as I am trained/experienced but would just as well enjoy being the Corpsman and rolling with you, Calv, as I would also like to learn the SQ Lead role in order to play as it when you desire not to. (Also makes it so you can be surprised, as being Mission Maker AND Squad Leader can be a bit predictable at times). Savage: add keys for @STMovement as well, pretty sure is clientside, just need to allow like sound mods. (makes rifle barrels not get snagged on walls in tight quarters) Daylight savings in US and lack of in GMT is messing me up. I believe, according to your time calculator link, I am GMT-7. QUESTION: Clav - do you have scripting knowledge? Or are you an Editor wiz? Or a little of both? I am looking for someone who is good at or can learn scripting, as I get overwhelmed too often, and need to teach someone so they can get to my level and help make some killer scripts, and would like to help you/LAMBS players with making these campaigns/missions. Too many ideas, not enough time or personelle on one project.... Anyone want to learn some intermediate/advance scripting, please contact me (but don't post here - keep this ON TOPIC!)
  19. Count me in (PST, GMT-8, I believe). I enjoy SL/FTL/Medic/Grenadier(EGLM) Also, can be signed up as one of the "trainers" !cheers
  20. After Ingo and I were waxed right off the get go, we took advantage of the open player slots left from poor RSVP's pre-event, starting over at US Base in the SE. With no boats at the US Base, our only hope was to trek across country, avoiding Chernogorsk and Electro, to meet up with attack forces at the Barracks objective. We ran well over 6 kilometers and linked up with Savage and the remaining elements of Fire Teams 1 and 2. As I approached an opaque green tent, the raunchy smell I brewed up on our horrendous hike must have given me away, as a spray of gunfire ripped through the tent walls directly at me regardless of my low, cautious approach. Luckily, I took the rounds in my hip, and a huge sack of wet weed I had stuffed in my pockets on the hike actually helped to deflect the bullets from any serious injury. Like a fiberous mat of hay armor, my stash minimized the hit, and after Ingo moved in and sent the two tangos to meet their makers, he patched me up and we continued to clear the Barracks. Seemingly quiet, and empty, the camp suddenly came under fire from a lone gunman behind a short wall. Ingo took aim, and the gunman promptly gave up the ghost. The Barracks were now fully cleared, objective complete. We all beat feet to the next RV point, and then proceeded to lay out the Russian grass I nabbed onto the hot pavement in the sun to dry. All in all, we lost many men, but completed both objectives. [edit note: I was guilty of wrong radio transmits, and I am ACRE trained. Just shows we need to do this more often]
  21. Okay, I'm gonna give you a pass on this one. Welcome to the site! And welcome to online gaming - in all types of games on all systems from PC to PS3, and all inbetween, players group up through Voice Coms (like TS3), and form "Clans". No gamer "joins" a clan simply by throwing on tags, but I do understand the misconception (if any of us can remember so far back to before we had a clue about any of this). Get yourself a headset microphone, and really get into the games. Make friends, and talk. Online gaming is more than text chat while in a game. You can make life long connections and "best" friends, and maybe even join a "clan" that shares your values and gameplay style. I am removing the ban I placed on you, but will be keeping an eye on all associated names you use everywhere in Arma to be sure this is not a trend and not a deception of some sort. I will always give anyone the benefit of the doubt, just don't make a doubting fool out of me. !cool You should also note that many game servers have rules, some standard between them all (like "No Teamkilling", meaning don't kill members of your own faction in game) Accidents may happen, so just be careful. I recommend you read ours so that no more misunderstandings arise: VETERANS-GAMING Arma Rules See you around!
  22. Sorry for you loss. Thank you for sharing those memories. He will now live forever in ours as well.
  23. Pourquoi parlons-nous de la langue fran?aise? Peut-?tre devrais-je faire de ce thread entier dans la langue de vin et le sexe, n'est-ce pas? Est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre chose que le concept d'un gangster fran?ais est ridicule? Yall are some kooky dudes! Fun with Translators
  24. Count me in and put me down as a Fire Team Leader. !fans
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