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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Status Replies posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Teamspeak is having issues, keeps restarting every hour or two.  At first, the bottom two channels would disappear when it restarts, now we're missing tons of channels.  For some reason, it reminds me of this crazy fantasy movie I saw in the 1980's called Never Ending Story -- the world is slowly disappearing into a mysterious fog because no one believes in the world of imagination anymore. :teddie_04:

  2. Reformatted and reinstalled...it's like I bought a new PC! Hope it lasts. I'll know once I get everything installed again. But right now it's blazing fast. I'm stoked. yay for me bitches. 

  3. Been loving Fallout 4, and I know it has a ton of popular mods, some that add things, some that fix things -- and I do want to just play the game through once, with no mods, as I know the game has TONS of replay value and mods only add to that.

    But this issue of not knowing what my character is going to say when I choose a dialogue option is very frustrating.  Oniblood turned me on to the Nexus mod site to find the mod that shows exactly what you will say when you choose an option, and I am a very happy camper!!  Gonna keep playing the game with this one mod, and I gotta share the info for those who might not know it cuz it's just that helpful!! Huge thanks to these two modders!


    Full Dialogue Interface (NewDialog English and CN-DE-ES-FR-IT-JA-PL-PTBR-RU translations) by Cirosan and shadwar

    Here's a screenshot from my current mission, a long dialogue back-and-forth with the Synth Detective - and I am so happy I can see the full dialogue now:


  4. Been waiting for the Steam Summer Sale in hope that Bethesda would loosen their death grip on the $60 price tag they've held on Fallout 4 since it released near the end of 2015 - happy as hell it got a 50% off tag, and I've been playing the hell out of it.  For the most part, it seems this game tries to cover every base in the most popular gaming genres these days from survival to open world RPG to FPS action (including random IED's here and there!) with a bit of Minecrafting and base building as well as a fair amount of item and weapon upgrading.  Hell, they even got the "Zombies" genre covered in Fallout 4 with the rotten-brain ghouls and beasts.  Finally feeling a little deadly (against the normal shit, that is) and went back home to examine that old OP Power Armor Suit that I left behind.  Spent some time to fashion up some Grade-B parts for the power armor and bought some extra fusion cores - really getting into this!
    Got my dog, got my Stimpacks and RadAway, got my Minuteman painted Power Armor and my Minigun - game on! :Gigakach_02:


  5. look at TEDF profile, I gave him warning

  6. look at TEDF profile, I gave him warning

  7. Hey can u send me the server login where I can change server settings, rotate maps, add banner, etc.. pleeease

  8. yo semler :) im looking for someone who know how to use html. shitty banners doesnt want to scale up or down correctly damn! any ideas who can help?

  9. bro we seriously need fresh articles or we might as well get rid of that section. What are your thought? Articles bring visitors

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