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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Status Replies posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. I am going out of my mind with my current grow!! I like to think I run a tight, clean ship with proper air flow and humidity control, but seeing the dreaded Powdery Mildew on my leaves is just killing me!! I've upped the temps and lowered the humidity, and culled every plant that showed signs, but still I see it appearing on leaves.  Makes me want to burn the whole building down and start from scratch!  So impossible to deal with, and in later stages it is just unfeasible to treat.  I don't have the space for a Mother or to house a cloning machine, so I'm stuck with what the shops will sell, and I swear they just don't care about the quality of what comes in - it's all about quantity.  I thought I'd be good with Mike's Killer Clones way the hell out West, but they're just as janky as any place I've seen that sells clones.  I'm up shit creek without a paddle here, and I don't have the time to devote to daily PM treatment or removal - and I've seen how bad it can get in late stages like someone dusted the plants with a flour sifter.  UGH!!  Pro tips are welcome, but as they're supposed to be transplanted for flower cycle this week, I'm fairly certain I'm screwed and have lost over a month if I decide to Kill 'em All, sterilize, and start from scratch.

  2. So, it's been a crappy week for me.  Busy with projects at home, and on Monday, I threw out my right shoulder (I'm right handed) and barely finished my work tasks.  On top of that, I just launched a new server for my favorite game, Falcon BMS, and I've been unable to fly in it due to the whole "so much pain I want to vomit" issue.  Been so bored between the hot tub, ice packs, and frequent naps that I made a voice control setup for Steel Ocean so I can play a game using my voice (and a dual-axis controller in my left hand for aim/look).  Sleep schedule off, I tested it successfully last night around 2am, and it works.

    I have to take frequent breaks, but I'll be around here and there to game with you guys.  :hi:

  3. For those who don t know already, my left clavicle is broken and i also had a head concussion... I played some games in this state, a bit, but the doctors told me to stop using my other hand at all and also because my brain needs some pause after the hit... Good thing, it is getting better, i can use my left hand but i still need to wait couple more weeks to be fully recovered, as for the head they can t seem to figure why i m always feeling dizzy... I hope i ll be back as soon as possible !:)

  4. I've been absent for a few days, not sure about the next few as well... Got a family member in the hospital, my elderly cousin John - the guy I was on my last vacation with, and was planning to go camping with in August for two straight weeks.  He got rushed from Washington a Complex Medical Care Medical Complex here in Portland for emergency G.I. surgery.  I'm finally picking him up from the hospital this afternoon.  I'll be keeping an eye on things, some times all I have is time, but I can't get into a game because I don't know when I have to "jump and run".  Been watching some YouTube and reading up on SSD's to be sure my brand isn't the sort that catches fire like apparently many do, though I'm still having a hard time locating a number of genuine reports of SSD's used for PC gaming catching fire or emitting smoke.

  5. Hi! Im banned from this server -----> PRBF2 - Veterans Gaming Coop server.
    1. Banned Username: My first profile banned profile name: Magyarharcos, but i have a new profile: Totenkopf88
    2. What Server(s)?*: PRBF2 - Veterans Gaming Coop server
    3. When did this happen? Maybe 2016 October, or November.
    4. Reason you were bannedI:  Teamkill
    5. Describe the events leading up to your ban : I was playing, and a child stepped in front of me while I shot the enemies. And he's dead, then from the server banned.
    6. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? ) I would like to play the server because my IP is good on the server, and my teammates good players. Good experience to play the server.

  6. On my hard path I have allies by my side!


  7. From the VG Minecraft Modsauce 2 --  I've been building here and there to further develop my castle, flattened out the courtyard and started building the village.  First building I've finished is the church near the back, tons of carpenters' blocks for a proper angled roof, and some neat brick textures thanks to the chisel tool.  The larger L-shaped building near the church is next, gonna make it a Tavern of sorts.  Decocraft Mod is what makes the interiors so cool - having tons of fun building this model castle and village!
    Every few months, more of that mountain becomes part of my castle.

    That largest tower on the left is my indoor automated farm - it's 21 levels going well below ground, using ComputerCraft Farming Turtles for the automation, they reap every 3 hours.  Turned them off now, I have stored 10,000+ of every crop I keep.  It's mostly a Hemp farm, which I harvest Industrial Hemp String from, crafted into standard String, and then crafted into Wool as needed for other projects.xERwyKo.png

  8. Sup man!  Welcome back!
    I noticed your display name on the website - check out this post on how to change your name from "VG-Hans" to "=VG= Hans"

  9. I just remade the Reputation system here on the website to include many of the ribbons from the last website.  18 Levels just like the content count ranks.  Hope people enjoy it!  Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome.

  10. Is there now enough votes for my Brother to be admitted into VG?

  11. Been having quite a bit of fun on the VG Minecraft server with Renainn(davestrike) and his brother LionClaw, KiwiBob, Airbats, Double13, and Jaki the past few days...  Good times! :D


  12. Empty your Message Inbox so I can send you a private message, bro

  13. Gotta take a sortof 'life pause' right now, put my Twitch Streaming project goals on hold for another week while I take care of life.  Using the time to develop ideas, and reflect on input from friends - I've decided to make a 'video framework' in my Sony Vegas program so I can drop in video footage and easily edit it down for content and upload to YouTube and this will be a better way to cater to any audience I may attract with a Twitch stream as I may not be able to stream as regularly as some people are able.
    While I handle things, I've been spending my time learning Java for games development.  My goal is to make a small game (2D game like the old NES or Atari stuff) that will be an exercise to teach me the different bits that make up a game in Java and how to program them.  If I do it right, my 'first game' may be a decent framework for me to make other little games out of in the future if I want.

    I already know the basics of programming in a few other languages, so it's not as hard as it could be to learn, but I do need to get into some new areas for me, so it's properly challenging as well.  Had to put the 'code learning' on hold to actually draw some characters and objects (and background stuff) for this little game I'm making.  The max size of things in the world is 32 pixels by 32 pixels, so I'm using MS Paint to make all sorts of textures - grass, dirt, stone, brick, etc.  and also to make a character framework I can tailor to different in-game creatures like the Player or "monsters" or some "princess" to save, but all sharing the same style of legs, arms, head, feet - so I've made all those up, getting 2 frames that look like 'walking' when I flip between the two (will be used for animations in game).

    Fun fun!

    I'm spending the time to make the look good, and when it's just pixels, it's limiting - I've made my character's framework 64x64 pixels and will scale it down in-game to 32x32 pixels to fit the world, but it will retain the extra level of detail in that way.  I suppose any graphical item that needs extra detail to look good I will do that way.
    Here is a little doodle I did last night, gonna turn it into a properly drawn character for my little game, it's inspired from my memories of that little mage from Final Fantasy 9 and those wizards from the Legend of Zelda game (the original NES):


    character creature concept 1.png

  14. Gotta take a sortof 'life pause' right now, put my Twitch Streaming project goals on hold for another week while I take care of life.  Using the time to develop ideas, and reflect on input from friends - I've decided to make a 'video framework' in my Sony Vegas program so I can drop in video footage and easily edit it down for content and upload to YouTube and this will be a better way to cater to any audience I may attract with a Twitch stream as I may not be able to stream as regularly as some people are able.
    While I handle things, I've been spending my time learning Java for games development.  My goal is to make a small game (2D game like the old NES or Atari stuff) that will be an exercise to teach me the different bits that make up a game in Java and how to program them.  If I do it right, my 'first game' may be a decent framework for me to make other little games out of in the future if I want.

    I already know the basics of programming in a few other languages, so it's not as hard as it could be to learn, but I do need to get into some new areas for me, so it's properly challenging as well.  Had to put the 'code learning' on hold to actually draw some characters and objects (and background stuff) for this little game I'm making.  The max size of things in the world is 32 pixels by 32 pixels, so I'm using MS Paint to make all sorts of textures - grass, dirt, stone, brick, etc.  and also to make a character framework I can tailor to different in-game creatures like the Player or "monsters" or some "princess" to save, but all sharing the same style of legs, arms, head, feet - so I've made all those up, getting 2 frames that look like 'walking' when I flip between the two (will be used for animations in game).

    Fun fun!

    I'm spending the time to make the look good, and when it's just pixels, it's limiting - I've made my character's framework 64x64 pixels and will scale it down in-game to 32x32 pixels to fit the world, but it will retain the extra level of detail in that way.  I suppose any graphical item that needs extra detail to look good I will do that way.
    Here is a little doodle I did last night, gonna turn it into a properly drawn character for my little game, it's inspired from my memories of that little mage from Final Fantasy 9 and those wizards from the Legend of Zelda game (the original NES):


    character creature concept 1.png

  15. I bought with the sound card...but why not use a sound card? I never had issues like that. 

  16. I bought with the sound card...but why not use a sound card? I never had issues like that. 

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      p.p.s.   The two black lines on the 1/8 cable make it "stereo" -- it's possible to buy a mono line, would have only 1 black line on the plug, beware of that, be sure the picture shows 2 black lines or says "stereo" when purchasing.  

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. I bought with the sound card...but why not use a sound card? I never had issues like that. 

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      first cable shown -  googleable search term is:  1/8" audio cable

      second cable shown - googleable search term is:  1/8" to RCA cable

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. I bought with the sound card...but why not use a sound card? I never had issues like that. 

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      *for sound, just do what I do -- have your speakers connected to one of the 1/8" audio jacks... and unplug it when you're using your headset/mic so the sound goes to the earphones.  When u wanna watch netflix or game from the couch, just plug back in the 1/8" audio jack going from your speakers/TV to the PC.  You can find double-ended 1/8" audio wires online, if that is what your TV accepts... Sometimes TV's only accept those red and white RCA cords -- in that case, you can buy a cord that has those two on one end (red and white RCA style) and the standard headphone plug (1/8") on the other.  I use one of those for my parents so they can plug their laptop into the TV and watch netflix and hulu.



    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. I bought with the sound card...but why not use a sound card? I never had issues like that. 

  20. I bought with the sound card...but why not use a sound card? I never had issues like that. 

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      lol -- nice choice.  The reason not to get a sound card is that the motherboard has basically a sound card built into it, a very good one....  Many years ago, gamers would benefit from adding a "Network Card" and a "Sound Card" to their PC's for lower latency and impedance -- then the industry got wise and started making motherboards with kick ass Network chips and Sound chips.  Given that a "Card" attaches to one of the PCI-e slots, it's bandwidth is capped by the PCI bus, meaning data has to travel over a slower lane of traffic than a chip (sound or network) that is directly attached to the motherboard which speeds it's data along dedicated lanes on the motherboard.  A dedicated chip on the motherboard is always going to be faster than a chip we attach to a card and slip into a PCI port on a PC.

       Also, our gaming headsets often have only 1 plug -- either it's USB or a single 1/8" jack that carries the audio and microphone.  Sound cards can have a female jack that accepts this, it's uncommon to say the least, and they rarely have a USB input for gaming headsets.   Also, the sound coming out of the card has several 1/8" output jacks and who the hell runs a 7.1 audio system with speakers that do not use speaker wire, but 1/8' jacks?!  Real speakers have speaker wire - sound cards are a joke unless someone has a specific purpose for them, and those people use all kinds of pro audio equipment on top of that, like microphone amplifiers and low latency mixers on top of some crazy software like FL Studios and other shit to lower the latency to less than 10 milliseconds.

      (I can't take full credit for knowing all this - spent years chatting with people like Loz who know digital sound tech like the back of their hand)   Cheers!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. Teamspeak is having issues, keeps restarting every hour or two.  At first, the bottom two channels would disappear when it restarts, now we're missing tons of channels.  For some reason, it reminds me of this crazy fantasy movie I saw in the 1980's called Never Ending Story -- the world is slowly disappearing into a mysterious fog because no one believes in the world of imagination anymore. :teddie_04:

  22. Teamspeak is having issues, keeps restarting every hour or two.  At first, the bottom two channels would disappear when it restarts, now we're missing tons of channels.  For some reason, it reminds me of this crazy fantasy movie I saw in the 1980's called Never Ending Story -- the world is slowly disappearing into a mysterious fog because no one believes in the world of imagination anymore. :teddie_04:

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